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Cm Pharmacy With Good Supplies Of Diabetic Insulin


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I can't recall the name, it was right next to the wheelchairs. I must not have walked up far enough to see the CMU pharmacy. I tried to Google the address but nothing came up. Is it clearly identified? I will have a look tomorrow and walk further up to try find it. Thanks! I just want a pharmacy I can trust

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I can't recall the name, it was right next to the wheelchairs. I must not have walked up far enough to see the CMU pharmacy. I tried to Google the address but nothing came up. Is it clearly identified? I will have a look tomorrow and walk further up to try find it. Thanks! I just want a pharmacy I can trust

If I am understanding you correctly, you went to the 2 pharmacies side by side across the street from the main enterence to Sriphat. Those pharmacies have been there for 7 years that I know of (surely longer) and are both very reputable. I would not worry about getting counterfeit insulin from them. I don't believe there would be a big market for it in Thailand to be honest. But you could always contact Novo Nordisk in Bangkok and ask them to check the control/lot numbers for you. You could contact them at 02 237-9263-4. Contact person: Mr. Hans Duijf.

Yes the CMU Pharmacy is clearly identified with a large sign in English. If you walk out of Suan Dok/Maharaj Medical Center, turn right and walk up about 2 or 3 blocks (in the opposite direction of the moat) you will run right into it. You will see a large sign CMU School of Pharmacy. The retail pharmacy enterence is right on the street on Thannon Suthep. To be honest I don't think this pharmacy is any better or any worse than the other pharmacies.

As to your question about proper storage/refrigeration, etc. by all means question them at the pharmacy about this but I suspect everything will be handled in a professional manner. I would however ask for a commitment on the 3 day promise. Stress the importance, get the name and phone number of the senior pharmacist and check in.

Best of luck to you.

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