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The Perfect Visa For Thailand ?


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Getting Thai Citizenship is far more complicated than getting EU,USA or even Australian Citizenship for the majority of posters spouses,now why is that?


Because generally speaking Thailand is very xenophobic and doesn't welcome immigration. Was that your point? I don't think anyone was claiming otherwise.

And of course that's their choice and their right, I have no problem with it.

>Exactly,why should you be made to feel that you're on parole,when the truth of the matter is you're actually subsidising your Thai partner,all of her close family and probably more than a few lazy relatives as well?

It's just demeaning and actually makes the government and their rules look old-fashioned, petty and like one big inferiority complex!


Those that run the place certainly don't feel happy, much less grateful, about foreigners subsidising our usually poor, dark upcountry families, and would be much happier if we didn't.

They generally despise the Isaan even more than low-class farang; they only want such people to be available for menial jobs at low wages, certainly not to get all uppity from being more internationally connected than most decent light-skinned central Thais.

So no conflict there between their interests and the resulting policies - they'd really like only wealthy business people to invest here and well-off short-term tourists to travel here, genuine retirees with a guaranteed income stream coming from overseas, the minimum number of people with required technical skills, and then the masses of grossly underpaid young English teachers coming over for a year of exotic Peace Corps style adventure "volunteering" for a year - and everyone heading back home as soon as their designated role of usefulness to TPTB has lapsed.

That's really worked out for them in Phuket,hasn't it?

Full of Cheap Charlie Chans from China and Cheap Ivans from Russia who only leave there hotel to pick up some noodles and drinks from the nearest 7/11!Maybe the jetski scammers could start knocking on hotel doors next to drum up some much-needed business?

The tourists that spend USD $1,000+/day now head for places like Six Senses in Nha Trang,Vietnam! :


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Current system is entirely dysfunctional.

I am a self funded retiree well under 50. For me there is NO visa.

I am currently on a student visa in Phuket, but that is now also entirely unworkable.

I am off to Cambo next year to establish another residence with an easy visa option.

Then I will just get VOA to come over to Thailand to surf.

I had hoped that Thailand would get its S--T together...but it is not going to happen.

The current visa system is designed with nothing else in mind than to ensure the farang makes the maximum amount of visits to immigration. Thereby maximizing the opportunities for immigration officers to take gratuity payments.


That one small system improvement would save long stay expats here thousands (perhaps millions) of hours wasted traveling to make 90 day reports as well as fuel and other associated costs. The current paper based system is criminal both in its disregard for the environment...and for long stay expats.

Anyway if Thailand does not want to provide a visa for a young self made millionaire like myself...no problem...it is not the only country in the world with beaches and pretty girls...

I am outa here once my current visa extension expires...

I have Thai immigration burnt out....

Will you be taking your bevy or harem of Hi-So Thai-Chinese girls with you?

I'm sure that you could do a deal with the government in return for training their Navy SEALs?Call me psychic if you will but I have a feeling you may be ex-Special Forces also!

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That's really worked out for them in Phuket,hasn't it?

Full of Cheap Charlie Chans from China and Cheap Ivans from Russia who only leave there hotel to pick up some noodles and drinks from the nearest 7/11!Maybe the jetski scammers could start knocking on hotel doors next to drum up some much-needed business?

The tourists that spend USD $1,000+/day now head for places like Six Senses in Nha Trang,Vietnam! :


Hey I'm not saying they're doing the right thing, just pointing out that shelling out a bunch of cash month-to-month supporting upcountry peasants won't be considered a valuable contribution to the kingdom by those that matter, more of a negative than positive.

Foreigners have to pay their usage fees for the privilege of being here, whether monthly, annually or via the much larger long-term investments, and anyone who considers that a problem is obviously most welcome to go elsewhere.

Just the way it is, not much point in griping about it.

But I agree it would be nice if they made the process more user-friendly, wouldn't be that hard to find other paper for the bureaucrats to push around.

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It makes a difference, i'm retired and have no interest in working, education, or marry,

i'm retired and want a retirement life, i done all of the above and neither is for me

any more

If they're 'not for you' then move on to someplace that is 'for you', ie. where you have a birth-right to live. :huh:

'But, but, there isn't one for ME'. The arrogance is amazing.

Your arrogance really is amazing,you're NOT Thai,nor are you Thai immigration so what gives you the right to tell anyone where they can and can't live?

Don't you understand globalisation,the fact is Thailand has the most restrictive visa laws of just about anywhere in the world,even China is much easier to live and work in than here!Doesn't that suggest paranoia to you because it does to most rational businessman and entrepreneur types?

Same with foreign owned entities,have to be 51% Thai owned so you can be outvoted or any liquid assets in the company name stolen at any time!What about the 4 locals for every foreigner employment laws,how many muppets do you honestly need to make the tea for you?

Let's not forget the 2 million baht for a work permit,USD $60,000 for one year,is it any wonder no-one bothers,the whole set up,is an utter joke!

Do you have a company and employ Thais,do you work and do you have a work permit?Instead of denigrating everyone on here while sticking up two fingers and saying I'm alright Jack,why don't you tell us how you contribute to your adopted country?

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stamps in my old passport going back 30yrs.married to my wf.[thai] 22yrs.all my asetts are here in thailand,definately not going anywhere at my age[young 68] the only move i will endure in the future will be to the temple.having to go to immigration and report like a crimminal on probation every 90days and then do the extension part is nothing but degradeing,so here is 20,000bht.for a 10yrs.stamp,and you are welcome to visit me anytime you like expences paid.oh be carefull of the dog.wai.gif

Exactly,why should you be made to feel that you're on parole,when the truth of the matter is you're actually subsidising your Thai partner,all of her close family and probably more than a few lazy relatives as well?

It's just demeaning and actually makes the government and their rules look old-fashioned,petty and like one big inferiority complex!

how dare you tell me what i am doing you couldnt be further from the truth,my wf.thai that is worked an average of over 60hrs a week for 18yrs in the uk.earning £35k a yr.to get where she is today without my help and as for lazy relatives come and meet here 2brothers they can surely teach you a thing or toooo so put a sock in it[bag full]

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Not fascist, but age discriminatory, i like the neutral visa in cambodia

Cambodia's is more like an admission fee than a visa.

(Not that I'm complaining....)

Yeah, take your pick. A 3 day pass to Disneyland, or a one year pass to Cambodia.

I recommend Cambodia. It's less crowded and there's more to do. biggrin.png

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stamps in my old passport going back 30yrs.married to my wf.[thai] 22yrs.all my asetts are here in thailand,definately not going anywhere at my age[young 68] the only move i will endure in the future will be to the temple.having to go to immigration and report like a crimminal on probation every 90days and then do the extension part is nothing but degradeing,so here is 20,000bht.for a 10yrs.stamp,and you are welcome to visit me anytime you like expences paid.oh be carefull of the dog.wai.gif

Exactly,why should you be made to feel that you're on parole,when the truth of the matter is you're actually subsidising your Thai partner,all of her close family and probably more than a few lazy relatives as well?

It's just demeaning and actually makes the government and their rules look old-fashioned,petty and like one big inferiority complex!

how dare you tell me what i am doing you couldnt be further from the truth,my wf.thai that is worked an average of over 60hrs a week for 18yrs in the uk.earning £35k a yr.to get where she is today without my help and as for lazy relatives come and meet here 2brothers they can surely teach you a thing or toooo so put a sock in it[bag full]

Oh really and what would they teach me then?How to sit around drinking Lao Khao?rolleyes.gif

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The current visa system is designed with nothing else in mind than to ensure the farang makes the maximum amount of visits to immigration. Thereby maximizing the opportunities for immigration officers to take gratuity payments.


That isn't its intention, but you're right they don't give a toss about making things convenient for foreigners at all.

But if you're truly a self-made millionaire, there are dozens of ways you could set things up, the fact that they're expensive shouldn't bother you.

The Ed visa was a huge improvement for thousands of people in your situation, many outfits make it very convenient, why isn't it for you?

In any case one thing you're right about, no one cares that you're outa here, don't let the door hit your arse.

One more time for the dummies FunFon and Cardholder....its NOT ABOUT THE MONEY...it is about the NUMBER OF DAYS LOST attending immigration and dealing with their 1800's rubber stamp approach to paperwork.

I grew up poor...raised by a single mum on disability who died of cancer when I was 15. Lived on the street on two occasions when I was a youth. Worked hard, put myself through uni, started my own business, in my bedroom with nothing more than a phone and a laptop, and retired in my forties. I made my fortune building online management systems for global companies. I made money from simplifying complex workflow processes for my clients.

With money comes freedom. I don't wish to spend my hard earned, and precious freedom, dealing with immigration officers who are too corrupt, or too inept, to put a couple of inexpensive and simple online solutions in place to streamline the current system.

The 90 reporting system could be moved entirely online in a week for a cost of less than 15,000 THB.

The re entry permit system could also be moved entirely online in a week for a cost of less than 15,000 THB.

The reason why these two simple improvements are not made is because corruption is holding the current system in place.


"DOZENS of things you could set up".

Such talk is piffle, there are a few other visa options for someone under 50 but the paperwork requirements and time lost dealing with immigration make them absolutely ridiculous.

So...enough typing for now...I am loath to waste any more of my time on Thai immigration...it follows that I am also reticent to waste time responding to ill informed drivel courageously typed by an anonymous poster.

90 day reporting can be done by post.

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Western females married to Thai men don't have to show any proof of funds for their visa extensions and can get a Thai passport after 5 years.

Perhaps the desperate just need to go home, officially become a woman, then return to legally marry a Thai man.

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Nevertheless to answer to OP's question, a good start would be an easy step to PR for spouses of Thai nationals, once certain health and probably financial hurdles can be assured, lest we wind up with the dregs of humanity undertaking shot gun marriages for the sake of Thai PR. A predictable path the citizenship for these folk, if they want it.

For those with no family links, the standard work permit route seems fine. It isn't the difficulty in getting a WP sorted which is the issued (they aren"t that hard) it is the availability of the types of jobs that people can do for the pay that they are used to.

For others, you want to stay here, invest come cash, create some long term jobs, and PR could be yours in say 5 years after you've proved your worth. Of course the predictable response from the nay sayers will be they wouldn't want to invest money in LOS given those nasty locals will rip them off, often confusing their own incompetence, rather than the dishonesty of others as the cause.

I believe both permanent residence & work permit put my early retirement in jeopardy,

and i do want to keep my pension.

Likewise i have financed and created a sustainable biz, but again,

i will not risk my pension and so i have no papers to prove it, nor do i want to,

i just want a peaceful retirement

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Just try to get a tourist visa to get into Oz without being able to demonstrate to Immigration that you have sufficient funds to support you during your stay. I have never been pulled aside anywhere in Asia and asked to show Immigration my bank balance - never.

I was told by an immigration lawyer that one-off instances such as this are caused when their computer database flags a 'name of interest' and despite the date-of-birth cross-check being an obvious way of eliminating the 'suspect', there's always the possibility of forged travel documents to consider so they do some secondary checking. In your case, there was probably another MrWorldwide who had been caught or suspected of being involved in some fraudulent or illegal activities, maybe claiming Aussie welfare payments dishonestly or linked to some narcotics trade with a Thailand travel history or some other dodgy activity.

Don't take it personally. I hear there's a whole bunch of Bin Laden's that are totally unrelated to the late Osama getting all sorts of grief.

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Western females married to Thai men don't have to show any proof of funds for their visa extensions and can get a Thai passport after 5 years.

Perhaps the desperate just need to go home, officially become a woman, then return to legally marry a Thai man.

How much was the surgery ?? whistling.gif(sorry, couldn't help myself)

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Yes, a one-time visit to Immigration to file for the extension and possibly a second trip shortly afterwards to get a re-entry permit (if applicable) and then use the postal services for the 90-day reports... or skip overseas for a holiday before your 90-days are up.

Maybe for newbie, premature retirees there's a huge disconnect between being able to do things online or not at all? There's even agencies that will do the whole year of 90-day reporting for you for a nominal fee. That means you can save some of your millions AND your precious time and carry on complaining about how tough it is whilst searching for another home.

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There's even agencies that will do the whole year of 90-day reporting for you for a nominal fee.

How much are these nowadays?

An acquaintance paid around 18,000b in BKK around 2008/9.

That's seriously silly money for 3 or 4 annual filings. I was reading somewhere else on this forum at maybe 1800 or 2000 baht per filing. Either way, not a lot of money for a retired, young millionaire, eh?

Oh yes, so the newbie millionaire retirees can't qualify for a Non-O retirement visa because they are too young. With a modicum of extra effort, they can get an O-A visa before coming here and not worry about extensions or reporting for the first year and then get jiggy with an agent for subsequent year(s).

I reckon maybe they file that as 'too hard' eh? Makes me wonder how hard they had to work to get those millions before they turned 30?

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Not to mention setting up a little legitimate business, if you're that smart should be able to at least have it break even, provide tax write-offs and other side benefits, for a USD millionaire not a big investment to save on all that wasted time. . .

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Thailand Elite is still alive and kicking, despite all it's been through. I took it as I was under 50 over 5 years ago, recently renewed it (easily at airport) for another 5 years.

it's a calculated risk given it's history. if you want an easy option and can afford to lose 1 mill baht (maybe more now) in the event it all goes pear shaped, it really buys a hell of a lot of ease.

So you got options if you are under 50.

Oh, don't ever admit it on TV that you've got it, because you'll be called a fool, elitist, retarded and other nice names. :lol:

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There's even agencies that will do the whole year of 90-day reporting for you for a nominal fee.

How much are these nowadays?

An acquaintance paid around 18,000b in BKK around 2008/9.

That's seriously silly money for 3 or 4 annual filings. I was reading somewhere else on this forum at maybe 1800 or 2000 baht per filing. Either way, not a lot of money for a retired, young millionaire, eh?

It wasn't for fillings.

It was for a 12 month Extension of Stay that they were not otherwise entitled to. Perhaps a Non-Imm Visa first as well, I forget the exact details.

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I've lost more than a million on 10+ years visa fee's with compound interests together with

the uncertainty of even getting a visa next year which meant buying a condo was out of the question, and so had to pay rent with nothing to show for it

Edited by poanoi
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I've lost more than a million on 10+ years visa fee's with compound interests together with

the uncertainty of even getting a visa next year which meant buying a condo was out of the question, and so had to pay rent with nothing to show for it

JHC the sob stories these guys come out with.

Is the local bar not open for you to cry into your 50b Chang while hating and ranting with your fellow beer-vest clad brethren?

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Thailand Elite is still alive and kicking, despite all it's been through. I took it as I was under 50 over 5 years ago, recently renewed it (easily at airport) for another 5 years.

it's a calculated risk given it's history. if you want an easy option and can afford to lose 1 mill baht (maybe more now) in the event it all goes pear shaped, it really buys a hell of a lot of ease.

So you got options if you are under 50.

Oh, don't ever admit it on TV that you've got it, because you'll be called a fool, elitist, retarded and other nice names. :lol:

What kind of a businessman would be prepared to lose (more than now,with the exchange rate) USD $30,000 dollars for 5 years visas in Thailand?Why not just overstay for 5 years and if you get caught pay them USD $5,000 to go away,saving yourself USD $25,000?

How utterly ridiculous!

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What kind of a businessman would be prepared to lose (more than now,with the exchange rate) USD $30,000 dollars for 5 years visas in Thailand?


A truly wealthy one - I know people that have spent triple this on their kid's birthday party, don't even feel it.

And note that some people claim to get the full value from the Elite card independently of the visa benefit. For myself I agree it's silly


Why not just overstay for 5 years and if you get caught pay them USD $5,000 to go away,saving yourself USD $25,000? How utterly ridiculous!


But that idea is even sillier - you do realize that you go straight to jail if for any reason an official wants to see your passport? Even a patriotic bank manager can do you in. And you can sit there for quite a while getting everything straightened out.

No matter how poor someone is, this is very very bad advice.

To someone reasonably well off it's just ridiculous.

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I'm a USD millionaire. I made my big money as a Navy Seal. Before that I was an Army Green Beret. cheesy.gif

Still, I'm going to Cambodia because I find it too much trouble to put USD 30,000 in a Thai bank, or to show proof of 800,000 baht income, or a combination.

Some of us are just better than others, and shouldn't have to follow the rules. tongue.png

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If Thailand was run as it should be then tourists SHOULD be able to apply for a one year visa with a compulsory monthly check at any immigration office to just ensure that you were still in the country. A minimum cost of 100 to 200 baht should cover the cost of the stamp. However, I would make it much more difficult to enter in the first place with a criminal check required BEFORE entering Thailand. That would elimenate some of the riff-raff.

But, the country is far from perfect and immigration rules are crazy. There is no logical reason for lineups at immigration. Why you should have to cross into Myanmar for a few minutes just to re-enter Thailand for a visa stamp. Why not keep the money in Thailand?

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