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Japan Sentences 2 U.s. Sailors To Prison For Raping Young Woman


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<p> Japan sentences 2 U.S. sailors to prison for raping young woman </p>< br />

<p>2013-03-03 01:56:09 GMT+7 (ICT) </p><br /> <p>OKINAWA, JAPAN (BNO NEWS) -- Two U.S. Navy sailors were sentenced Friday to lengthy prison terms after they pleaded guilty to raping a young woman on the Japanese island of Okinawa last year, angering local residents who strongly object to U.S. forces being stationed in their communities.<br /></p><br /><p>Christopher Browning, 24, and Skyler Dozierwalker, 23, pleaded guilty last week at the Naha District Court, admitting they raped a young Japanese woman near Kadena Air Base on October 16, 2012. Okinawa, which was under U.S. control from 1945 through 1972, is located south of the Japanese mainland.<br /></p><br /><p>Investigators said Browning and Dozierwalker approached the victim as she was walking home during the early morning hours. The woman ignored them after which the sailors grabbed her in front of her apartment door, covering her mouth and forcing her to a nearby parking lot where she was choked, raped and robbed of 7,000 yen ($87).<br /></p><br /><p>Prosecutors were seeking prison terms of up to 12 years in prison, but Browning and Dozierwalker were sentenced to 10 and 9 years respectively. Both sailors expressed remorse and accepted responsibility for their crimes, which were captured by security cameras in the neighborhood. Browning apologized to the victim, the Japanese people, and the U.S. military.<br /></p><br /><p>News of the sexual assault in October angered local residents who have protested against the U.S. military being stationed there due to a number of misdeeds by American service members. One of the most shocking incidents was the rape of a 12-year-old girl by three U.S. service members in September 1995, sparking huge protests and forcing the U.S. to relocate an airbase from central to northern Okinawa.<br /></p><br /><p>In July 2000, a Marine was arrested after molesting a 14-year-old girl while she slept in her home and an airman was detained following a hit-and-run accident. Both incidents sparked major demonstrations against U.S. presence on the island, which is host to more than half of the approximately 50,000 U.S. military personnel in Japan.<br /></p> <p> tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2013-03-03 </p>

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

The next US/NATO war is against China and Russia..

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

In short, Yes. Just like the hundreds of thousands of US service men/women in the EU. But in Asia, its probably a good idea, China vs Japan, South Korea vs Japan, North Korea vs anyone, Islamic extremist in TL and Philippines. Lots of uncertainty in the Pacific.

Now why we still have such a huge presence in the EU, i have no idea. But I'm OK with it, at least for a little while longer.

Regarding these scum, 9 and 10 years? are you kidding me?

after they serve this sentence, I hope they get a dose of a military court marshal.

How would this affect double jeopardy as applied to military justice?

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

The Japanese are terrified of North Korea and they aren't the ruthless fighting force they were in WWII.

Edited by sbk
racial slur removed
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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

Inertia and procrastination. Military planners are not known for being enlightened or economic.

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

You're right on both counts. The US has a treaty to defend Japan, along with several other Asian nations. As a result, these nations don't have much of a military of their own. For instance Japan doesn't have nukes or ICBMs, which is now a real concern with N. Korea's behavior. The US has the Nukes and ICBMs all over Asia and will soon be putting more troops and hardware in The Philippines.

China is an outright saber rattler and claims parts of countries that are in dispute. I personally believe that without a strong US presence China would take those territories.

Originally there was SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization) which was supposed to compliment NATO but SEATO hasn't been as cohesive. Nonetheless, The US stands with its partners in Asia.

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Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

Saved me the bother of typing the above, well said.

Maybe time for some payback for Japan, rape of Nanking, comfort women and second world war attrocities.

If the two Koreas want to go at it, let them.

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

In short, Yes. Just like the hundreds of thousands of US service men/women in the EU. But in Asia, its probably a good idea, China vs Japan, South Korea vs Japan, North Korea vs anyone, Islamic extremist in TL and Philippines. Lots of uncertainty in the Pacific.

Now why we still have such a huge presence in the EU, i have no idea. But I'm OK with it, at least for a little while longer.

Regarding these scum, 9 and 10 years? are you kidding me?

after they serve this sentence, I hope they get a dose of a military court marshal.

How would this affect double jeopardy as applied to military justice?

Double jeopardy? Doesn't even come into it . . . different systems, different countries and military courts.

Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

Saved me the bother of typing the above, well said.

Maybe time for some payback for Japan, rape of Nanking, comfort women and second world war attrocities.

If the two Koreas want to go at it, let them.

By your reckoning the US and its people should pay dearly for all the 'attrocities' <sic> 'they have committed . . . not 70 years ago either . . .

Nice to see that brainpower is used to wish harm on civilians who had absolutely nothing to do with WWII.

So, if you're a Brit then you should sacrifice your family

Aussie? Yup, as well

American? Definitely.

I love small-minded people

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Saved me the bother of typing the above, well said.

Maybe time for some payback for Japan, rape of Nanking, comfort women and second world war attrocities.

If the two Koreas want to go at it, let them.

I don't disagree that Japanese troops were barbaric in WW2, but at what point do you let history go? Most Japanese alive today had no part in WW2. Do you also wish the Yankees harm for their atrocities against the south in the Civil War? These is plenty of evidence that such atrocities occurred. Or maybe the Germans & Italians could be punished to a lesser degree because their atrocities were not so bad?
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Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

The Japanese DO pay. And the world's policeman analogy only works along the lines of Harvey Kietel's Bad Lieutenant. The marines get sent in only to further "American interests", which always means some corporation.

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So I guess we can just rest easy and just bring all our bases and men home and let the rest of Asia be invaded and controlled by China and N. Korea. They will bring more stability, equality and peace for everyone.

Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

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Can someone tell me why there is still a need for US servicemen to be based in Japan? Is this a legacy thing since WW2 or just a general agreement as part of having a presence in the Pacific?

In short, Yes. Just like the hundreds of thousands of US service men/women in the EU. But in Asia, its probably a good idea, China vs Japan, South Korea vs Japan, North Korea vs anyone, Islamic extremist in TL and Philippines. Lots of uncertainty in the Pacific.

Now why we still have such a huge presence in the EU, i have no idea. But I'm OK with it, at least for a little while longer.

Regarding these scum, 9 and 10 years? are you kidding me?

after they serve this sentence, I hope they get a dose of a military court marshal.

How would this affect double jeopardy as applied to military justice?

As I recollect, double jeopardy doesn't count - Japanese criminal court & US Military court, so it is likely they will have an additional trial once released.

As for military presence - shades of Hong Kong, Okinawa belonged to the US for years and many born during that time are US citizens. There was much protest over returning the island to Japan. Okinawa was also one of the most bitter battles of WWII..

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Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

The Japanese DO pay.

Correct. Somewhere around $2.15 Billion dollars. Also since 1978 Japan has paid 5 Trillion Yen via the 'sympathy budget'. Actually 3 times more than Germany pays for US support.

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That little island far in the Pacific "Guam" is a full on military base. Troops from Japan are being transfered there and the Japanese U.S.A bases slowly wound down. Why? The Japanese are angry,they want the U.S bases to close. Also on Guam island there are no local girls.

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Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

The Japanese DO pay. And the world's policeman analogy only works along the lines of Harvey Kietel's Bad Lieutenant. The marines get sent in only to further "American interests", which always means some corporation.

Japan has now become the largest holder of U.S. debt, surpassing China. Maybe they can up their payments for our protective services?

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So I guess we can just rest easy and just bring all our bases and men home and let the rest of Asia be invaded and controlled by China and N. Korea. They will bring more stability, equality and peace for everyone.

Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

Shock, horror, the world didnt fall off its axis when the VC invaded the south.

The so called "domino theory" didnt happen.

We were told after the fall of the Berlin Wall we had wont the Cold War, since then, two Gulf Wars, a Balkans campaign and the madness of Afghanistan to keep a corrupt drug lord and his cronies in power.

Maybe time for these people to sort out their own problems.

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Saved me the bother of typing the above, well said.

Maybe time for some payback for Japan, rape of Nanking, comfort women and second world war attrocities.

If the two Koreas want to go at it, let them.

I don't disagree that Japanese troops were barbaric in WW2, but at what point do you let history go? Most Japanese alive today had no part in WW2. Do you also wish the Yankees harm for their atrocities against the south in the Civil War? These is plenty of evidence that such atrocities occurred. Or maybe the Germans & Italians could be punished to a lesser degree because their atrocities were not so bad?
but at what point do you let history go?

I have no idea, perhaps your question would be better answered by the people of, Korea, the Phillipines or China.

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Just another US bashing thread. coffee1.gif

No, just another 'American Rape' thread - nothing to report as the victims were only Asians, right?!

Get off your high (half?) horse!

Rape is committed by individuals. I'm sure there are over 300 million Americans who are also happy to see these animals put away.

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Hopefully with the US being broke, they may have to give up thinking that they have to be the world's policemen. If those countries want their country to be protected by the US military, they should be paying for it. US soldiers spread around the globe is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

A chunk of that money would be much better spent protecting the US borders.

The Japanese DO pay. And the world's policeman analogy only works along the lines of Harvey Kietel's Bad Lieutenant. The marines get sent in only to further "American interests", which always means some corporation.

Japan has now become the largest holder of U.S. debt, surpassing China. Maybe they can up their payments for our protective services?


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Just another US bashing thread. coffee1.gif

No, just another 'American Rape' thread - nothing to report as the victims were only Asians, right?!

Get off your high (half?) horse!

Rape is committed by individuals. I'm sure there are over 300 million Americans who are also happy to see these animals put away.

You didn't read the quoted text, did you . . . and if you did you didn't get the thread, did you?

Perhaps less focus on the equine would help you

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