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Members Bashing Members!


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I have noticed over the months that there are very few members out of approximately 25,000 that actually participate in the comments and discussions on TV Forum. It took me awhile to figure out why. There are a small number of members that have an interest in and enjoy bashing other members. These few members do not research a subject before commenting, and have no valid comments, answers, or suggestions and who's only interest is starting a 'verbal war' with other members. These few members seem to find fault with other members comments no matter what the comments may be. If they disagree they do not state what they specifically disagree with. Disagreeable comments like "I know where you live", or "I know you", etc. do not win many friends.

There have been some excellent advice and suggestions that have been provided to me by several TV members - they know who they are - and have been very helpful to me, and I appreciate those comments, good or bad.

As for me, I have read too many negative comments to continue using this 'Forum'. It is really amazing to me how so many of these 'negative' members have 'zero' knowledge of my - education, profession, work experience, personal background, what I have 'gone through' or 'put up with' for the past 40 odd years, etc. - but profess to 'know me', or any other member, for that matter! They seem to want me to provide them with my detailed life history.

From today on, I will become like the approximately 95% of the membership that prefer not to comment or seek advice, etc. and stick to reading the comments and not participate in the 'forum' beyond that.

Thanks to all members that took the time to provide answers to my questions, some of which were 'stupid' and/or 'dumb'.

Edited by chiangrai57020
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A warm welcome back to the Lurker's Den.

Plenty of company in here, but always room for more.

Just sit back and watch the surly cynics spin their wheels.

Great fun!


Perhaps the Lurkers could start a thread (with poll?) listing their most entertaining or cynical posters :D

Or would that mean they've exited the den and become what they most despise? :o

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I have noticed over the months that there are very few members out of approximately 25,000 that actually participate in the comments and discussions on TV Forum. It took me awhile to figure out why. There are a small number of members that have an interest in and enjoy bashing other members. These few members do not research a subject before commenting, and have no valid comments, answers, or suggestions and who's only interest is starting a 'verbal war' with other members. These few members seem to find fault with other members comments no matter what the comments may be. If they disagree they do not state what they specifically disagree with. Disagreeable comments like "I know where you live", or "I know you", etc. do not win many friends.

There have been some excellent advice and suggestions that have been provided to me by several TV members - they know who they are - and have been very helpful to me, and I appreciate those comments, good or bad.

As for me, I have read too many negative comments to continue using this 'Forum'. It is really amazing to me how so many of these 'negative' members have 'zero' knowledge of my - education, profession, work experience, personal background, what I have 'gone through' or 'put up with' for the past 40 odd years, etc. - but profess to 'know me', or any other member, for that matter! They seem to want me to provide them with my detailed life history.

From today on, I will become like the approximately 95% of the membership that prefer not to comment or seek advice, etc. and stick to reading the comments and not participate in the 'forum' beyond that.

Thanks to all members that took the time to provide answers to my questions, some of which were 'stupid' and/or 'dumb'.


totster :o

Edited by Totster
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I have noticed over the months that there are very few members out of approximately 25,000 that actually participate in the comments and discussions on TV Forum. It took me awhile to figure out why. There are a small number of members that have an interest in and enjoy bashing other members. These few members do not research a subject before commenting, and have no valid comments, answers, or suggestions and who's only interest is starting a 'verbal war' with other members. These few members seem to find fault with other members comments no matter what the comments may be. If they disagree they do not state what they specifically disagree with. Disagreeable comments like "I know where you live", or "I know you", etc. do not win many friends.

There have been some excellent advice and suggestions that have been provided to me by several TV members - they know who they are - and have been very helpful to me, and I appreciate those comments, good or bad.

As for me, I have read too many negative comments to continue using this 'Forum'. It is really amazing to me how so many of these 'negative' members have 'zero' knowledge of my - education, profession, work experience, personal background, what I have 'gone through' or 'put up with' for the past 40 odd years, etc. - but profess to 'know me', or any other member, for that matter! They seem to want me to provide them with my detailed life history.

From today on, I will become like the approximately 95% of the membership that prefer not to comment or seek advice, etc. and stick to reading the comments and not participate in the 'forum' beyond that.

Thanks to all members that took the time to provide answers to my questions, some of which were 'stupid' and/or 'dumb'.

How old are you again??

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Group: Members
Posts: 90
Joined: 2004-10-09
Member No.: 13,521

Not meaning to be one of the bashers, but 90 posts in a year and a half you didn't participate that much anyway.

I've been here a while now, and I go through spurts of posting and not posting - usually based on how much work I've got on. I've seen A-Holes that like to flame and like to put up inflamatory statements. They usually don't last that long. Either they p!ss off the Mods, or they get flamed to death by other members - usually the former. You should not leave just because some idiots keep slapping you, they will either get bored, find a new target or get barred at some point. Some of them ever settle down and become nice people eventually :D There's t0ssers everywhere - if you hide from them all the time, they get to think they are clever and people appreciate them. As you said, usually they are fighting blind and their arguements are often easy to tear to shreads. So tear away - if you're right, everyone else will dig in too.

If they get personal or offensive, there's always the Forum Rules - report them and they may get censorred or slapped by a Mod.

Like Aerosmith say's "Don't get mad, get even" :o:D

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Why get hot and bothered over something thats out of your control? Any public forum will have a few of the "trouble makers", soooo, sit back, enjoy, participate as you see fit.

If you don't participate than TV would have once less comment, one less suggestion, one less advice. How is that gonna help anyone?

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Mate i was me who said "I know where you live"

I was first joking saying i know everything and you said you dont know me, i just said I know where you live as an example as to "I know everthing" as a bit of fun.

Dont take it to heart :o

Plus some of the comments you made im sure would upset a few members like saying

All Thai people lack common sense, All Thai's are born corrupt etc.

If talk down to Thai people im sure people will flame you back as many of us have Thai fiancees/wife/gf/or Thai themselves

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Be fair: posters who persist in having a go at other members will be warned and/or banned, especially when it includes anything that could reasonably be conceived as any kind of threat.

You can always bring an abusive post to a moderator's attention. There's a 'Report to moderator' link where you can do just that.

That said, even the most valuable of contributors may have the odd bad day and will stay things they would regret later on. Such is the nature of discussion 'forums'. It's perfectly possible that this is not for you, feel free to just 'lurk', or move on.

I'm closing this diuscussion because it's about this forum itself and not about general matters related to Thailand. I will however not remove it but leave it here so others can see the point you made. I'm sure there's others who feel the same way.

The people who help running this forum have a fine line to walk: forbid any kind of heated argument and contributors will feel that a bunch of kindergarten cops on a power-trip are ruining the forum. Allow it completely and then folks like yourself will feel we're ruining the forum. We don't always hit the perfect balance in the middle but we do try.

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