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I got ADSL with TOT and pay 2,700 baht a month for 1024/512. Before this I paid 1,000 baht for 1024/256. Since I had problems with this connection I decided to upgrade my connection.

For emails, downloads etc my connection is very good and I am very satisfied.

For radio, tv and online gaming my connection used to be a lot better. That is the first 1-2 month it was extremely good.

What happens the past 2 weeks is, I simply temporary looses my connection. This is usually for a couple of seconds and then it is all back. For radio, tv and internet gaming these minor disconnects are not acceptable.

I have been to the TOT office countless times. Yesterday I went to TT&T to get information about their offers. At the TT&T office there was a thai man complaining about the TT&T ADSL connection.

At my home country I am online with reliable connection which is only 512/256.

Is this just how Thailand is?

Are there any tricks I can do?

Is there a better service available and how long will it remain better?



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The main problem for Thailand is that ALL internet traffic has to go through basically one big pipe to the outside of Thailand!

If that one single pipe is overloaded, you'll get this very short disconnects.

The more expensive your package, the higher your priority to receive data through that pipe, so you should experience less of these outages. But still, full is full!

You'll get the same with any provider, TT&T or TOT because everything goes through the same big pipe from CAT...

However, if these outages are very short, you should be able increase the buffersize of the player you are using to listen to radio or TV.

With a big buffer, it'll take longer before the media starts playing but a stopage in data from a couple of seconds will go unnoticable...

I would say as a rule of thumb, on these more expensive packages, you should be able to watch streaming media of a quality about half of what your connection is claimed to be. In your case, any video with a bitrate of more then 512 kbps will be doubtfull to come in without hick-ups...

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I got ADSL with TOT and pay 2,700 baht a month for 1024/512. Before this I paid 1,000 baht for 1024/256. Since I had problems with this connection I decided to upgrade my connection.

For emails, downloads etc my connection is very good and I am very satisfied.

For radio, tv and online gaming my connection used to be a lot better. That is the first 1-2 month it was extremely good.

What happens the past 2 weeks is, I simply temporary looses my connection. This is usually for a couple of seconds and then it is all back. For radio, tv and internet gaming these minor disconnects are not acceptable.

I have been to the TOT office countless times. Yesterday I went to TT&T to get information about their offers. At the TT&T office there was a thai man complaining about the TT&T ADSL connection.

At my home country I am online with reliable connection which is only 512/256.

Is this just how Thailand is?

Are there any tricks I can do?

Is there a better service available and how long will it remain better?



The only difference with your new package is faster upload speed, download is the same.

Did you really need that. AS for gaming 1024/256 is just fine.

I'm on ToT 1024/256 and have no complaints.

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The only difference with your new package is faster upload speed, download is the same.

Did you really need that. AS for gaming 1024/256 is just fine.

I'm on ToT 1024/256 and have no complaints.

Also they told me they will put me on a line with less traffic. Something like that.

All games are different. Some need more power. Also some servers are not that good at reconnecting you.

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I think of your options it is just the way Thailand is.

Monty's explanation about the pipe may be the true technical explanation but does not take account of the fact that the system is just not engineered to a consistent quality standard so anything can happen, something good one month bad the next, could even be cause by being too good and everyone changing to it.

A good thunderstorm could change everything as lines and connections get wet, just imagine how much work that must mean for the engineers they stand no chance.

By the way our local internet shop girl says that to get anything done at TOT, being a government agency, is to find the man to bung, otherwise nothing happens.

Therefore I would not recommend buying any one year contracts as many people got caught on the TTT Maxnet Home scam that offerred cheap ADSL that turned out to be little better than dial up, now people say it is OK , it is supposed not to do VOIP or bittorrent but people say it does! The whole thing is just a

Pot Pourri lucky dip! Just be a position to switch when it stops working.

Edited by spacebass
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Can I ask a slightly different question in the same spirit--

Is there any frigging way to have a reliable connection (in continuity, speed and latency) at any bandwidth in Thailand?

I am living on Koh Tao, and from what I understand from the options, it is really a stretch.

(For Koh Tao, it looks like there are two full-duplex microwave links for the phones, a DTAC link for cell service, and Prasit's TurtleNet which is also microwave linked to Koh Pha Ngan. The only other option is IpStar.)

I looked into having a server hosted in Thailand to overcome international backbone problems, but the problems exist on a different scale locally.

It's hard to imagine that with all the people having problems with IPStar, True, and others, that an alternative for something reliable at a reasonable cost (say double the competition) has not come up.

I hope it gets better soon, because I am doing a lot more flying than I want to right now! It's often hard to beat sneaker-nets.

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also me i use tot goldcyber 1024/256 but with some reasons that i dont'know my upload go to almost 400kilobits and download never go up of 850-900 kilobits

i pay 1000 bath per months,and also the staff oh tot in phuket say to me that is not necessary to pay 2700bath for upgrade to package biz(less shared and more upload),because you can get almost the same result with normal package home

is inutil package he say to me

completely satisfied with goldcyber,in the day time is very bad(but in the day time never i use pc),but from 17pm to 09am is very speed and no problem for run emule in full download

a lot,a lot, a lot better of anypackage of TRUE,before i live in bangkok with TRUE and i can say that TOT is much better of TRUE a lot

Edited by giulio
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Can I ask a slightly different question in the same spirit--

Is there any frigging way to have a reliable connection (in continuity, speed and latency) at any bandwidth in Thailand?

I am living on Koh Tao, and from what I understand from the options, it is really a stretch.

(For Koh Tao, it looks like there are two full-duplex microwave links for the phones, a DTAC link for cell service, and Prasit's TurtleNet which is also microwave linked to Koh Pha Ngan. The only other option is IpStar.)

I looked into having a server hosted in Thailand to overcome international backbone problems, but the problems exist on a different scale locally.

It's hard to imagine that with all the people having problems with IPStar, True, and others, that an alternative for something reliable at a reasonable cost (say double the competition) has not come up.

I hope it gets better soon, because I am doing a lot more flying than I want to right now! It's often hard to beat sneaker-nets.

First of all: TurtleSpot is not Prasit's. He was interested during the first weeks of the company startup but then bailed out and tried to copy the concept (which is the Thai way...).

Koh Tao depends indeed on the microwave connections to Phangan. The price for a fiber connection to Chumpon is over 280M Baht, so that is just no option for such a small island (fiber to Phangan ain't much cheaper). At this moment TurtleSpot is looking into providing cheaper, permanent connections for farangs living on the island, but a smaller delay than 400ms for connections to the US and Europe are just not possible at this moment.

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