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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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The Broadway show you are talking about is, "The Producers." Storyline

Step 1: We find the worst play ever written.

Step 2: We hire the worst director in town.

Step 3: We raise two million dollars. ... One for me, one for you. There's a lot of little old ladies out there!

Step 4: We hire the worst actors in New York and open on Broadway and before you can say

Step 5: We close on Broadway, take our two million, and go to Rio."

I think most will be able to see the difference. Not all, of course.

So bad that the move version only took $38 million.


The stage version ran for a couple of years in NY and London, toured the world, won 12 Tony awards. But then again, you really can't trust the views of the liberal elite arty air kissers can you?

Like I said, not everyone would understand. Above was the plot/storyline of the movie. Nothing to do with how much money the actual movie or play The Producers made. Ya see it was a story about scamming little old ladies out of their cash by two Broadway conmen. The movie and play did not scam anyone that was the plot.

The use of Hitler was an example of the worst play ever written. That's the part that I thought might be hard to understand re the Thailand examples.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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The Broadway show you are talking about is, "The Producers." Storyline

Step 1: We find the worst play ever written.

Step 2: We hire the worst director in town.

Step 3: We raise two million dollars. ... One for me, one for you. There's a lot of little old ladies out there!

Step 4: We hire the worst actors in New York and open on Broadway and before you can say

Step 5: We close on Broadway, take our two million, and go to Rio."

I think most will be able to see the difference. Not all, of course.

So bad that the move version only took $38 million.


The stage version ran for a couple of years in NY and London, toured the world, won 12 Tony awards. But then again, you really can't trust the views of the liberal elite arty air kissers can you?

Like I said, not everyone would understand. Above was the plot/storyline of the movie. Nothing to do with how much money the actual movie or play The Producers made. Ya see it was a story about scamming little old ladies out of their cash by two Broadway conmen. The movie and play did not scam anyone that was the plot.

The use of Hitler was an example of the worst play ever written. That's the part that I thought might be hard to understand re the Thailand examples.

And you've missed my point. One with a celebrated song 'springtime for Hitler' is okay, but a comical Ronald Mac made in little 'ole Thailand isn't?

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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

It was meant to be FUNNY. The Thai comics are meant to be cute and fashionable. I've already said I'm not bothered by the Thai comics but I am bothered when I see large figurative paintings of full Nazi uniformed Hitler in heroic poses clearly being marketing to people who admire or even worship Hitler.

Edited by Jingthing
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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

I said it might be difficult to understand. Yes it was meant to be offensive. That was the reason the play would close after a couple of days in the story. It was a story about an offensive play that would close so the producers could scam the money and go to Rio. It was a story about the worst play ever written which would be a musical about Hitler.

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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.
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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.

Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?

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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

It was meant to be FUNNY. The Thai comics are meant to be cute and fashionable. I've already said I'm not bothered by the Thai comics but I am bothered when I see large figurative paintings of full Nazi uniformed Hitler in heroic poses clearly being marketing to people who admire or even worship Hitler.

Tell me, who are these mythical Thai Hitler worshipers who yearn for mass extermination? Do they meet on the same night as Thai KKK club do?

Or is it white Neo-Nazi's holidaying in the land of the little brown people who are buying this stuff down at Chatuchak?

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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.

And in that case, Thailand was too easily offended.

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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.

Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?

I don't think he is, but I dare say you are trying to muddy the waters by putting the two concepts in the same sentence.

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Well I was walking down the street and......

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?
Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.

Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?

I don't think he is, but I dare say you are trying to muddy the waters by putting the two concepts in the same sentence.

The concept is Hitler fashion statement and the other poster is trying to muddy the water by brining up an off topic reference to sex tourism.

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The concept is Hitler fashion statement and the other poster is trying to muddy the water by brining up an off topic reference to sex tourism.

You can try and be a wanna-be mod all you like, but he was talking about the concept of being offended, too easily or otherwise.

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Well I was walking down the street and......

Again, an extension of stupidty and ignorance. But I bet they all didn't then run off and perform Thailand's version of Krystalnacht(sp) right after that? If they did, then I'd be worried.

In a year or two they'll all be dancing to whatever moronic K-Pop tune is in favour.

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Oy vey. The Producers is SATIRE. These Thai versions are something else.

Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.
Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?
No, I was drawing a parallel between Thais being offended by Westerners who were not intending to offend them, and Westerners being offended by Thais who were not trying to offend them. Maybe the outrage is more justified in one case than the other (you decide which one is a more serious issue), but if Thais are going to get upset over the SNL video despite the lack of intent of SNL to insult them, then they can't turn around and say that this is OK because they did not intend to offend. Edited by AngelsLariat
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Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?
No, I was drawing a parallel between Thais being offended by Westerners who were not intending to offend them, and Westerners being offended by Thais who were not trying to offend them. Maybe the outrage is more justified in one case than the other (you decide which one is a more serious issue), but if Thais are going to get upset over the SNL video despite the lack of intent of SNL to insult them, then they can't turn around and say that this is OK because they did not intend to offend.

Not that you are lumping a whole nation of 60m people together of course... ;)

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Indeed, but ask the question, was that intention meant to be offensive?

Probably not. But by the same token, when SNL aired that "Rosetta Stone for Sex Tourists" spoof it was of no consolation to Thais that SNL was not intending to offend Thailand.
Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?
No, I was drawing a parallel between Thais being offended by Westerners who were not intending to offend them, and Westerners being offended by Thais who were not trying to offend them. Maybe the outrage is more justified in one case than the other (you decide which one is a more serious issue), but if Thais are going to get upset over the SNL video despite the lack of intent of SNL to insult them, then they can't turn around and say that this is OK because they did not intend to offend.

You wrote, "You decide which is the more serious issue." Are you serious or making some kind of joke?

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Well I was walking down the street and......

Again, an extension of stupidty and ignorance. But I bet they all didn't then run off and perform Thailand's version of Krystalnacht(sp) right after that? If they did, then I'd be worried.

In a year or two they'll all be dancing to whatever moronic K-Pop tune is in favour.

There are some things you can make fun of and some things you should not. Baby killing is not something I think lends itself to humor. I don't care what country you are from. Anyone should know this. If you don't and such a large 10% of your GDP comes from tourism you should teach the population.

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Well I was walking down the street and......

Again, an extension of stupidty and ignorance. But I bet they all didn't then run off and perform Thailand's version of Krystalnacht(sp) right after that? If they did, then I'd be worried.

In a year or two they'll all be dancing to whatever moronic K-Pop tune is in favour.

There are some things you can make fun of and some things you should not. Baby killing is not something I think lends itself to humor. I don't care what country you are from. Anyone should know this. If you don't and such a large 10% of your GDP comes from tourism you should teach the population.

I often find ridiculing people or idea's which I find offensive more than acceptable way of dealing with matters.

But then again, we aren't talking about 'baby killings' are we (and where the heck did you get that one from Mr 'Ye must not strayeth off topic?')

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Are you going to draw a parallel between sex tourism and the Holocaust?

No, I was drawing a parallel between Thais being offended by Westerners who were not intending to offend them, and Westerners being offended by Thais who were not trying to offend them. Maybe the outrage is more justified in one case than the other (you decide which one is a more serious issue), but if Thais are going to get upset over the SNL video despite the lack of intent of SNL to insult them, then they can't turn around and say that this is OK because they did not intend to offend.

Not that you are lumping a whole nation of 60m people together of course... ;)

One could think that though, given the fact that the "taking offence" was communicated by the culture ministry, representing Thailand :-)
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One could think that though, given the fact that the "taking offence" was communicated by the culture ministry, representing Thailand :-)

I think the culture ministry represents itself and about 20 other anachronistic old crones with their heads so far up their bottoms that they get offended everytime they need to relieve themselves. But lest I fall foul of some wanna be mods, I'll just leave that one there shall I?

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Well I was walking down the street and......

Again, an extension of stupidty and ignorance. But I bet they all didn't then run off and perform Thailand's version of Krystalnacht(sp) right after that? If they did, then I'd be worried.

In a year or two they'll all be dancing to whatever moronic K-Pop tune is in favour.

There are some things you can make fun of and some things you should not. Baby killing is not something I think lends itself to humor. I don't care what country you are from. Anyone should know this. If you don't and such a large 10% of your GDP comes from tourism you should teach the population.

I often find ridiculing people or idea's which I find offensive more than acceptable way of dealing with matters.

But then again, we aren't talking about 'baby killings' are we (and where the heck did you get that one from Mr 'Ye must not strayeth off topic?')

What did you think they did with the babies of the Holocaust?

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Its is an insult to make fun of something. The nazi s were such idiots that sooner or later they would end up as a joke.. I think Thais like to shock westerns with their humour ... I kind of chuckle when one of these shirts go by and everyone starts hissing .. double that if it is some holier than thou type..

You could say the humour isn't in the history its in the reaction.

I think Thais just find it funny to piss of farang and play stupid.

Oh is that so?

I direct your attention to Thailand's intensive censorship of all things that can be considered offensive to institutions that are considered taboo for discussion in Thailand.

If I were to wear a tshirt mocking one of those monks selling magical amulets, do you not think many Thais would be offended?

Oopsie your argument just got flushed.

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What did you think they did with the babies of the Holocaust?

Now, come there CMK, lets not stray off topic here now shall we? Don't want you to have an annurysm or anything if we do?

Edited by samran
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Well I was walking down the street and......

Again, an extension of stupidty and ignorance. But I bet they all didn't then run off and perform Thailand's version of Krystalnacht(sp) right after that? If they did, then I'd be worried.

In a year or two they'll all be dancing to whatever moronic K-Pop tune is in favour.

There are some things you can make fun of and some things you should not. Baby killing is not something I think lends itself to humor. I don't care what country you are from. Anyone should know this. If you don't and such a large 10% of your GDP comes from tourism you should teach the population.

I often find ridiculing people or idea's which I find offensive more than acceptable way of dealing with matters.

But then again, we aren't talking about 'baby killings' are we (and where the heck did you get that one from Mr 'Ye must not strayeth off topic?')

Alice Cooper had a song called "Dead Babies" on his Killer LP than went something like "Dead Babies can't take of themselves, Dead Babies can't take things off the shelf". That album sold well too.

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Alice Cooper had a song called "Dead Babies" on his Killer LP than went something like "Dead Babies can't take of themselves, Dead Babies can't take things off the shelf". That album sold well too.

Indeed, I am reminded of Goya's 'Saturn devouring his son'. They hang that at the Prado you know. :)

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Many war movies have depicted Hitler, the SS, the Gestapo and the German army all in their fine uniforms...are you offended by them..has anyone boycotted these movies...

Well, no, none of those movies were produced by Thai's. As such, they aren't fair game by those who posses cultural superiority on a web board.

Where would we all be without Hogan's Hero's growing up?

Edited by samran
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Many war movies have depicted Hitler, the SS, the Gestapo and the German army all in their fine uniforms...are you offended by them..has anyone boycotted these movies...

Well, no, none of those movies were produced by Thai's. As such, they aren't fair game by those who posses cultural superiority on a web board.

Where would we all be without Hogan's Hero's growing up?

Yeah, as I recall, (and even now sometimes watch reruns online) Hogan's Hero's were careful not to ever show any depiction of Hitler himself, though of course everything else was fair game. I think I read somewhere that using his image would have resulted in backlash due to negative connotations of the man himself. Of course, everything else is fair game, Nazis, Gestapo, etc., all for humor. Moreover, I read that the series has been hugely popular in Germany, dubbed in German, though the scripts were varied somewhat from the original to appeal to German humor. Not sure what that meant....

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