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Favorite Thing About Thailand


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Oh give it a rest and lighten up a bit , this isn't the first thread where I have been target to your obviously superior intellect, Titanium member rating and all knowing use of google.

Another favourite to add.

Durian flavoured Ice cream, and the look of surprise when providing it to a unknowing visiting friend.

# Disclaimer If my post offends you, and you feel to commit such an act is counter productive, to some one newly arrived and enjoying Thailand.Do Not Panic the chance of me buying you an ice cream are slim.

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That the most ubiquitous international language is spoken loudly, clearly and unashamedly here. Bribes. If you can't speak it, than you probably only know English?

Sorry about that I guess you don't speak English. Unless bribes is your favorite thing about Thailand. Hmmm.

Yes and no.

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Nobody moaning at me if I want to put a tree on my land. Nobody moaning at me if I want to build an extension on my house. Walking around in flip flops. Cheap clothes. Cheap food. Buzzing around on the scooter. The smiles. Beer Leo. Great beaches. Hustle n bustle if you want it.

You should try skem ,its the same but different.:-)

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I had Dengue fever too here. :) I don't blame Thailand. I agree with the original poster, that the cost of living and how affordable everything is makes it really nice. The people are great, and I never feel in danger. In the states everything is so expensive, and there are all these hidden costs, surprise parking tickets, and it's just working the grind, and waking up and doing it again. But here, there's freedom, and opportunity to start a business or make something.

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Being able to walk up to a beautiful young girl and tell her how gorgeous she is and getting back a hearty thank you with a 500w smile.

Never a hint that they might think they're being "harassed", just genuine pleasure for the sincere compliment.

An elderly friend of mine does exactly that. And, he's not hitting on them. He is just stating a fact. Us gals DO like to be noticed and appreciated when we think we look pretty good in a new outfit.

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Being able to walk up to a beautiful young girl and tell her how gorgeous she is and getting back a hearty thank you with a 500w smile.

Never a hint that they might think they're being "harassed", just genuine pleasure for the sincere compliment.

An elderly friend of mine does exactly that. And, he's not hitting on them. He is just stating a fact. Us gals DO like to be noticed and appreciated when we think we look pretty good in a new outfit.


Yes but these days "back home" - at least in NES-lands - you'd certainly get a negative reaction, if not a violent one for doing exactly the same thing.

And in some extreme locations, it's verging on illegal activity.

Sad sad days.

And BTW even if you were to follow up with a request for a phone number, it would still be taken as a compliment even if they decline or give a fake one. . .

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Where else can you get a positive response for leering at a young lady? biggrin.png


That wasn't what I was talking about at all, I always am open, friendly, polite and sincere, nothing I wouldn't do or say if her mum were right there.

What you're talking about, depending on your own age and appearance, and just how young a girl and who's observing/reacting to your leching, it's quite possible you're just being laughed at, or sometimes they're being Thai-polite to avoid a confrontation.

Many foreigners mistake such for a positive response.

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"Favorite Thing"....

(1)The international airport is just down the road if it's ever required.

(2)Having a good wife, who enjoys being with, and taking care of me. Also doesnt go one baht over the agreed budget.

The rest is common sensethumbsup.gif

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The fact that (for most) family comes first, friends a close second, people are tightly networked in together to help each other out when needed, and everyone's aware you can't rely on government handouts and we're all just one major disaster away from basic survival issues.

And striving for the career rat race is a very distant last on the list of priorities. . .

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Chang beer at a pound a pop.

Smokes at a pound a pop.

Food cooked for me anywhere at a pound a pop.

A songteaw or a taxi at a pound a pop

Keeping my Mrs happy a few pound a pop.

Anything i really want is only a few more pound a pop.

A very cheap country in my eyes because i am not very extravagant biggrin.png

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