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Yingluck Visiting New Zealand, Papua New Guinea


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Going back to when news of her trip was first announced seven days ago, it'll be interesting to see if she is able to achieve her goal of visa-less entry for Thais to New Zealand.



And now word of further travels for the On The Road Prime Minister that logs more miles than Jack Kerouac.

Next week, she's also off to New Zealand. Her and some thirty business types are off in search of more foreign investment. The solicitation is scheduled for five days.

She's also there to receive her second Western university degree.

To go along with her Masters degree from Kentucky State University, she's adding an honorary doctorate degree from Auckland University of Technology.

For her part, she'll be asking the NZ folks to waive visas for Thais wishing to go there.

From there, she's then off to Papua-New Guinea.

She's due to return to Thailand at some point in April.


It's been years since I've been to Papua-New Guinea, but if nothings changed there too much, I can't see too many Thai's using it as a tourist destination. just saying. coffee1.gif

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King Albert was no doubt only too pleased to send Crown Prince Philippe far away. Belgium has many problems now, and with Philiipe looking a most unsuitable successor to the throne. But, the beer is good !

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Entertaining the Belgium Royals here, then immediatly flying off to N.Z. and Papua with a host of ministry and trade officials.

Yesterday on T.V. I saw a picture of the parliament in session, out of hundreds I could count about 25 in attendance.

What do the M.Ps. do when not attending. They should be fined for non attendance.

Am I over the top with my points about the P.M. seams mostly too busy to be in the country running the job, and always seams to be missing when serious issues are needed attending to- and when questions need to be asked. All coincidence ??

It's obvious that she is not at ease being in Thailand. She takes every little opportunity to leave the country. Who would fly to Belgium the meet the Royals!!?. Nobody in the world is interested to meet them…uhh..except for Yingluck. Her house in on fire and she goes to Belgium!!! What a joke!

She is basically doing the job of the FM, and the FM is Thaksin's assistant. What a mess.

Did you even read the article???????????? I don't like her either, but come on she's in NZ and PNG. If you don't know where they are, Google them.

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Will our PM have a photo opportunity with the All Blacks? Now that would be something, she'd be dwarfed. Would their 'haka' frighten her?

Possibly the haka may well frighten her, but the size of the balls they use afterwards most certainly would, especially if they are inflated to the correct pressure . biggrin.png

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Will our PM have a photo opportunity with the All Blacks? Now that would be something, she'd be dwarfed. Would their 'haka' frighten her?

Possibly the haka may well frighten her, but the size of the balls they use afterwards most certainly would, especially if they are inflated to the correct pressure . biggrin.png

Always fun to watch. Wasn't it 2000 something in South Africa that a fool stormed unto the field to accost the referee and two All Blacks came to the rescue to a point I almost felt sorry for the fool? I'm afraid that's one of the most embarrassing differences with 'world class' football (aka socker). If a fool manages to get to the field to have it with the referee, all highly paid football players would just standby and watch to avoid a possible injury blink.png

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We live in PNG, Thai missus for 3 and a half years, me 18. It is relatively as dangerous as any poor country where you are obviously far wealthier than the average punter. Kind of like Thailand really, just more primitive. You just need to accept where you are and keep your wits about you and not ask for trouble.

The funny thing about Yingluck's visit is that we have been invited to every function and the missus doesn't want to go. "What do I want to meet her for?"

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We live in PNG, Thai missus for 3 and a half years, me 18. It is relatively as dangerous as any poor country where you are obviously far wealthier than the average punter. Kind of like Thailand really, just more primitive. You just need to accept where you are and keep your wits about you and not ask for trouble.

The funny thing about Yingluck's visit is that we have been invited to every function and the missus doesn't want to go. "What do I want to meet her for?"

Just tell her there will be Thai food specially imported. That should help thumbsup.gif

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Will our PM have a photo opportunity with the All Blacks? Now that would be something, she'd be dwarfed. Would their 'haka' frighten her?

Possibly the haka may well frighten her, but the size of the balls they use afterwards most certainly would, especially if they are inflated to the correct pressure . biggrin.png

Always fun to watch. Wasn't it 2000 something in South Africa that a fool stormed unto the field to accost the referee and two All Blacks came to the rescue to a point I almost felt sorry for the fool? I'm afraid that's one of the most embarrassing differences with 'world class' football (aka socker). If a fool manages to get to the field to have it with the referee, all highly paid football players would just standby and watch to avoid a possible injury blink.png

Players of any sport who are afraid to question the fatherhood of the referee are soft in my book.
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Entertaining the Belgium Royals here, then immediatly flying off to N.Z. and Papua with a host of ministry and trade officials.

Yesterday on T.V. I saw a picture of the parliament in session, out of hundreds I could count about 25 in attendance.

What do the M.Ps. do when not attending. They should be fined for non attendance.

Am I over the top with my points about the P.M. seams mostly too busy to be in the country running the job, and always seams to be missing when serious issues are needed attending to- and when questions need to be asked. All coincidence ??

It's obvious that she is not at ease being in Thailand. She takes every little opportunity to leave the country. Who would fly to Belgium the meet the Royals!!?. Nobody in the world is interested to meet them…uhh..except for Yingluck. Her house in on fire and she goes to Belgium!!! What a joke!

She is basically doing the job of the FM, and the FM is Thaksin's assistant. What a mess.

Did you even read the article???????????? I don't like her either, but come on she's in NZ and PNG. If you don't know where they are, Google them.

You are wasting your time i'm afraid. He just doesn't realise what a fool he is making of himself He probably thinks that if you turn left after Australia you will be in Belgium! What a joke indeed! Of course many people are laughing at the joke, but the sad thing from his point of view is that they are not laughing at the Prime Minister, they are laughing at him! Oh dear!

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Damn that girl can shop.

not much to buy on PNG except energy which Thailand desperately needs. How do you propose Thailand access energy suppliers?

She can purchase beetlenut and sell it back in Thailand!

But seriously Thailand could bring another aspect to the resource sector here that would IMO get the other parties a little rattled.

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Damn that girl can shop.

not much to buy on PNG except energy which Thailand desperately needs. How do you propose Thailand access energy suppliers?
Why not the energy minister go alone to do his job. At home she cannot speak on his matters leaves it all to him---BUT a trip abroad and she then goes and does his job--Strange, no -it's called running from most of your duties
To be fair, sometimes having the top dog also there helps to smooth over any last minute sticking points though the deals are already done in most cases. Even the buying of energy is shopping is it not? When our Dear leader' returns from her shopping sojourn she will be armed with a giant stuffed cuddly toy in the shape of a kiwi, a greestone pendent and a promissory note for a couple of million barrels of palm derived oil. In return, the people of PNG get half a million Pok Pok frogs whos main use would appear to be for the gathering of dust.

Could be she is getting a few pointers in corruption from PNG!

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Getting in as much free travel as possible whilst she still has the post her older sister will get. If going to NZ and Papua why not Australia as well. Can't see ANY reason for a Papua visit though.

You’re a bit late mate, she visited OZ last May. You gotta keep up, the lady is on a mission.

Prime Minister Gillard warmly welcomed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to Australia on 28 May 2012. Prime Minister Yingluck’s visit was especially significant as ...www.pm.gov.au/press-office/joint-communiqué-prime-minister-Thailand


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Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will confer PM Yingluck with the honorary doctorate degree for her remarkable role on the international stage and as the first elected female Prime Minister of Thailand.


The balderdash of the first reason is dropped in other media....

In New Zealand, Ms. Yingluck will be granted an honorary doctoral degree from Auckland University of Technology, for her becoming the first Thai female Prime Minister to visit that country.


In New Zealand, Ms. Yingluck will be granted an honorary doctoral degree from Auckland University of Technology, for her becoming the first Thai female Prime Minister to visit that country.

"Hi, you are the first Thai Female Prime Minister to visit NZ, here is you doctoral degree" clap2.gif

What a Mickey Mouse University this must be. What's next....?

"Hi, you are the first Prime Minister who is merely a puppet of a criminal fugitive, here is you doctoral degree"

"Hi, you are the first Prime Minister who has not attended any Parliament meetings to answer queries submitted by the opposition, here is you doctoral degree"

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Yale, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge - all part of your Mickey Mouse club then for handing out honorary degrees?

Often for nothing other than a cash contribution.

A long way to go to catch Hillary Clinton - she has at least six Honorary Degrees (incl one from Yale)

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Yale, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge - all part of your Mickey Mouse club then for handing out honorary degrees?

Often for nothing other than a cash contribution.

A long way to go to catch Hillary Clinton - she has at least six Honorary Degrees (incl one from Yale)

A honorary degree for a cash contribution.whistling.gif

Now I understand why YS was "chosen".

Edited by Nickymaster
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Yale, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge - all part of your Mickey Mouse club then for handing out honorary degrees?

Often for nothing other than a cash contribution.

A long way to go to catch Hillary Clinton - she has at least six Honorary Degrees (incl one from Yale)

A honorary degree for a cash contribution.whistling.gif

Now I understand why YS was "chosen".

Hmmmmm... now I'm wondering about Kentucky State University.

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Going back to when news of her trip was first announced seven days ago, it'll be interesting to see if she is able to achieve her goal of visa-less entry for Thais to New Zealand.



And now word of further travels for the On The Road Prime Minister that logs more miles than Jack Kerouac.

Next week, she's also off to New Zealand. Her and some thirty business types are off in search of more foreign investment. The solicitation is scheduled for five days.

She's also there to receive her second Western university degree.

To go along with her Masters degree from Kentucky State University, she's adding an honorary doctorate degree from Auckland University of Technology.

For her part, she'll be asking the NZ folks to waive visas for Thais wishing to go there.

From there, she's then off to Papua-New Guinea.

She's due to return to Thailand at some point in April.


I can't ever see Thai's being allowed visa free entry into New Zealand. NZ immigration is tougher than Australia's, from my recollection.

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1 Thai PM Yingluck Shinawatra is welcomed at Government House - Source: ONE News
2 Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra inspects the Royal New Zealand Navy band at Government House, in Auckland, on her first official trip to New Zealand. (Photo: Simon Wong/3 News)
22 March 2013
The New Zealand Government has expressed a willingness to speed up visa processing for Thai citizens visiting the country for business, study and pleasure.
Prime Minister John Key made the announcement at a joint press conference with Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra this afternoon, but added this was a long-term plan.
“It’s not going to be immediate.”
Ms Shinawatra was welcomed to New Zealand on her first official visit to New Zealand.
Speaking at Government House in Auckland this afternoon, Ms Shinawatra said it was important to speed up the visa process because of growing numbers of Thai students choosing to study in New Zealand.
Mr Key said up to 3000 Thai students travel to New Zealand to study at secondary and tertiary levels each year.
Edited by metisdead
: Copyrighted photos removed.
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With all the hulabobo created here i think the government should send Abhisit or Suthep instead..thumbsup.gif ...cheesy.gif

Nah there too busy back in Parliament winging about nothing and her not showing up for meetings, as she said, the people love her and it's hard to move her if the people want her there.

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday left Bangkok to visit New Zealand and Papua New Guinea during March 21-25 to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities in the agricultural sector,....

next stop

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will visit Luxemburg during June 20th to June 25th to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities in the property investment sector, ....

next stop

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will visit the Maledives during December 24th to 3rd January 2014, to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities, agricultural exchange, and infrastructure plans in tropical property investment sector, which could be very useful in Thailand....

next stop

"Dear people of Thailand, this is my personal diplomatic trip schedule for 2014, if you have any problems, I'll let my Party members handle your problems, I'm going shopping now, see you, bye bye... giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Maldives for Christmas, where did I go wrong

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I think when she arrives in New Zealand she will find a sign hanging on the door "Currently in Australia, pop next door" Kiwi land in vacant at the moment they are all in Australia.wink.png

Just kidding my Kiwi cousins. The Aussies will be over there on the 25th April for the football, Saints V Swans.

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