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I am a bit stuck on the form in part 3.3 as they ask "From the list below, please indicate the main method of meeting the financial requirement"

I dont earn enough to meet the requirement by salary alone so i am using cash savings to meet it so on the part for 3a there are two categories a and b which one do i cross?Also on part 3.2 I have a child with my Thai wife but my daughter has a British passport so do i use the option Applying with no dependants under 18 as she wont need to be included in the settlement form?Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


This is still new to me, but I think that there is a misprint and it should say "main methods!

Are you using a combination of income and savings or just savings?

If the former, then unless TVE or similar offers different advice, I'd tick both and complete parts 3A and 3F.

If the latter then just 'cash savings' and complete part 3F.

As your daughter is British she will not be applying for a visa, so your wife is applying with no dependents. This means you only have to meet the financial requirement for a spouse, not for a spouse and a child.

Your daughter should, of course, be included in part 4.18 of the main application form; even though she is not applying as well.


Hi 7by7

Thankyou very much for the reply,i am relying on a combination of income and savings so i have to fill in 3a and 3f but there are categories a and b on the 3a section and it says see category a-g in the policy guidance notes but i cant seem to find them on the ukba website,if someone can help me with these categories it would be a great help.

Thanks in advance


The guidance you need is at the end of the vaf4a2 form ( on page 15). This is the bit you need to read :

3.12 Has your sponsor been in employment with the same
employer and earning the amount, as detailed in 3.11 above,
continuously for 6 months prior to the date of the application?
(Category A)
Answer Yes or No.
3.13 Has your sponsor had other salaried employment in the
UK, during the last 12 months prior to the date of application?
(Category ( B )
Answer Yes or No. If ‘No’, go to 3.2
It is, of course, incorrect, as many things are with UKBA , and the last sentence should read "If No, go to 3.20".
7x7 is correct when he says " methods" rather than "method". It should actually read "source(s)", I think, and does in other parts of the form and guidance.

Hi thanks for the help,

I ticked the category a box as i have been with the same employers for over 6 months but on the cash savings part do i tick the category d box as i am combining my salary with cash savings?Also when i submit the form do i need to submit the whole form or just the sections that apply to me?



Hi thanks for the help,

I ticked the category a box as i have been with the same employers for over 6 months but on the cash savings part do i tick the category d box as i am combining my salary with cash savings?Also when i submit the form do i need to submit the whole form or just the sections that apply to me?


You tick the Category D box. Then in Part 3F ( at 3.74 ) tick the box that says "Category D combined with other income except self employment"



I filled in part 3a and 3f for my job details and my cash savings so do i leave all the other sections blank ie part 4 etc and submit it all in the application?



I filled in part 3a and 3f for my job details and my cash savings so do i leave all the other sections blank ie part 4 etc and submit it all in the application?

Only complete the sections that apply to you. The rest can be left blank.

  • 2 weeks later...


In the financial requirements form part 1.22 they ask what languages do you speak well?

My wife speaks Thai very well but her English isn't the greatest so should i put Thai?

Also with the bank statements, i chose paperless statements from my bank and downloaded them from the website and got a letter from my bank confirming they are genuine,will these be ok to use? Each of the statements has been stamped with the company name and signed by a bank employee confirming them.I asked the bank to send me past statements but they sent me the same ones as i downloaded so i cant get hold of originals.

One more question in the cash saving part 3.75 part c) It states "If applicable,detail the name,address and relationship of any third party who is the source of all or part of the funds." My father gifted my some money to help with the savings requirement as i don't earn enough so do i put his details in this part as this money is kept in a online savings account separate from my own savings account where my salary is paid into?

Thanks in advance


If you think that her English isn't good enough to be defined as speaking it well, then just put Thai.

Print outs which your bank have confirmed are genuine are fine.

As the question asks for details of anyone who has helped you with the finances and your father did so, then you need to put his details here.

Remember that any gift to help you meet the requirement must be a gift; not a loan (maybe they ask for these details so they can check with the donor?). It must also have been in your possession and complete control for at least 6 months prior to the application.


What's the score with the ages questions in 1.12 and 1.13?

I thought straight forward but the guidance notes say "please tell us in MM/YY format how old you were when married......"

Should it say "YY/MM"? i.e. 40 years 10 months? Slightly odd this one.


What's the score with the ages questions in 1.12 and 1.13?

I thought straight forward but the guidance notes say "please tell us in MM/YY format how old you were when married......"

Should it say "YY/MM"? i.e. 40 years 10 months? Slightly odd this one.

Just put 40 or whatever. I have never put years and months, and no application has ever been refused. In fact, no application could be refused on this point. The Appendix is to demonstrate meeting the financial requirements, and there is no way the UKBA would, or could, refuse a visa on this.

Tony M

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