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Unwanted Attention From A Private School's Teacher


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Forget it , be glad she told you about it and move on . But if your testosterone can not endure Maybe a visit to the school and a few dirty looks to the teacher might be in order . That is unless you are a Pee Wee Herman then I would stay home and just smile about it .....

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I don't understand why a text message. Why didn't he just ask her out?

Just message back, fantastic,bring your wallet my boyfriend has a huge appetite (and not just for food, wink wink) will your girlfriend be coming too?

But seriously my reaction would be one of pity, sending text shows the poor lad ain't got no game! I'll bet you he sent the text to many girls at the same time. Delete, ignore, move on.

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OP, you're acting as if you're the first guy to ever have his SO hit on. It happens all the time.

You claim to be upset about the obtaining of the phone number. I don't think so. I think you'd be just as upset if the guy had walked right up to her and asked her out. This isn't about a phone number, it's about jealousy.

What your SO decides to do about it is something you can't control.

People who worry too mutt about things they can't control get a clinical diagnosis.

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Dont worry....said person does not have the gonads to ask in person.....so does it from afar......he must be hideous.

But....maybe she could get free lessons out of it.

Wish a teacher at our school would ask me to dinner.

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The question is -- what do you do if a teacher violates the confidentiality of a student in Thailand? If anyone can share any experience with it, it'd be greatly appreciated.

I thought you already understood - there isn't any enforceable "right to privacy" for information like this. I'd be very surprised if such even exists in theory, but certainly not in practice.

Give it up!

I may not agree to give it up but I figure there is no "official way" of treating it.

So what was wrong with my online search suggestions?

I have enough of my own ridiculous, pathetic little problems that those too, no one is interested in, so I bid you all a good morning.

I figure there is no "official way" of treating it based on the responses I've gathered so far. I was hoping there is a legitimate way to approach it ...

I have no trust issues with my GF, she actually told me about this situation herself (she thought it was funny). It looks horrifying to me, though.

'horrifying' is most likely not the word i would have used.......unles you are also scared a little about it.

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Personally, I think your girlfriend should just sent a message back that she is involved with somebody already! And be flattered by the attention. :D

Having the phone number of somebody you see regularly anyway is not exactly a breach of privacy in this time and age of social media.

Of course, if he keeps going at it after he has been informed your GF is not available, then he is moving into the stalking area, then action will have to be undertaken.

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Dude, don't impose your host country's morals and tertiary laws on TL. All your assumptions may not apply.

and if you kept on this path of attention on your GF in the US,

you may have been up for a restraining order in your near future.

She's 32. She can handle it. Can you?

PS, if it was me, i'd be ready to move on soon.

If this is an isolated incident, then its probably ok,

but if shes done or had other odd incidents happen to her.....

the writing is on the wall..... Sorry dude.

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I am from US and a teacher looses his job and/or goes to jail over smth I've described above. It's like a cop taking bribes ... But following the anology I should not be too much surprised with the situation in Thailand ...

Like a cop taking bribes? You have got to be kidding. This is not remotely close. As an American myself, NO, a teacher wouldn't lose his job over this and absolutely would not go to jail. This guy isn't even her teacher, but an administrator. So there wouldn't be any conflict of interest regarding grades and such. And frankly, you have no idea how he got her number, so your "privacy" argument may not even apply.

The concern in the US would be a 35 yr old teacher hitting on an underage high school girl. That's understandable. Or a college professor hitting on one of his students. None of this applies to your situation. This isn't even a real "school." And she's 32!! Geez, dude, you're letting your jealousy get in the way of your good sense. This could backfire on you big time if you let it get out of hand.

By the way, did your GF reply that she already had a boyfriend? If not, I'd be more worried about her loyalty to you than the other bloke.

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We are surrounded by beautiful woman, I can not get my head around why people would want to get jealous, when people start getting jealous in a relationship, then to me all the trust as gone, and believe you me, you will be for ever fighting and arguing, If your misses want to go giving her phone number to every tom dick, and harry, then I think maybe she is not happy with things at home,

Thailand there is plenty of fish in the sea, just go for a swim and get your self another fish thumbsup.gif

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I don't understand why a text message. Why didn't he just ask her out?

Just message back, fantastic,bring your wallet my boyfriend has a huge appetite (and not just for food, wink wink) will your girlfriend be coming too?

But seriously my reaction would be one of pity, sending text shows the poor lad ain't got no game! I'll bet you he sent the text to many girls at the same time. Delete, ignore, move on.

Even though you say it as a joke, I think this would be a good reaction.

Make that teacher loose face!

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I have the impression that most posters that reply here, have been burned by their gf / wives, and now they are assuming / hoping that the OP will get burned too.

Jealousy, pure jealousy.

No not really, if it happened to my gf i could not care less, if you can't trust her to do the right thing then what kind of a relationship do you have.

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I have the impression that most posters that reply here, have been burned by their gf / wives, and now they are assuming / hoping that the OP will get burned too.

Jealousy, pure jealousy.

A bit of yes and a bit of no,,,yes there are some of us who have been burned, there are some of us who are still smoldering, as we are extra cautious, but you are way of the mark, when you say that other people go around wishing bad luck on other people. just because they have had bad luck them selves wai2.gif

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A surprising turn to the thread.

To me it appears that OP was asking a simple question. Was there any expectation that information the student provided to the school would be confidential, and was the teacher breaking any ethical or legal code by using that information to approach a student for a date.

To both parts the answer would seem to be No -at least here in Thailand.

The teacher asking a student out on a date - in person or by phone to me is completely morally reprehensible.

But there again, at best many of the foreign language "teachers" here are little more than language tutors and so to expect ANY form of moral code from them in the teaching environment is perhaps a step too far.

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wow, brutal crowd.

All this talk of "why do you care/stop being obsessive" when deep down you all know you would be at least a little angry if you were in his situation.

Yeah, its not a big deal, I agree, but give the guy a break, he asked a question in a respectful manner about what he should do about a teacher at an english school looking up his g/f's number and then asking her out. Of course you would be a little upset if you are the boyfriend.

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I worked in a language school before and the teachers never had access to the students phone numbers, only the staff at the front desk had this information, and only they contacted the student if it was necessary.

Maybe she gave the teacher her number or he has got access to her information card.

I know that many teachers get added on facebook by students, I certainly did, I see no problems with that. But asking a student for a date is not the thing to do, yes I have students numbers on my phone from when I taught them years ago, but it is for queries that are work related or about traveling in the UK or Europe and nothing else, there are boundaries that should not be crossed.

Edited by beano2274
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The teacher asking a student out on a date - in person or by phone to me is completely morally reprehensible.

Not really. There is no duty of care in this situation here that would make it reprehensible.

What is questionable is that "personal data" (i.e the phone number) that she entrusted the company has been used for something that it was not intended. As far as I see, data protection legislation in Thailand does not have any provision for this. So the logical consequence for the women, if she feels offended or inconvenienced, is to take her custom elsewhere.

Please, restrain yourself from commenting if your advice is not realistic and action-specific.

An invitation to derail a conversation?

Edited by Morakot
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Spot on Beano , I teach in a government school, at the weekends I work in language center. and we don't have any access to any phone numbers.

I also have a few students who learn with me 1 to 1, we have each others phone numbers, as Thais are in the habit of canceling lessonssmile.png

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Spot on Beano , I teach in a government school, at the weekends I work in language center. and we don't have any access to any phone numbers.

I also have a few students who learn with me 1 to 1, we have each others phone numbers, as Thais are in the habit of canceling lessonssmile.png

Thais are in the habit of canceling and changing things all the time. That is the only thing a guy like me hates. But then again im far too organised for some.

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Jealousy does not become anyone. At 32 your girl friend is an adult and can deal with unwanted attention from anyone, including a teacher. You've already been given some very good advice. Your own English writing skills are not the best and jealousy just furthers the problem. If you continue to act in this manner then you'll lose (not LOOSE) whatever you might have going between you and your Thai girl friend. There is no need to keep beating a dead horse. If you lose out then just take it as a lesson learned about life in general and don't make the same mistake again.

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wow, brutal crowd.

All this talk of "why do you care/stop being obsessive" when deep down you all know you would be at least a little angry if you were in his situation.

Yeah, its not a big deal, I agree, but give the guy a break, he asked a question in a respectful manner about what he should do about a teacher at an english school looking up his g/f's number and then asking her out. Of course you would be a little upset if you are the boyfriend.

Did you even the read the OP? It wasn't her teacher, but one of the administrators. And he doesn't know how he got her number, but "assumes" that it was through some sort of confidentiality breach. He then goes on to suggest that if it happened in America, the guy in question could be arrested, which is patently absurd.

Frankly, I do believe that English teachers who hit on their students are scum. This doesn't seem to be the case. The OP wants legal remedy so he can exact his revenge. Help him if you must.

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I am very angry for the breach of trust between a student and a teacher and violation of confidentialty of student's personal information.

...but more angry because another man has come on to your girlfriend?

If I got upset with every bloke that got fresh with my wife, I'd be in a permanent fight.

yes he feel insecure....it is not the breach of trust, he is jealous. Edited by h90
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wow, brutal crowd.

All this talk of "why do you care/stop being obsessive" when deep down you all know you would be at least a little angry if you were in his situation.

Yeah, its not a big deal, I agree, but give the guy a break, he asked a question in a respectful manner about what he should do about a teacher at an english school looking up his g/f's number and then asking her out. Of course you would be a little upset if you are the boyfriend.

Did you even the read the OP? It wasn't her teacher, but one of the administrators. And he doesn't know how he got her number, but "assumes" that it was through some sort of confidentiality breach. He then goes on to suggest that if it happened in America, the guy in question could be arrested, which is patently absurd.

Frankly, I do believe that English teachers who hit on their students are scum. This doesn't seem to be the case. The OP wants legal remedy so he can exact his revenge. Help him if you must.

No teacher, no administrator but:

An owner of the school, XXXXXXXXX sent her a text mesage, asking out.

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She shows you this and think its funny.

I dont know but i would interper it like. See how silly this jerk is thinking i will go out with him when i have you.

She could been making this up to see how you react, in that case you failed.

But then im not the right one to give advice since im rather uncapeable to keep long relations with people no matter of gender.

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