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Wife Missing Can't Renew Marriage Visa

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The harm he is doing is not staying, or it seems working, within the laws of Thailand and this is making it increasing hard for those that do things by the rules (example: now must provide current signed ID card/home register of wife in addition to marriage certificate for visa issue at most Consulates). Now only receive a 15 day entry visa exempt rather than the previous 30 days.

Indeed actions such as this do have a negative effect on many others.

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If he's running a restaurant why doesn't he get a non -b and a work permit or is he determined to do everything ilegally ?

Was there really a reason to come out with this? What harm is he doing? .What a stupid statement to come out with to get a work permit. If you have been here anytime at all you know its a no go. Why dont people on this forum help each other in stead of being know all doom merchants.

Er.....??? You think all those Farang owned restaurants and bars don't get the owner a visa ? Most are running very low profit or loss making bars for the fun of it ?

He's got the business premises and a going concern business just do the paperwork show the funds if needed, pay the tax and get the visa.

3 month tourist visa, apply, 6 months for the process in which time he will have a visa on it, get year visa, turns 50 get retirement visa or carry on Non-B.

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Personally the more I think about this situation, the more I am starting to think that his main drive should be to get any sort of visa he can to be able to spend enough time here to get that marriage ended.

While she is his legal wife, there is always a danger that eventually she may turn up out of the blue and lay claim to any assets he has here. Now that would be twisting the knife.

Again, this is territory I have absolutely no experience in, so maybe I am wrong. But if there is any substance in that, then that is enough motivation to get it sorted. May well be a future problem gestating in the background.

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If he were to apply to Thai courts for a divorce (abandonment?), then he could get a VISA extension to remain for the duration of the divorce proceedings.

THIS would be a FANTASTIC solution of all his problems, indeed !

He could but live on ED Visa for the next two years. You mentioned he speaks perfect Thai, so if they adress him in Thai at the immigration when he applies for the second year, there is nothing he would have to fake, except not really reply in near perfect thai !

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If he were to apply to Thai courts for a divorce (abandonment?), then he could get a VISA extension to remain for the duration of the divorce proceedings.

I doubt he will get a courts visa for this. In fact it is more likely they will question his false statements that he has been living with his wife for each of the past extensions. This could be serious.

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One letter typo perhaps (I am a typo expert). Cost?

Got it. I went through all letters of the alphabet only for the first letter of the word. Would have been faster to look only at adjacent letters on the keyboard for all four letters.

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I think the day she left him his visa and extension became invalid. I'm surprised that he wasn't caught somewhere along the line. I considered and asked about a marriage (support visa) and the main requirement was that immigration wanted to make sure that we were legally married and actually living together. Apparently there are some convenience marriages just to allow the farang to stay in Thailand on a support visa.

If I were him, I would go for the education visa and would certainly not pursue the support visa. Just because he speaks Thai wouldn't keep him from learning advanced Thai. He could stay that way until he is eligible for the retirement visa.

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As this is being reported second hand am not sure the subject was on an extension of stay - in fact I seriously doubt it as it would have been totally fraudulent on basis of Thai wife for however long she has been missing. It seems much more likely he has been obtaining a new multi entry O visa from a Consulate each year but with the new requirements for ID card and home register in addition to marriage certificate this route it now blocked.

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What are the rules and regulations about divorcing a long departed wife at the local government office.

You can only divorce at the amphur if you both agree.

If you can't find here, you have no other option than to file for divorce at the court for reason of abondenment.

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If he were to apply to Thai courts for a divorce (abandonment?), then he could get a VISA extension to remain for the duration of the divorce proceedings.

I doubt he will get a courts visa for this. In fact it is more likely they will question his false statements that he has been living with his wife for each of the past extensions. This could be serious.

He does not seem to be on an extension of stay and being in a legal proceeding is a valid reason for an extension of stay for 90 days at a time, each tim costing 1,900 baht.

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