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This is out of a Jim Carrey movie. My stomach was bad, and the banana shake I just had didn't sit well. I hurried to this internet café and used their squat toilet. Man that was intense, and went on forever. LOL. Anyhow, I went to sit down at the computer. Another guy went into the bathroom and I could, from 20 feet away, hear absolutely everything loud and clear.

I also went on an overnight bus ride.....laid down on the front seats. The guy hit the brakes while I was sleeping and I was thrown into some metal floorboard, right on my spine. Man that hurt. I actually went into shock, and a minute later, fainted into the side compartment of the van (door well or something). right on my head. Nobody even seemed to notice, since only 4 of us in the van. 30-minutes later, I was fine.

oh, it doesn't stop there.......haha.

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First time in Thailand. Patong, Phuket. I was 22. Went out, got pissed, returned back to my overpriced Bulgalow with a lovely, tall, Thai Lady. Once the undressing took place I realized that I've taken a man with tits (they were big, though) back home.

I sobered up in mili-seconds and fled the scene.I left my wallet, phone, keys, ....well everything. After my shock wore off a bit on the beach I went back to my Bulgalow, where the Ladyboy was sitting on the porch grining at me and saying: First time, hu?

I replied: First and last, and you'r welcome to take a Taxi.

Oh come on, you are amongst friends here. Did she have a bigger dick than you? smile.png
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Biggest mistake?.....spending years thinking drinking, parties, and sex would provide the most satisfying enjoyment I could extract from Thailand and Thai people.........enjoyable though it certainly was...smile.png


When I was a bit younger and a lot more stupid I took a bus ride from Krabi to Bangkok. Not being one for long journeys I helped it a long with a bottle of Wisky and a few Valium. I remember sitting down next to this nice girl, and then I was out like a light. Next thing I remember was the driver and and his helper waking me up near Khoasan Rd. I was sprawled across four seats and there wasn't a sole left on the bus, so everyone except the four in the very front seats had to step over me to get off. Feeling a bit worse for wear and a little bit sorry for myself I sat down on a little wall built round a big tree with the smell of dogs piss wafting in the morning air! Well I thought it was dogs piss until I realised my jeans were a little wet!

I was extremely happy that I was the last one of the bus!!

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When I moved house a couple of years ago, I removed the power shower I had put in. I turned off the relevant fuse and removed the shower. Not wanting a live wire in the shower, I decided to follow the cable back to a junction and disconnect it there. The junction ended in the second upstairs bathroom at ceiling level. So, with fuse still switched off I climbed a metal ladder and began to disconnect the cable from the junction.

Mrs pipes up, "did you turn the power off?"

"Yes, took out the fuse", I replied.

"But did you turn off all the power, the light is still on"

"I know," I sniggered, "the light is on a different fuse"

Just as I said it, I was blown across the bathroom crashing into the ground under some force (enough to break my knee cap and tear the rotor cup on my shoulder) - and a nice little electrical burn on my knee where it was in contact with the metal ladder (earthing point!).

Mrs said, "This is Thailand, can't trust electrician to wire it properly. You should listen to me.".

Now every time I even change a light bulb I get, "Is the electric off? You never listen to me"

(Turned out the "electrician" and cross wired the junction so it was live unless several of the fuses were pulled - or more safely the electric was switch off completely!)

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I was sitting in a small cafe somewhere (forgot where) trying to impress the staff with my Thai reading skills,I had been learning to read and write Thai for a month or so,I recognised the Thai word for chicken on the menu and confidently told the waitress I will have that thinking to my self I know it's chicken it's could be fried curried or what ever I didn't mind

I could have died when the waitress brought my order amid a fit of giggles B B Q chicken feet


probably thinking the Thais would have some common sense, at least when it came to their lives, but sadly not.

how many thai's live in houses paid for by farang.

They The Thai's never worked a day for the house, now have a house, and still after all that get monthly payments despite getting by on their own before.

yet it's the Thai's you say that have no common sense, bahahaha.


First time ever in BKK, I was 19, got a taxi from the airport to the hotel, went to an atm, took out 20k from the atm, got in a taxi went to a travel agent, booked hotels in patong and koh phangan, flights and all, they round it off to 18k, knew no different, went to the atm again, realised I didn't have my card, didn't know that the atms give u cash and then your card back, opposite to home, as soon as I had taken out the cash I legged it, was only in BKK 6 hours, less than 24 hours in the LoS and had to ring the Bank of Mammy to send money, was a long 3 weeks!

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Building a house with a local contractor and not paying extra to have a decent BKK firm or engineer oversee it. In particular, not bringing in a high end Bkk firm to do the electrical wiring and the plumbing.

The repairs ended up costing far more than it would have to have paid more in the first place.

Most "electricians" in Thailand -- aren't. sad.png

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I find that 98% of them are.

I've no doubt that you do.

I've also no doubt that you are (or are possibly) an advantage to 98% of them. biggrin.png



Almera, on 24 Mar 2013 - 19:05, said:

I've no doubt that you do.

I've also no doubt that you are (or are possibly) an advantage to 98% of them. biggrin.png


You'd be wrong.

My ex-in-laws, as well as neighbors, ex-landlords, co-workers, even ex-girlfriends, all have helped me out in times of need a lot more than I've been sponged off of.

My children's grandparents still send up 10+ kg of rice from their farm every time someone's heading this way, they regularly lend me money when I'm short toward the end of the month, and when they have the kids over school holidays they spoil them rotten spend a lot more on clothes and toys than I ever do.

Even their mother has chipped in occasionally, but I hate to sponge off her new guy since I know that's where she's getting it.


Worst mistake I made was not dumping my Canadian husband 5 years earlier and not coming to Thailand sooner.

We usually hear this from the man in the relationship. Good on you for following your dream.


probably thinking the Thais would have some common sense, at least when it came to their lives, but sadly not.

how many thai's live in houses paid for by farang.

They The Thai's never worked a day for the house, now have a house, and still after all that get monthly payments despite getting by on their own before.

yet it's the Thai's you say that have no common sense, bahahaha.

I guess there is always one to try and spoil a light hearted thread.

Come on, I'm sure you have some stories, do tell. Life should not always be taken too seriously. smile.png


probably thinking the Thais would have some common sense, at least when it came to their lives, but sadly not.

how many thai's live in houses paid for by farang.

They The Thai's never worked a day for the house, now have a house, and still after all that get monthly payments despite getting by on their own before.

yet it's the Thai's you say that have no common sense, bahahaha.

I guess there is always one to try and spoil a light hearted thread.

Come on, I'm sure you have some stories, do tell. Life should not always be taken too seriously. smile.png

light hearted hey, why point out what I said about a few foolish people but fail to point out the poster who was stating all thais have no common sense.

hardly light hearted that comment.


Worst mistake I made was not dumping my Canadian husband 5 years earlier and not coming to Thailand sooner.

We usually hear this from the man in the relationship. Good on you for following your dream.

you may find that the modern world has moved on from your perception of it. tongue.png

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