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Original/new Music In Chiang Mai?


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Does anyone know anywhere to go see ORIGINAL music of ANY STYLE in Chiang Mai? I'm so tired of hearing the cover bands play Bob Marley songs or Knockin on Heaven's Door etc., again and again, acoustic singer songwriters playing Maroon 5 and Adele, or straight-ahead jazz standards at North Gate.... Does no one write music in this city?!?! There are so many talented Thai musicians in town, but I can't find any original music. Thai friends have been unable to help me...

Where do new, local Thai bands play? Where does the next Carabao or Pongsit Ganpee get their start? Where do new bands from BKK play when they come to Chiang Mai? Sometimes I'll hear 1 or 2 original songs by bands that play mainly covers, but is there no venue in town where up-and-coming new bands can get their start?

Are music festivals a better bet for seeing original music? If so, does anyone know where I can find information about upcoming events?

I understand why a lot of heavily touristed bars play repetitive covers, but even in places frequented by mostly Thais, I hear nothing but covers, half of them western songs at that. It's nearly incomprehensible to me that a city this big could have no local, original music scene, and I really hope I'm just oblivious to it. To be fair, I do not have great familiarity with Thai pop music, and could therefore hear an original song and not know it, but seeing other people sing along, always getting an answer when I ask Thais what the song is/who sings it, etc., makes me think that almost everything being played live is a cover.... How do Thais not get bored of hearing the same songs over and over? They always tell me it's like this cuz people like to hear songs they know....

I'm open to LITERALLY ANY STYLE!! ANYTHING!! As long as it's original music. I'm open to original farang bands as well...i know there are a few in town...


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OP I guess you missed the International Music Festival held the 1st week of this month? Too bad as it was some of the best music - perhaps THE best music I have heard in the 6 years I have been here.

I popped into the Brasserie a couple of weeks ago. There was a band playing who IMHO were not very good. Another night with Chai Blues would be great.

Really, if you want more choice, go to Bangkok. There are a number of hard rock and adult contemporary bands here that play around regularly. The hard rock bands (IMHO) are not very good and while the AC bands/artists are good, they mostly attract an older crowd and might put some people to sleep.

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