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Charge The Fatties Extra


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Air Canada estimates that for each kilogram it removes from one of its Boeing 763 aircraft, it will save 3,925 kilograms of fuel every year.

I presume that if they cannot remove it, then they better charge for its cost in fuel.

“The more weight in a plane, the more fuel it costs to fly; as a result it is justifiable to say that a passenger should contribute to the cost of flying the plane?”

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Blimey, if they did that for farang travel to LOS there would be a huge rise in Canoe sales. laugh.png

By the time they'd rowed all the way, they'd be fit rather fat, and not such a burden on Thailands resources.

And a better deal for their Thai wives to be, ... or maybe not. I'm sure a few wives do hope to profit from an early death, of their puffing and panting, dribbling old, farang-fart husbands.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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Pay by weight = excellent idea BUT then also provide the adequate seating. Y-class on TG sucks in all categories :-((

Yep, there is Business Class, so introduce "Fat Class" seating. I don't want the comfort of my journey compromised again by being squashed up by some huge beast (usually smelly) restricting my movements. It simply isn't right. Obesity is mostly self induced, so let them pay for fat seats, but with the same size meals as others.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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Pay by weight = excellent idea BUT then also provide the adequate seating. Y-class on TG sucks in all categories :-((

Yep, there is Business Class, so introduce "Fat Class" seating. I don't want the comfort of my journey compromised again by being squashed up by some huge beast (usually smelly) restricting my movements. It simply isn't right. Obesity is mostly self induced, so let them pay for fat seats, but with the same size meals as others.

cheesy.gif , I agree, there should be a weight limit , fat class, cheesy.gif, perhaps if you are unfortunately born a big guy/gal or eaten your way there, then l/we should not have to pay for your, eeeeeeeeeeeer, size. At check in one should stand on a scale with your hand luggage and pay the fuel charge to the place you want to go. smile.png

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It's a ploy to increase fares and profits - normal weight passengers won't benefit at all.

If the increase is for Fat Seats, to allow correct-weight Passengers the normal level of comfort, for which the normal seating is designed, it is not a ploy. I have also thought as I've checked in, and with light-weight luggage, that a total passenger+luggage amount should be considered. Get on the scales please sir, with luggage, then, as hand luggage is often checked for dimensions, so should the obese passenger have to pass through a gate. If he/she can not pass through without touching the sides, it's a Fat Seat fee. If there are not enough Fat Seats, and he/has not ordered one, then sorry, you will have to take a later flight.

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I wish they had a lot more pricing variables on flights. Food for one. What on earth is so hard about making 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches b4 a flight?! Weight is a good one mentioned.

A Hotel resources on a flight. coffee1.gif Eat before you go eh. thumbsup.gif

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And the article was from yesterday, April 1st?

It's a sweet idea all those weight watchers, it is a real April 1 joke, simply because it is impossible to place numerous scales at a check in counter and employ people to determine and register weight. It would cost more than it makes the airline. Sweet joke.

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^ well if it were to be a joke they're doing well continuing to fool the media on April 2nd; neither have they changed their own website

They only fly to six destinations with eight to twelve people per flight, the weigh-ins are possible

They island-hop. Look at the photo of their plane. We're not talking about a major international airline.


BBC 2 April 2013: Samoa Air boss defends charging passengers by weight

Sydney Morning Herald 2 April 2013

Under the new system, Samoa Air passengers must type in their weight and the weight of their baggage into the online booking section of the airline's website. The rates vary depending on the distance flown: from $1 per kilogram on the airline's shortest domestic route to about $4.16 per kilogram for travel between Samoa and American Samoa. Passengers are then weighed again on scales at the airport, to check that they weren't fibbing online.

Samoa Air operates BN2A Islander and Cessna 172 aircraft.

News Com Australia

SAMOA Airlines has started to charge passengers by the kilo, rather than per seat.

No, this is not an overdue April Fool's Day joke. It is real.
Samoa Air started operating in the Pacific last year. Chief Executive Chris Langton said paying per kilo is the fairest way.
Edited by cycloneJ
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And the article was from yesterday, April 1st?

It's a sweet idea all those weight watchers, it is a real April 1 joke, simply because it is impossible to place numerous scales at a check in counter and employ people to determine and register weight. It would cost more than it makes the airline. Sweet joke.

Joke or not, weight scales are a load cheaper than x-ray machines and metal detectors. The metal detectors could be made narrower, to double as callipers, to check the sideway dimensions of people. You have to squeeze through? .. it's Fat Class for you fella .. ;-)

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If they do this on normal flights and they make fat people pay extra without giving them a larger seat it still only helps the airline not the passenger next to it. So I am against it unless it helps the passengers next to them too.

I have had it happen to me that someone obese was sitting next to me and taking up my space. I was not a happy bunny at all but accepted my fate. It is bad that normal passengers are the victim of this.

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The average airline passenger travelling in the United States is nearly 10
kilograms heavier than eight years ago, a survey by the US aviation watchdog has

The findings prompted the US Federal Aviation Administration yesterday to
order all US-based airlines to add 10 pounds (4.54 kilograms) for each passenger
to passenger weight standards, with an extra 2.27 kilograms for heavier luggage.

However, Australia's aviation regulator says it has no plans to revise
Australian passenger weight standards, despite concerns that more and more
Australians are overweight.

The FAA conducted its survey after overloading was suspected in the crash of
a US Airways Express aircraft in January, which killed all 21 people on board

US airlines have 90 days to adhere to the new standards or devise their own
for approval.

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If they do this on normal flights and they make fat people pay extra without giving them a larger seat it still only helps the airline not the passenger next to it. So I am against it unless it helps the passengers next to them too.

I have had it happen to me that someone obese was sitting next to me and taking up my space. I was not a happy bunny at all but accepted my fate. It is bad that normal passengers are the victim of this.

Has to do with the cost of FUEL...

According to statistics, people bring an additional 10 kg more of fat with them than 8 years ago.

This added fat cost airlines money each flight... Whether the person takes one seat, a larger seat, two seats, or uses the entire isle....

Edited by Andre0720
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A few years ago I flew from Brisbane to Sydney in a three seat setup. The other two seats were occupied by an over-weight couple. She sat on the window taking all & more of her seat, her husband sat in the middle using 2/3rds of his seat & 2/3rds of my seat. I am not a small guy but not over-weight, just an average sized kiwi. I tolerated it as it was only a 1 hour flight but if it had been a longer flight I would have demanded another seat.

What about when the sumo wrestlers travel? They give them 2 seats each & also spread them around the cabin to balance the load!!!

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Pay by weight = excellent idea BUT then also provide the adequate seating. Y-class on TG sucks in all categories :-((

Yep, there is Business Class, so introduce "Fat Class" seating. I don't want the comfort of my journey compromised again by being squashed up by some huge beast (usually smelly) restricting my movements. It simply isn't right. Obesity is mostly self induced, so let them pay for fat seats, but with the same size meals as others.
cheesy.gif , I agree, there should be a weight limit , fat class, cheesy.gif, perhaps if you are unfortunately born a big guy/gal or eaten your way there, then l/we should not have to pay for your, eeeeeeeeeeeer, size. At check in one should stand on a scale with your hand luggage and pay the fuel charge to the place you want to go. smile.png
I like the idea, yet since the seats are pretty much a set variable (there is no squeezing two 40 Kg Thai ladies into only one seat) I suggest having a set limit of 100Kg for the passenger including his hand luggage included in the basis fare.

More importantly, I suggest to make people at check-in pass through a gate sized as a seat in width. Any person that cannot pass without going sideways has to buy two seats, or buy one of the larger seats if companies are going to have some in future.

I once sat next to a very large guy (upper arms same size as my leg), and one of his arms practically took half of my seat, and the armpit wasn't smelling like roses :-(

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If they do this on normal flights and they make fat people pay extra without giving them a larger seat it still only helps the airline not the passenger next to it. So I am against it unless it helps the passengers next to them too.

I have had it happen to me that someone obese was sitting next to me and taking up my space. I was not a happy bunny at all but accepted my fate. It is bad that normal passengers are the victim of this.

Has to do with the cost of FUEL...

According to statistics, people bring an additional 10 kg more of fat with them than 8 years ago.

This added fat cost airlines money each flight... Whether the person takes one seat, a larger seat, two seats, or uses the entire isle....

I get that, but what about the people who get subjected to less space because of it. If they are charging then also make sure these guys sit somewhere else. Its not just fuel also safety i believe a plan has a max load so then just take on less passengers bigger seats and let those who take up those bigger seats pay for it.

Else only the airline gets helped but not those who are the victim of it, the normal passengers.

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Most airlines have had problems making a profit for quite a few years. It's tempting to joke about the fat, overweight and increasing numbers of obese from overeating adults and children (who are led to believe that's it's okay to be that way), but it's a serious issue. Aircraft will eventually need wider seats with fewer bums filling them; result: even less revenue.

I think that there should be a maximum passenger+baggage weight above which premiums should be paid at check-in, in addition to double seat purchase for the real fatties.

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If fat blokes have to buy 2 seats on a plane, will they be served double helpings? Just asking. rolleyes.gif

They should be entitled to a double allowance of everything a single ticket holder gets. Why mention fat blokes when there are just as many – if not more – chicks that qualify?

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If fat blokes have to buy 2 seats on a plane, will they be served double helpings? Just asking. rolleyes.gif

They should be entitled to a double allowance of everything a single ticket holder gets. Why mention fat blokes when there are just as many – if not more – chicks that qualify?

We have equality on this forum so don't worry, we like to not talk about the fairer sex regarding negative stuff. giggle.gif . .

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If fat blokes have to buy 2 seats on a plane, will they be served double helpings? Just asking. rolleyes.gif

They should be entitled to a double allowance of everything a single ticket holder gets. Why mention fat blokes when there are just as many – if not more – chicks that qualify?

I'll be darned.

You will even criticize how humour is formulated!!!!!

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What if you're just 'stout' of stature by nature???

If they're going to start picking on people who make travel unpleasant then they should start with the garlic breathed, then the snorers, then them with unruly brats, then fidgiters and then people with glasses who need to clean the bloody things every 20 minutes - elbows everywhere...

Fly with Air India and you will experience an additional extremely unpleasant situation, Stinking Body Odour.

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