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Thailand Struggles To Curb High Teen Pregnancy Rate


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Thailand struggles to curb high teen pregnancy rate
By Amy Sawitta Lefevre

BANGKOK: (Reuters) - When Mallika told her parents she was pregnant at 17, they pulled her out of school and ordered her to marry the baby's father. But the marriage didn't happen and the one-time aspiring singer now cares for her baby girl alone.

"I love her, but at the time I hid in shame," said Mallika, now 23 and a vendor of cheap, made-in-China clothing at a weekend market in Thailand's capital, Bangkok.

"The boy's family wanted to pay me to shut up and stay away from them. We were both children ourselves," she added, sitting in her dilapidated apartment overlooking a highway on the outskirts of Bangkok.

Mallika's situation is, sadly, far from unusual. Thailand's teenage pregnancy rate is the highest in Southeast Asia after neighbouring Laos, according to the Bureau of Reproductive Health at the Thai Public Health Ministry.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/08/thailand-pregnancy-idUSL4N0BZ1EM20130308

-- REUTERS 2013-03-08

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A lot of this is connected to the Thais being like the Catholics of Buddhism in Asia. As most of the Buddhism in Thailand is very orthodox and dogmatic just like the Christian Catholics and we all see what that had lead to! The excpetion in my own experience is the forest Monks mainly in Issan who really live like Buddha did.

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Men have to be made more responsible. If DNA can prove it's your kid, then you have to pay a certain percentage of your salary every month to the mother for the child. (I know - probably would never work here)

Sex education in school is vital. Teenagers, particularly boys, think about sex all the time. The chances are they're probably going to have it. Hand out condoms, etc, and make sure teenagers, probably some of the teachers as well, more aware of safe sex.

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Men have to be made more responsible. If DNA can prove it's your kid, then you have to pay a certain percentage of your salary every month to the mother for the child. (I know - probably would never work here)

Sex education in school is vital. Teenagers, particularly boys, think about sex all the time. The chances are they're probably going to have it. Hand out condoms, etc, and make sure teenagers, probably some of the teachers as well, more aware of safe sex.

takes 2 to tango.

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Men have to be made more responsible. If DNA can prove it's your kid, then you have to pay a certain percentage of your salary every month to the mother for the child. (I know - probably would never work here)

Sex education in school is vital. Teenagers, particularly boys, think about sex all the time. The chances are they're probably going to have it. Hand out condoms, etc, and make sure teenagers, probably some of the teachers as well, more aware of safe sex.

takes 2 to tango.

Okay, so the dad can take care of the kid while the mother works and pays. Makes no odds. It takes two to tango and it's up to the mother and father to take care of the kid.

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Where is the increase happening? In Bangkok, upcountry or both?

Is it possible there's simply an increase in reportage than in occurrence? Are more teens possibly choosing to go to a hospital rather than having a midwife at home?

The monolithic stat of 'increase in Thailand' doesn't help the cause, even if the overall aim of increasing access to contraceptives does, although it's possible they have more info but didn't disclose and/or sloppy journalism.

The Ministry of Culture makes dam sure that quality movies on Thailand are not viewable by the majority of Thais (e.g. Apichatpong) ....and they're doing a knockdown job of making sure nothing interrupts look toong (ลูกทุ่ง) videos - exhibiting underage girls dressing and dancing suggestively, face all caked in makeup - from airing around the clock on TV and karaoke joints.

Forget about the men, what the eff do they think those videos communicate to young girls?

Edited by seminomadic
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As long as teenagers use plastic bags instead of condoms, because they are to shy to ask for the free condoms provided by the National Health Service, nothing will change. Additional sex education is urgently necessary. Change the law to make unmarried fathers take responsibility and pay child support for their children und let pregnant girls stay in school or university instead of making them leave for the sake of "face". Thai parents should stop the "My child is holier than thou" attitude.

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This article is a mess, although expected in a Lefevre article. Thailand is not the highest other than Laos in the region, it is higher than Singapore (which is just about the lowest on earth, same with their overall birth rate) but lower than others like Philippines or Indonesia. The problem is they are probably comparing different statistics, teenage births per 1000 births in one case and teenage births per 1000 women (or teenagers) in another. Furthermore, the comparison to the United States per 1000 births is invalid, because it does not account for demographic differences. Thailand's age pyramid is significantly younger than the United States.

Here are all countries listed using the same measurements. Thailand is lower than many similar middle income countries like Argentina, Chile, Brazil, etc and only slightly higher than the US and the UK. Thailand, US, and UK are all high compared to continental Europe however.


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A lot of this is connected to the Thais being like the Catholics of Buddhism in Asia. As most of the Buddhism in Thailand is very orthodox and dogmatic just like the Christian Catholics and we all see what that had lead to! The excpetion in my own experience is the forest Monks mainly in Issan who really live like Buddha did.

Forest Monks? Maybe I am mistaken, but I thought Buddah traveled around India and Nepal and as such did not live in a forest?

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I think Thailand has the morning after pill? It's called Modona or something close.

They should probably make those easier to get. Less shame.

It's popular to say Thai culture is all about respect. Symbolic respect anyway.

I personally would like to see less Wai's and more behavior respect like

Driving caution,

less polluting,

Less corruption to increase fairness across society,

Animal welfare (I am definitely not a vegetarian btw),

Rights for women and minorities like the hill tribes and the list goes on.

If they want to be about respect then the sky is the limit in ways to be more respectful.

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As others have already said, education is the key. Young adults are NOT going to stop having sex. They are biologically ready for it. Mothers NEED to teach their daughters to refuse boys advances if protection is not in place. A horny young man of 17 to 20 is too young mentally to be a father and support a child. When young girls start getting sexually interested in boys it is time for them to start using the pill or be mentally strong enough to withstand the advances of a young male.

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A lot of this is connected to the Thais being like the Catholics of Buddhism in Asia. As most of the Buddhism in Thailand is very orthodox and dogmatic just like the Christian Catholics and we all see what that had lead to! The excpetion in my own experience is the forest Monks mainly in Issan who really live like Buddha did.

Forest Monks? Maybe I am mistaken, but I thought Buddah traveled around India and Nepal and as such did not live in a forest?

Yes 2,500 years ago there were huge amounts of forest in those areas of present day India and Nepal so he stayed in forest areas very often especially during the annual 3 month rain retreats when he was not traveling.

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We are victims. My son a and his girlfriend had a baby when they were 18. Neither mother or father has shown any sense of responsibility, therefore my wife and I are raising the baby who is now 19 months. Never dreamed that at 64 I'd me raising more kids.

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Well until Thailand accepts that modern methods of birth control are there to stop unwanted pregnancy's then the number of teenagers having babies will continue to increase. Studies in Western countries indicate that use of the contraceptive pill by young women does not in any way increase promiscuity, it just stops the high number of unwanted pregnancy's. At the end of the day, young people are always going to want to try sex, it seems sad that their entire lives get off to a heavy start when one night of fun produces a child that neither young person is ready for either emotionally or financially.

What do you mean by accept? Do you think there is some belief about not using contraceptives such as beliefs by many Catholics? I think it is more about education. Anyone of any age can walk into most any pharmacy in Thailand and buy birth control pills. <Snip>

Edited by metisdead
: Off topic obfuscation comments removed.
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Sex education in school

Free condoms or condom vending machines in school

Make men pay support

Time for Thailand to realize it is 2013 ....

Thailand is as far behind as the catholic church

"If you are gonna play contact sports ... wear a helmet

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This article is a mess, although expected in a Lefevre article. Thailand is not the highest other than Laos in the region, it is higher than Singapore (which is just about the lowest on earth, same with their overall birth rate) but lower than others like Philippines or Indonesia. The problem is they are probably comparing different statistics, teenage births per 1000 births in one case and teenage births per 1000 women (or teenagers) in another. Furthermore, the comparison to the United States per 1000 births is invalid, because it does not account for demographic differences. Thailand's age pyramid is significantly younger than the United States.

Here are all countries listed using the same measurements. Thailand is lower than many similar middle income countries like Argentina, Chile, Brazil, etc and only slightly higher than the US and the UK. Thailand, US, and UK are all high compared to continental Europe however.


Thank you - very good information - interesting how many times the comments are more correctly put together than the original articles.......create headlines - not facts ........ must have learned from the US media

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I simply can't imagine any government officials, military generals, or upper-echelon Thais coming out publicly in favor of the necessary education and birth control methods. All of the public personas at that level are way too conservative.

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Nothing to do with protected sex. Walk in to any 7/11 or supermarket and they are staring you in the face.

The problem is the lack of personal responsiility and the irrational cultural values inherited from their parents. Young Thai boys in families here can do what the hell they like with little oversight or condemnation from the parents . That to me is the crux of the problem.

They live in a twisted culture that actively endorses a lack of accountability and personal responsibility for their actions as can be testified by the recent spate of high profile cases regarding reckless deaths by the young driving motor cars. If you can take a life and walk away why should they be daunted by starting a life and walking away. No conscience , no moral or ethical compas and no bloody sense as to the reality of what they have done. They simply do not care. Mia pen rai.

In reality we are born virtually not knowing anything, To me the first problem HAS to rest with the parents, it is their responsibility to bring that child up to be aware of ANY dangers and to be taught what is right and wrong.

But there are times even with this in place kids go astray,and always will. away from the parental home schoo;s and with GOOD government Thailand should not have to be in this situation,

This applies to all countries.

Edited by ginjag
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You gotta feed and clothe your children-an honour over a responsibility at least for real men...oh but this is Thailand....

Exactly. What can be said about the current generation of Thai men? much does not apply to the last generation. But the Thai men under 25 are very unimpressive indeed. What do you want to bet the "father" of this child was raised by an ignorant mother, who did not want an extra child. Sorry she got pregnant too. They learn nothing in the real world. This punk gets up in the morning, eats, smokes 10 cigarettes, goes to work, makes life miserable for hundreds, gets off work, drinks himself blind, smokes another pack of cigarettes, gambles away his money, hassles women, gets countless women pregnant, and makes a pain of himself to everyone he encounters. Then he sleeps. Then, he gets up in the morning and feels like crap. And now we all have to pay the price for this fool's foolishness. What a waste of a life. And to think that he is consuming oxygen? What for? Does this summarize about 50 young Thai men that you know?

Mike Macarelli

Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well until Thailand accepts that modern methods of birth control are there to stop unwanted pregnancy's then the number of teenagers having babies will continue to increase. Studies in Western countries indicate that use of the contraceptive pill by young women does not in any way increase promiscuity, it just stops the high number of unwanted pregnancy's. At the end of the day, young people are always going to want to try sex, it seems sad that their entire lives get off to a heavy start when one night of fun produces a child that neither young person is ready for either emotionally or financially.

Huh? Thailand does accept the modern methods of birth control. Condoms and "the pill" are readily available. What methods are you referring to?

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Men have to be made more responsible. If DNA can prove it's your kid, then you have to pay a certain percentage of your salary every month to the mother for the child. (I know - probably would never work here)

Sex education in school is vital. Teenagers, particularly boys, think about sex all the time. The chances are they're probably going to have it. Hand out condoms, etc, and make sure teenagers, probably some of the teachers as well, more aware of safe sex.

not many school boys have a salary

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