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Women's Self Defense


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Just thought I'd ask before I hit the two MMA schools I know of here... does anyone know of any women's self defense classes?

Unfortunately a very close friend of my girlfriend was recently the intended victim of sexual assault. I have spent time in MMA gyms in the past and had tried to share the importance of learning at least some self defense basics with my gf. She previously said she would be too embarrassed to go because she doesnt know anything about any martial arts or fighting, but after recent experiences she came to me and asked if I could find somewhere that taught women. I've searched around, but I'm not finding much.

I'm fairly sure either of the big MMA gyms here (Golden Triangle & Team Quest) would probably teach women, but I also worry it'll be too much for her. I'm looking more for something geared toward females. She's diminutive even by Thai standards and she's not looking to compete, she just wants to learn a few basics in case of emergency.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated...

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Questions! Is your lady over 18? Does she have a house book? Do you or her have the capacity to spend Baht 90 - 100,000?

If you can answer yes to these questions then tell her to apply for a pistol license, then go down to Bangkok and buy a "lady smith" (M60) in 32 calibre or even 22 calibre, very loud noise, very painful to whoever catches one, but difficult to kill with!

Should solve her problem on many fronts!

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As someone with a few years of martial arts experience under my belt I believe a little knowledge is sometimes worse than none at all in learning self defence. If the girl is diminutive even by Thai standards a few self defence lessons won't help her. If anything check some online stuff about preventative methods, a can of pepper spray and a very loud scream would be her two best methods of self defence.

Probaly not the the positive reply you wanted but it will be the most realistic.

And no deodorant too. whistling.gif ...................smile.png

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I taught a women's self-defense class for many years at a university in the U.S. Excuse me please when I say that women's self-defense is more about NOT fighting than learning how to fight. Obviously there ARE several 'control and restraint' techniques that are learned in the class, which as CMSally says, are actually based on Aikido moves and work well for smaller people. (They work well for large folks too... :) ) However the thrust of the class is on how to avoid having a situation escalate into a physical confrontation. The fighting component of the class is more to familiarize a women with the actual physical contact rather than turning them into an Cage fighter. We guys grow up wrestling with our friends and have some idea what that's like, even if we never have another fight after 7th grade Junior High. Most women never have that experience. The class just gives them familiary with the feeling. That familiarity helps a lot in a self-defense situation. A 'good' woman's self-defense class gives a woman the tools to deal with the 'differences' between fending off Uncle Joe when he's had a few too many at the family gettogether versus The Night Stalker in a dark parking lot. The class gives them 'options.'

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I'm grateful for the feedback guys.

I've had about a year and half of Aikido in the distant past. I liked the art and as rightly pointed out, it works for smaller people. I took a break from martial arts for a few years, then started with MMA... eventually realizing that at my size (6'2 & 250) and strength level, I will never be quick or fluid so I best stick to submission wrestling & Jiu jitsu. Ok, so a small quick more experienced guy taught me a lesson in the boxing ring, which hastened my departure to the mats. hahaa.

Anyway, I'll look in to the Gymkhana thing. I will not be buying her a gun. I dont expect her to become a fighter, but some very basic things could help her some day. It's really more about her peace of mind in the long run... and partially mine too as I cant be there all the time. She is tiny, but far from meek... however sadly she has nothing to back up her bark. As the previous poster said, girls dont tend to get much experience in these matters. Now she wants to fix that. After what happened to her friend (who escaped, unharmed, with the kids, thank god) its really on her mind to at least learn some basic things to do. I can teach her some things, but due to the size difference she just chalks it up to me being stronger or having trained for years. She'll do much better in a women's class.

Thanks again all... still open to suggestions if anyone has 'em...

Edited by WarProfiteer
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I'm grateful for the feedback guys.

I've had about a year and half of Aikido in the distant past. I liked the art and as rightly pointed out, it works for smaller people. I took a break from martial arts for a few years, then started with MMA... eventually realizing that at my size (6'2 & 250) and strength level, I will never be quick or fluid so I best stick to submission wrestling & Jiu jitsu. Ok, so a small quick more experienced guy taught me a lesson in the boxing ring, which hastened my departure to the mats. hahaa.

Anyway, I'll look in to the Gymkhana thing. I will not be buying her a gun. I dont expect her to become a fighter, but some very basic things could help her some day. It's really more about her peace of mind in the long run... and partially mine too as I cant be there all the time. She is tiny, but far from meek... however sadly she has nothing to back up her bark. As the previous poster said, girls dont tend to get much experience in these matters. Now she wants to fix that. After what happened to her friend (who escaped, unharmed, with the kids, thank god) its really on her mind to at least learn some basic things to do. I can teach her some things, but due to the size difference she just chalks it up to me being stronger or having trained for years. She'll do much better in a women's class.

Thanks again all... still open to suggestions if anyone has 'em...

Screaming has been mentioned I was wondering if that was not the first thing to do and as loud and long as possible?

Would that not take care of a fairly good amount of cases.

Or would it promote more violence?

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I'm grateful for the feedback guys.

I've had about a year and half of Aikido in the distant past. I liked the art and as rightly pointed out, it works for smaller people. I took a break from martial arts for a few years, then started with MMA... eventually realizing that at my size (6'2 & 250) and strength level, I will never be quick or fluid so I best stick to submission wrestling & Jiu jitsu. Ok, so a small quick more experienced guy taught me a lesson in the boxing ring, which hastened my departure to the mats. hahaa.

Anyway, I'll look in to the Gymkhana thing. I will not be buying her a gun. I dont expect her to become a fighter, but some very basic things could help her some day. It's really more about her peace of mind in the long run... and partially mine too as I cant be there all the time. She is tiny, but far from meek... however sadly she has nothing to back up her bark. As the previous poster said, girls dont tend to get much experience in these matters. Now she wants to fix that. After what happened to her friend (who escaped, unharmed, with the kids, thank god) its really on her mind to at least learn some basic things to do. I can teach her some things, but due to the size difference she just chalks it up to me being stronger or having trained for years. She'll do much better in a women's class.

Thanks again all... still open to suggestions if anyone has 'em...

Screaming has been mentioned I was wondering if that was not the first thing to do and as loud and long as possible?

Would that not take care of a fairly good amount of cases.

Or would it promote more violence?

Screaming is VERY effective but it can only be done for about 30-60 seconds before the voice gives out. But one of these "Fox" brand 'screamer' whistles never gives out, and is a LOT louder... You can find them in every good sporting goods store as it's a whistle of choice for soccer refs. They also sell them in the stationary store near the Irish Pub. But... these whistle don't do any good at the bottom of a purse or pocket. At night, they should be on one of those coiled plastic braclets worn on the wrist... I even keep one attached to the cuff of my motorcycle jacket. If I go into a ditch, pinned under the bike and can't move, I want to at least be heard!

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I'm grateful for the feedback guys.

I've had about a year and half of Aikido in the distant past. I liked the art and as rightly pointed out, it works for smaller people. I took a break from martial arts for a few years, then started with MMA... eventually realizing that at my size (6'2 & 250) and strength level, I will never be quick or fluid so I best stick to submission wrestling & Jiu jitsu. Ok, so a small quick more experienced guy taught me a lesson in the boxing ring, which hastened my departure to the mats. hahaa.

Anyway, I'll look in to the Gymkhana thing. I will not be buying her a gun. I dont expect her to become a fighter, but some very basic things could help her some day. It's really more about her peace of mind in the long run... and partially mine too as I cant be there all the time. She is tiny, but far from meek... however sadly she has nothing to back up her bark. As the previous poster said, girls dont tend to get much experience in these matters. Now she wants to fix that. After what happened to her friend (who escaped, unharmed, with the kids, thank god) its really on her mind to at least learn some basic things to do. I can teach her some things, but due to the size difference she just chalks it up to me being stronger or having trained for years. She'll do much better in a women's class.

Thanks again all... still open to suggestions if anyone has 'em...

Screaming has been mentioned I was wondering if that was not the first thing to do and as loud and long as possible?

Would that not take care of a fairly good amount of cases.

Or would it promote more violence?

Screaming is VERY effective but it can only be done for about 30-60 seconds before the voice gives out. But one of these "Fox" brand 'screamer' whistles never gives out, and is a LOT louder... You can find them in every good sporting goods store as it's a whistle of choice for soccer refs. They also sell them in the stationary store near the Irish Pub. But... these whistle don't do any good at the bottom of a purse or pocket. At night, they should be on one of those coiled plastic braclets worn on the wrist... I even keep one attached to the cuff of my motorcycle jacket. If I go into a ditch, pinned under the bike and can't move, I want to at least be heard!

That's it(!),I was going to post it myself...the most simple security device...they have it(a whistle) attached at every life preserver as well,for the reason...thumbsup.gif

...on the other hand,there is so many whistle-blowers here,that it may NOT work as such...giggle.gif

Edited by funcat
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