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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Provided they can persuade the French not to supply them with arms then the highly trained Brits can and will thrash those poorly trained Argentine foot soldiers.

They may have been the enemy but they fought very well for a largely conscript army that was poorly led above battalion level and poorly supplied (see how the Argentine Marines on Tumbledown performed). Their pilots were similarly amazingly brave. I have no problem with the individual Argentine soldier or civilian but they have a shockingly venal and authoritarian government who will never respect the views of those that do not serve their purpose.

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Sabre rattling by Argentina is and always has been a smokescreen to divert attention away from domestic problems or to prepare for an election. The editor of the Bunos Aries Herald said same when interviewed by BBC a few days ago.

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The Falklands have only ever been disputed when the Argentinian Junta/Dictator/President of the day has needed smoke and mirrors to distract the Argentinian people away from internal troubles.

That simply isn't true. The Argentinians overwhelmingly feel those islands belong to Argentina. Wishing that weren't so doesn't make it not so.

So who in the Argentine first started these claims, the Spanish invaders or the indigenous population ?

There was NO Argentina when the Brits colonised the FALKLANDS

One of the first to spend any time there was a Brit who was abandoned at the islands. He managed to survive for several months before another sailing ship found him. He had a dog with him which aided him in capturing birds for food. I read it in a non-fiction adventure book. It sounds plausible (I can go back and check details, names, dates) ....or it may me British myth-making.

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the falklands are british, the people want it and the government should protect their wishes.

oil oil and more oil, money talks but so do the people.

lots of brave men lost their lives there, RIP those who served and sacrificed.

what irks me was some of the lousy treatment the veterans of that war suffered, celebrated as heros, forgotten when the euphoria wore off.

nothing has changed for the british serviceman, "a land fit for heros", when will that statement be proven true.

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lots of brave men lost their lives there, RIP those who served and sacrificed.


Lots of brave Argies lost their lives as well, sadly in the name of a dictator, but Maggie Thatcher was no prize either. Didn't Maggie use that conflict to boost her failing political brand?

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Quite right.

Have a read at Vulcan 603, a blow by blow of how "the" Vulcan got to Stanley and managed to bomb the airfield.

It was pure luck, nothing else and it could not be done again.

The book is a super read and when I read it I really couldn't put it down.

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lots of brave men lost their lives there, RIP those who served and sacrificed.


Lots of brave Argies lost their lives as well, sadly in the name of a dictator, but Maggie Thatcher was no prize either. Didn't Maggie use that conflict to boost her failing political brand?

Love her or hate her, Thatcher was the leader of a democraticaly elected government. But you don't believe in democracy, apparantly.

If Galtieri and his junta had not decided to invade then there would have been no British response and brave men on both sides would still be alive today.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Quite right.

Have a read at Vulcan 603, a blow by blow of how "the" Vulcan got to Stanley and managed to bomb the airfield.

It was pure luck, nothing else and it could not be done again.

The book is a super read and when I read it I really couldn't put it down.

I am sorry but you have to pick on the one part of the Conflict that was purely a publicity stunt. I am not normally pro RAF but their guys were onboard the carriers and everyone else knows what the other 2 services did, but that long range stunt was for political reasons only.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Quite right.

Have a read at Vulcan 603, a blow by blow of how "the" Vulcan got to Stanley and managed to bomb the airfield.

It was pure luck, nothing else and it could not be done again.

The book is a super read and when I read it I really couldn't put it down.

Haven't you lot ever heard of RAF Mount Pleasant?

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Point taken, Scott.

However, a certain member has repeatedly posted that the democratic wishes of the islanders should be ignored.

Personaly I feel that he should be willing to justify that view.

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Argentina democratically elected Kirchner and Argentina's justification for not feeling the islander's preferences are relevant to the nationality of the islands was already posted by me. I have no "justification" of anything here except to say that there are two strong sides to this conflict, and just because you've been fed only the one side all your life doesn't mean there isn't also merit to the other side. Like Kirchner, I wouldn't want to see anyone else die over this, and it was tragic that so many on both sides have already died.

Which side has the stronger argument or more accurate take on the history? I really don't know but it's clear if you're British, you'll mostly say your side, and if you're Argentinian, you'd also say your side. That's why I think negotiation is in order.

Do Argie politicians use this as a hot button? Sure they do, but that doesn't necessarily mean there is no merit to their claims on the islands.

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Argentina democratically elected Kirchner and Argentina's justification for not feeling the islander's preferences are relevant to the nationality of the islands was already posted by me. I have no "justification" of anything here except to say that there are two strong sides to this conflict, and just because you've been fed only the one side all your life doesn't mean there isn't also merit to the other side. Like Kirchner, I wouldn't want to see anyone else die over this, and it was tragic that so many on both sides have already died.

Which side has the stronger argument or more accurate take on the history? I really don't know but it's clear if you're British, you'll mostly say your side, and if you're Argentinian, you'd also say your side. That's why I think negotiation is in order.

Do Argie politicians use this as a hot button? Sure they do, but that doesn't necessarily mean there is no merit to their claims on the islands.

Think you have lost the plot on this one. coffee1.gif

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This just sounds like propaganda to me. Everyone knew the islanders were going to vote to stay British. It's was a PR gimmick. Nothing real and of consequence regarding this long standing conflict.

This repeated if you believe in democracy meme is just a cheap way of demonizing anyone who thinks the Argentinians have an argument for ownership.

Again the Argentinians have a democracy and their people are laying claim to the islands.

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Think you have lost the plot on this one. coffee1.gif

Because I wasn't indoctrinated in British propaganda and take a more neutral view and approve of my own government taking a more neutral view? I think not.

I get it. This is an English language board and thus is dominated by UK people and commonwealth people. So the strong bias here is understandable.

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Yes, Argentina is, presently, a democracy and it is claiming the islands.

Even if it is true that the majority of Argentinians agree with their government; you are missing one very important fact: THEY DON'T LIVE IN THE FALKLANDS!

Still, you consider the democratic decision of the islanders a PR stunt and those of us defending their right to self determination to have been indoctrinated in British propaganda.

How is that a neutral view?

Why do you hate democracy so much?

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As I've already said I think the islander's vote was a propaganda stunt and Argentina has every right to scoff at it. If the islands were a sovereign country, this situation would be very different. But clearly Argentina's position is that this conflict is between TWO countries, not three, and the islands are not one of the countries. I get that UK people would disagree with that but it is a defensible POV.

What's kind of funny to me is that I'm pretty sure if you went to Buenos Aires today and asked about the vote that most Argies would say the same thing, that the islander's vote was just a propaganda stunt, and yet somehow because I am voicing that it is a totally outrageous thing to assert. They're pretty normal people there, as normal as you Brits.

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Why do you hate democracy so much?

You are just baiting me now and I think you know it. Not cool.

You call the expression by the islanders of their democratic wishes a PR stunt.

You say that the democratic wishes of the islanders count for nothing.

You either believe in democracy, or you don't.

The views you have expressed in this topic, and previous ones on this subject, prove that, at least as far as this issue is concerned, you don't.

You can't believe in democracy when it suits your argument and dismiss it when it counters your argument; there is a word for those who do that, begins with H and ends in ite.

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There are plenty of grey areas in all democracies. Argentinians believe in democracy but they don't accept the voices of the Islanders which they think are rightfully Argentine islands as decisive for the resolution of the long standing ownership conflict.

Anyway, I do think the islands will eventually be Argentinian, in the fullness of time. But the British side has won for now, so go celebrate if you wish.

Kirchner, I don't agree with everything she's done in politics, but I think as a proud Argie woman she is doing what she must on the islands issue. I find her a very appealing politician and I also admired her husband. I know she was allied with Chavez but I think she is much more of a reasonable player on the international stage.

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Sorry my posts have been deleted because l talked comparisons. Sorry about that. rolleyes.gif

So JT, as you are it seems the only one defending the Argies, where do you think the Brits on the Islands should go. ? Or, Argies take over and Govern their way . ? laugh.png . Paper bag comes to mind.

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There are plenty of grey areas in all democracies. Argentinians believe in democracy but they don't accept the voices of the Islanders which they think are rightfully Argentine islands as decisive for the resolution of the long standing ownership conflict.

Because successive Argentine governments know that if the wishes of the islanders are considered then there is no way that the islands would ever become Argentinian.

Democratic when it suits, ignore democracy when it doesn't.

Hypocrites; as are all those who support that stance.

Let me ask you something.

The majority of UK citizens support the union and do not wish Scotland to become independent.

If the Scottish people do vote for independence in their forthcoming referendum, whose view should count; the Scots, or all citizens of the UK?

From your stated position over the wishes of the Falkland Islanders one can only conclude that you think the wishes of the Scottish people should also be ignored.

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