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Rajavej Hospital - Good Or Bad Experience?


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Just wondering what everyone else's opinions are of the Rajavej Hospital? Good or Bad.

Its the closest hospital to me so I tend to go there if I am ill. On Monday i finally plucked up the courage to go and make an appt with the doctor there, I arrive at the reception about 1pm, "Have you been here before?', say the receptionist, 'yes, several times" I replied. "Ok please write your name for me on this bit of paper, I will then look for you on our system"....so write my name and give her the piece of paper back.

After 5 - 10 mins (whilst im still stood at the reception desk) of trying to find my details the receptionist cannot find them, and this continues for another 15 mins, in the meantime the receptionist has made me wait on a seat round the corner. Finally 25-30 minutes after arriving the girl replies "I cannot find your details on the system, please complete a new admittance form'......<deleted>!!!

If the receptionist couldn't find my details after 5 mins, why not just ask me to complete another admittance form then, instead of making me waste another 25 mins doing absolutely nothing, with a very painful ear, good job i wasn't dying!!

Anyway an hour after I arrive I finally get to see the Dr, tell him my problem and 5 mins later I get prescribed some medicine. Says symptons will clear up in next 4 days to 1 week, if not come back in a weeks time. 682 Baht.

3 days later and the infected ear lobe area, is now very swollen, i go to examine the back of my ear in the mirror it and before i know it a mixture of puss and blood is oozing out of the spot/infection. Think those nasty youtube videos like!!whistling.gif It was horrendous! I continue squeezing until most the liquid is out. Seems ok, though I thought to myself i should really get this cleaned up properly I don't want it to be infected again.

So i pop to the Rajavej with the girlf, who specifically tells the receptionist my problem and that I just want a nurse to clean the wound/spot area. Get told that we must see the Dr first, ok I thought, anyway after 1 hour of waiting finally see the Dr, who cleans my wound for me, tried to puncture another affected area of the ear with a needle, but tells me she cannot yet. Was in the room no more than 5 - 7 mins. Then the bill ah yes 830 Baht (with no medicine), for er 5 minutes time with the doctor, for something I suspect I could have cleaned up myself. Even the girlfriend says "why so expensive".......

Now having lived here for several years and always used Rajavej, I thought it provided a good service, however, after this weeks visits I am now not so sure.

- Is the CM Ram really much more expensive in comparison, for sorting out minor issues like i have described above?

- Should I just stick with going to the CM Ram or are there any good alternatives that have good english speaking staff?

BTW the staff at Rajavej, took a great care after i had a slight mishap on my motorbike a few years back (2010), its prob why I kept going back there for so long after that. I'm not saying the place is (1) bad or (2) superb, just wondered what the other options are out there......

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Took my wife to Raj with stomach pains, despite the fact that she had a fever the doctor diagnosed wind. By my thinking a fever is sign of infection so I was suss on the wind diagnosis, next day as hadn't improved took her to Ram where they took out her appendix that day. Have had minor issues sorted there fine, when in doubt though...

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When you go to Rajavej ask for Natasha or Saskia, both perfect English speaking international liaison officers. Extremely helpful and will walk you through the entire process.

The hospital is OK for some things and not for others

The physio department is to notch.

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Saw a Doctor at Rajavej Hospital for a sore hip. He said there was a calcium spur recommended Physio I took it and was given an exercise to do that was so painful I could not do it.

I then saw a highly recommended doctor who had x rays taken and I would have to replace the hip. Have trouble with the knee and he recommend replacing it.

I went to Ram yesterday for a consultation with Dr Sudhee Sudasnahe he had x rays taken and even I could see the arthritics was worse in the right hip than the left hip the left hip is the one giving me pain. He said neither the hip or the knee needed replacing now young doctors just like to replace every thing. He did say for arthroscopic surgery on the knee the one doctor who had recommended replacement was the best for arthroscopic surgery. He was his professor at one time

He recommended a Physio Therapist who had worked out of his clinic before he closed it and semi retired. He wrote a prescription to give her as well as some anti inflammatory pills. The exorcises the lady gave me were on the painful side but I could do them. In just one day I have noticed an improvement.

At Ram I got a copy of the x ray as well as a copy of the radiologists report.

I have marginal osteoarthritis grade III in the left knee. I did consider replacing it down the line as I have had the arthroscopic surgery done 12 years ago and it will take several years to get that bad again.

The left hip had marginal osteoarthritis grad II the same as the right one which never bothers me.

I have in the past had bad experience with Ram. I chose to get a second opinion from this doctor because my doctor recommended him and I had seen him once before on a foot issue and he had very carefully and fully explained the issues involved in it. One other experience with dizziness at the Ram and they said it was normal and would go away just take some pills which I had to refill two times as it did not rush away.

For myself you take a chance which ever hospital you go to, I went to the Ram as that is the only place Dr Sudhee Sudasna operates out of and that is only twice a week.

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In my opinion the 2 best hospitals are the Ram and Sriphat. The Ram 95% of employees speak decent english. Service is very fast and the hospital is very clean. Sriphat you kind of get the feeling of being at the zoo. Service not as fast as the Ram but considering the number of people waiting it is quite adequate. Both hospitals have well qualified doctors. Doctors fees and hospital fees at Sriphat cheaper than the Ram even though many of the doctors work at both hospitals. Cost of medications much cheaper at Sriphat.

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In my opinion the 2 best hospitals are the Ram and Sriphat. The Ram 95% of employees speak decent english. Service is very fast and the hospital is very clean. Sriphat you kind of get the feeling of being at the zoo. Service not as fast as the Ram but considering the number of people waiting it is quite adequate. Both hospitals have well qualified doctors. Doctors fees and hospital fees at Sriphat cheaper than the Ram even though many of the doctors work at both hospitals. Cost of medications much cheaper at Sriphat.

I tend to agree with you, but as with all cases I say find the doctor you need and feel confident with and go wherever he / she practices.

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Agreed. Both are very good and Sripat is cheaper, but Ram has much faster service.

In my opinion the 2 best hospitals are the Ram and Sriphat.

And Ram is not always expensive. Had my bi-annual eye check up with Dr. Rachada last week and a long discussion regarding a certain medication and how it might affect the iris. She wasn't 100% certain so said she would discuss it with her professor. Called me back in the afternoon and all was cleared up. Total cost when I was there 400 Baht. A tenner for a specialist consultation and a return phone call. thumbsup.gif

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When you go to Rajavej ask for Natasha or Saskia, both perfect English speaking international liaison officers. Extremely helpful and will walk you through the entire process.

The hospital is OK for some things and not for others

The physio department is to notch.

+1 the above.

Regrettably I can't endorse their endocrinology function.

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The Orthopedic and gastrointestinal parts of the hospital are excellent, Dr's Chanakarn and and Kannika in particular.

Indeed......mother and son....excellent practitioners, thumbsup.gif

Tip, if anyone wants to see Dr Chanakarn, use his clinic over the bridge and turn right.

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For anything to do with lungs, I would choose somewhere else, and if they were to talk to you about removing a lung, perhaps a second opinion would suffice. Maybe somewhere else a course of antibiotics could solve the problem.

Edited by naboo
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For anything to do with lungs, I would choose somewhere else, and if they were to talk to you about removing a lung, perhaps a second opinion would suffice. Maybe somewhere else a course of antibiotics could solve the problem.

Are you saying that removal of a lung was suggested, but a course of antibiotics was all that was needed?

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I went to Rajavez for a hip replacement, and was satisfied with everything except the two teenage girls who shaved my groin pre-op.

The razor burn was world class.

Natasha is a treasure. Best concierge they could have.

Who was the operating surgeon?

I had talked to one there who came highly recegnized and he informed me he could also do it at Ram for more money.

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For anything to do with lungs, I would choose somewhere else, and if they were to talk to you about removing a lung, perhaps a second opinion would suffice. Maybe somewhere else a course of antibiotics could solve the problem.

Are you saying that removal of a lung was suggested, but a course of antibiotics was all that was needed?

No, if I cannot say that due to Thai libel laws.

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For anything to do with lungs, I would choose somewhere else, and if they were to talk to you about removing a lung, perhaps a second opinion would suffice. Maybe somewhere else a course of antibiotics could solve the problem.

Are you saying that removal of a lung was suggested, but a course of antibiotics was all that was needed?

No, if I cannot say that due to Thai libel laws.

I get the picture. wink.png

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I have only been there once and I was well looked after for minimal cost... under 200 baht for a simple bandage dressing. However, an elderly friend who took me to Rajavej has been there many times and highly recommended their care. But, knowing hospitals as I do (Canadian ones) there can be differences depending on the problem. Every doctor is not the same. That stands true all over the world. Given the complexity of medicine and diagnosing illnesses it can be a crap shoot if you get the correct treatment for obscure problems.

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I've been to Raj for some skin allergies and was given some meds and cream. The fee was reasonable and I had another follow-up appointment a week after. The doctor didn't charge me anything on the second visit, which was great. Did the doctor just see you? I asked why there was no fee during my 2nd visit and the staff said if there was no procedure, it was fine, the doctor didn't charge anything. You mentioned that the doctor did something with a needle..did they send a sample for testing perhaps?Maybe that's why the fee was more than what you usually pay.. (?)

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If that's the government hospital near Victory Monument, it's crowded, dirty and unhealthy. I once went at 6.00am for a consultation. I waited for four hours to see the doctor who was rude and gave me only three minutes, two of which he spoke in Thai to my wife.

Never again.

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If that's the government hospital near Victory Monument, it's crowded, dirty and unhealthy. I once went at 6.00am for a consultation. I waited for four hours to see the doctor who was rude and gave me only three minutes, two of which he spoke in Thai to my wife.

Never again.

Close but no cigar, you were only off by 751 kilo's, Rajavej Hospital is in Chiang Mai and is opposite the Holiday Inn, :)

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If that's the government hospital near Victory Monument, it's crowded, dirty and unhealthy. I once went at 6.00am for a consultation. I waited for four hours to see the doctor who was rude and gave me only three minutes, two of which he spoke in Thai to my wife.

Never again.

Close but no cigar, you were only off by 751 kilo's, Rajavej Hospital is in Chiang Mai and is opposite the Holiday Inn, smile.png

wai2.gif Thanks! I wondered why it had no website in BKK.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I just had the worst experience there. So awful in fact, that I came home, googled the hospital, and decided to join forums to leave crappy reviews so that other people don't go there.

My quick story. I fight Muay Thai. I have had concussion problems on and off for over a year. I got kneed in the face a few days ago, and have had blurry vision, vomitting, confusion, and SEVERE head pain for a few days, so I decided to drop into the hospital to make sure I don't have any bleeding in my brain again. Well, after only 4 hours of waiting on the results. I was diagnosed with a SINUS INFECTION, and offered anti biotics. Never mind the facts that A) I have never had a sinus infection, allergies or anything of the sort B) I have NO symptoms of anything being wrong with my sinuses C) I have been vomiting D) I have history of consussion E) They offered me NOTHING for the pain.

After hearing this, I paid my 5250 baht, and said no thank you to follow up appointments or anti biotics, and I'm now on Google trying to find a REAL hospital here.

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