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Never Lend Money


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Hey i once gave a person a loan of B5000 knowing i would never get it back. The reason i did this was because to me B5000 was a fair price to have this person avoid me in the future.

Not brave enough to tell him to get lost?

What a wimp... :o

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Hey i once gave a person a loan of B5000 knowing i would never get it back. The reason i did this was because to me B5000 was a fair price to have this person avoid me in the future.

Not brave enough to tell him to get lost?

What a wimp... :o

If it was a true frien then why would i want to tell them to get lost?

I have been helped out by friends in hard times and i have helped friends when they have hit the rocks.

Edited by English Noodles
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Hey i once gave a person a loan of B5000 knowing i would never get it back. The reason i did this was because to me B5000 was a fair price to have this person avoid me in the future.

Not brave enough to tell him to get lost?

What a wimp... :D

If it was a true frien then why would i want to tell them to get lost?

Eh? :D

Try reading what you posted again... :o

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I have no problem at all telling anyone "I DO NOT LEND MONEY". I say this right up front as soon as the subject is brought up.

But here's a caution. A neighbour of mine nearly lost everything he had when he discovered to his horror that his wife had stood as guarantor for her sister and her brother-in-law.

They borrowed money, my neighbour's wife singed the credit with her and her husband's house as collateral and the rest was a sorry tale of having to pay off someone else’s loans and a huge set of legal/bank charges.

So it is not just a matter of do not lend money, far more important is...


and make sure your wife doesn’t either.

Lending money puts the money at risk, perhaps a risk you are willing to take, but standing as Guarantor puts everything at risk... something many people seem to not understand. And something Thais don't always consider when 'Helping the family'.

This is the reason we had to say no to be guarantor for some very good friends recently... I didn't like saying no, but we just weren't prepared to pay their debt if they couldn't, they weren't family.

totster :o

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Hey i once gave a person a loan of B5000 knowing i would never get it back. The reason i did this was because to me B5000 was a fair price to have this person avoid me in the future.

Excellent modus operandi!

At least twice this has worked well for me.

I call it "severance pay." :o

Not brave enough to tell him to get lost?

Nope, just a good way to end up being the unmistakable "good guy" in everyone's eyes while your "ex-friend" lives the rest of his life being reminded of what a leech he/she really is. I also consider it my personal penalty for being such a bad judge of character early on in the friendship.

Telling someone in a confrontation to "get lost" can compound your problems, especially in Thailand.

Edited by toptuan
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Sorry Noel i thought you meant if i lent to a friend it was because i was to much of a whimp to tell them to get lost but you meant the B5000 thing sorry my mistake.

The B5000 thing just ensured i would never be asked again, was just easier all round that way. My choice.


Edited by English Noodles
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Sorry Noel i thought you meant if i lent to a friend it was because i was to much of a whimp to tell them to get lost but you meant the B5000 thing sorry my mistake.


I did happen to see the full original text before you edited a certain part out though... :D

Regardless, no problem at all. :D :D

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I had a good mate of mine run drastically short of funds in Israel. He asked me for a loan.

I said " When will I see it again ?"

" He said " How should I know that. Maybe never"

I lent him it.

I ran into him five years later at Lasham in Hampshire, when I was short. He repaid me in full and lent me some more on top.

Lampy faire enough if you know from the beginning you won't likely see the dosh again, then you can make an informed decision if you want to give a gift of dosh or not.

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I have one guy who owes me £350, this is for goods he has had off me, this guy is backing horses every day, drinking, smoking and putting 20 quid a day in the bandit, and he cannot afford to pay me, just before xmas i got the b a s t a r d sorted, i got 100 notes out of him, he paid the price and i had my satisfaction, this is the only way to sort these low lives out.

if the guy owed me 15,000 baht and he is threatening you, send the boys around, only way, teach him a lesson, the old fashioned way.

Edited by Thaicoon
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I loaned some money to a couple in my ex's village in Buriram because they had to take their daughter to BKK for medical treatment....I watched as they bundled the lass up in a car and took off...they promised they would pay it back within a week....and it was...they offered to give me interest and I told them I loaned x amount...they only have to repay the amount given. Instant gratitude as they had to borrow from somewhere else to pay me back and were having to pay interest on that loan.


That was a one off situation for me...I knew the kid was sick and that they were strapped for cash at the time....the husband had a good job in Pak Chong...he later put me up at his resort job (staff quarters) for free and that included meals in the resort restaurant.

I wouldnt lend large amounts of money to farangs in Thailand....seen too many get their fingers burnt.

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I had a good mate of mine run drastically short of funds in Israel. He asked me for a loan.

I said " When will I see it again ?"

" He said " How should I know that. Maybe never"

I lent him it.

I ran into him five years later at Lasham in Hampshire, when I was short. He repaid me in full and lent me some more on top.

He sounds a good guy, i do not mind if i have lent money to somebody, if they cannot pay back just say to me sorry Ian, have not got it today can i pay you back a bit every week or so, fair enough at least they are been honest and trying, but when the person just does a moonlight flit and has no intention of paying back, he needs to be sorted.

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