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market trader

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Fedex is notorious for this use a different company and ship in smaller quantities in multiple shipments

Like metioned above I have shipped tons of stuff hardly ever customs duty and if I did get one just a few baht STEER WELL CLEAR OF FEDEX

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OP send me an PM with a real email and I'll arrange to send you some info via attachments or big file transfers of some things that may help you both.

However, chemo and natural can not go together, you read up and decide whether you want to give it a go as it will definitely mean walking away from the doctors. You cannot possibly cure a body while they are trying to poison it.

As starter you may want to check Breuss Organic Juice therapy, have no personal recommendations but read years ago it was curing cancers. The other stuff I can send as eBooks and PDFs can only help that along and won't interfere. If you are a beer and burgers type of couple the undertaking may be a shock, but there is a lot to correct.

I am not prescribing, you asked, so again PM if interested.

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Oh, one more thing OP cancer is a sytemic disease, it requires restoring the body to a state where it can deal with it itself in a state where the cancer cannot thrive, certain herbs may help but there is no magic pill and easy road.

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Where are you located. A visa run minibus from Phuket to Penang is 4KTHB including a night at a good hotel.

Just get your stuff sent to the hotel in Penang and then pay someone to mule it for you.

I am located where the forum is that you replied to. Chiang Mai..Most of us in this area do our visa runs to Maesai and then into Burma. Have someone mule it for me. I wasn't trying to bring in narcotics just simple herbs.

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Customs are going crazy with blocking herb and dietary supplement shipments since a couple of months ago.

I suspect a change of leadership. Somebody needs to fire the person in charge so people can get their herbs and vitamins at a reasonable price again. The local selection of food supplements is meagre and overpriced, and locally produced herbal products lack an effective control system.

Edited by weary
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I agree that the local selection of food supplements is meagre and yes some things are overpriced. What makes me nervous are products marked product of Thailand. However when you phone the company and ask how they managed to source this or that ingredient in Thailand and the answer is oh, we get that from China. Now I have nothing against chinese people but as we all know business ethics in China leave a lot to be desired. There is no way that I am knowingly going to injest any food supplement or vitamin that comes from China. Even if it is classified as medical grade plastic or iron ore.

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I am located where the forum is that you replied to. Chiang Mai..

My gf 'Noi' (Nunglak Budjinda) makes 2 fresh herbal drinks daily at her small store - Bai-Ya-Nang and Khow Tong Juice. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to her website (newby) but it is NoiChiangMai dot com or go here http://chiangmai.thaivisa.com/ her advertisement is at the top of the page, you may find some useful reading on her website (she got cancer ~4 years ago and is doing fine with: her herbs, meditation & some yoga plus lifestyle changes).

Even more important Noi is enroled in a Thai Gov approved "Thai Herbs for Health" program where she meets some of the best Thai Herbal doctors in the country who come here to teach the course. Noi can put you in touch with them, many are located in Chiang Mai - go talk to her. Her English is pretty good.

Chemo is a killer IMO as others have said.

Doug Beiers

PS. I show up at the store most days (closed Sundays) around 4PM for a few hours if you want to have a chat. Also my email is [email protected]

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I am located where the forum is that you replied to. Chiang Mai..

My gf 'Noi' (Nunglak Budjinda) makes 2 fresh herbal drinks daily at her small store - Bai-Ya-Nang and Khow Tong Juice. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to her website (newby) but it is NoiChiangMai dot com or go here http://chiangmai.thaivisa.com/ her advertisement is at the top of the page, you may find some useful reading on her website (she got cancer ~4 years ago and is doing fine with: her herbs, meditation & some yoga plus lifestyle changes).

Even more important Noi is enroled in a Thai Gov approved "Thai Herbs for Health" program where she meets some of the best Thai Herbal doctors in the country who come here to teach the course. Noi can put you in touch with them, many are located in Chiang Mai - go talk to her. Her English is pretty good.

Chemo is a killer IMO as others have said.

Doug Beiers

PS. I show up at the store most days (closed Sundays) around 4PM for a few hours if you want to have a chat. Also my email is [email protected]

Thanks for your post. I have noted and read the web site. Seems interesting. Will be in touch.

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Ask your seller to send by Standard airmail, 99% chance that it won't get caught by customs.

Also, if you condition allows just fly to Malaysia and bring a big bag, I always do it with a bag full of foreign cosmetics brands instead of paying import duty.

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Mr market trader, would you be kind enough to explain how you used the sabah snake grass? Do you eat it raw or boil it? How much do you consume each day? Appreciate your reply and best of health to you and your wife.

If you are using fresh leaf. Wash the leaves. Then put in blender. I use 250 ml of water. 1/2 apple peeled (for taste) and the following is a guide for quantity of leaves to use.

Stage 1 cancer --- 30 leaves per day

" 2 " --- 50 " " "

" 3 " --- 100 " " "

" 4 " --- 150 " " "

If using dry leaves. Blend the leaves until they have they appearance of very fine tea.

Stage 1 cancer --- 5 grams of blended leaves

" 2 " --- 10 " " " "

" 3 " --- 20 " " " "

" 4 " --- 25 " " " "

make a tea using 250 - 300 ml of water.

With all the above fresh leaves or dry leaves always start with the lowest quantity to see how your body reacts..Then gradually increase as required.

In my case I use the maximum quantities daily and never had any adverse effects. But everyone is different so go slowly.

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The local US embassy will arrange delivery of drugs from the USA for collection by US citizens.

Not any use to the OP, but may well help out others in a similar situation.

Is that the US Consul in Chiang Mai? Who does one talk to there to arrange the service?

I've contacted the American Consulate in Chiang Mai and heard back from a vice consul in the American Citizen Services area.

TommoPhysicist is wrong. There is no provision for the embassy or consulate to accept delivery of drugs from the USA for US citizens. The vice-consul thanked me for bringing this post to their attention so they'll understand the origin of any inquiries.

TommoPhysicist may have been under the impression that this was possible because retired career U.S. military personal to have APO incoming mail privileges for small, very small shipments. Not really packages, but letters, etc. Regular U.S. citizens do not have this priviledge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, this thread inspired me to go to Kamthieng Market and find some for myself. The two plants in the foreground are both Sabah Snake Grass (payayor). They were 50 baht each. On the right is a male, good only in the ground as a snake repellant. To plant one you need a plant with roots or seed. On the left is a female. It spreads easily and you can just break off a stem and stick it in the soil and it'll grow. At least that's what the lady told my wife, in Thai. I also bought a rather unimpressive bai yanang plant for 300 baht. At another shop we almost were able to buy a soursop (graviola) tree but someone beat us to it earlier that day. Maybe next time. I don't have cancer or anything but I love the idea of having medicinal plant growing in my back yard. You never know.


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I've heard a lot of stories about Brazilian Soursop or Graviola being anything between 100 and 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy!

Here's a link to one of many articles about it,I'm sure you've probably heard of it already?


What an excellent source of info! Thank you very much.

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Well, this thread inspired me to go to Kamthieng Market and find some for myself. The two plants in the foreground are both Sabah Snake Grass (payayor). They were 50 baht each. On the right is a male, good only in the ground as a snake repellant. To plant one you need a plant with roots or seed. On the left is a female. It spreads easily and you can just break off a stem and stick it in the soil and it'll grow. At least that's what the lady told my wife, in Thai. I also bought a rather unimpressive bai yanang plant for 300 baht. At another shop we almost were able to buy a soursop (graviola) tree but someone beat us to it earlier that day. Maybe next time. I don't have cancer or anything but I love the idea of having medicinal plant growing in my back yard. You never know.

Its the plant on the left or female that is used for medical purposes. If you ever get shingles (herpes) snake grass works very well to help soothe the itching and reduce the blisters.
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Well, this thread inspired me to go to Kamthieng Market and find some for myself. The two plants in the foreground are both Sabah Snake Grass (payayor). They were 50 baht each. On the right is a male, good only in the ground as a snake repellant. To plant one you need a plant with roots or seed. On the left is a female. It spreads easily and you can just break off a stem and stick it in the soil and it'll grow. At least that's what the lady told my wife, in Thai. I also bought a rather unimpressive bai yanang plant for 300 baht. At another shop we almost were able to buy a soursop (graviola) tree but someone beat us to it earlier that day. Maybe next time. I don't have cancer or anything but I love the idea of having medicinal plant growing in my back yard. You never know.

Its the plant on the left or female that is used for medical purposes. If you ever get shingles (herpes) snake grass works very well to help soothe the itching and reduce the blisters.

Hi, thanks for clarifying that. I knew that but somehow forgot to write it. How is your cultivation going? Is it true that the stems transplant well? Does the female naturally spread? I also forgot to say that the male is unnecessary for propagation but you know that. Quite a while ago my wife brought home a 30 baht, 100ml dropper bottle of Payayor (Sabah Snake Grass) extract in glycerine and I used it topically on a herpes outbreak. It definitely shortened the outbreak duration by about half. Good stuff but it leaves a stain on fabric. The company name is something like Apai puu bed. It's a very famous company, the one whose logo is a picture of an old colonial style hospital. Phone numbers on the bottle: (037) 211523 and (037) 211523,212179

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^ 'I have been able to source rooted plants in Korat...' - 'I have also been able to obtain fresh leaves from the same source.'

And...the source is exactly what company and details please.

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^ 'I have been able to source rooted plants in Korat...' - 'I have also been able to obtain fresh leaves from the same source.'

And...the source is exactly what company and details please.

Not a company but a private individual. This lady grows the plants for a family member who takes them for cancer. She is a friend of my wifes sister. The 1 kilo every 2 weeks that she is able to send us is all she has surplus. Even rooted plants she has no excess available. She has planted 200 cuttings and whatever survives she will sell to us as rooted plants in 8 weeks.

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