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Got Teaching Job But Don't Have The Money To Move, Ideas?


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Go home dude, there are so many traps waiting to snare you on this kind of deal. Agencies are well know not to deliver on their promises and pay here in thailand. What if you get sick or have an accident ??? Being broke-homeless in your home country is much preferable to being broke-homeless in thailand. I get the feeling partying and pussy is really all you are interested in rather than actually being a teacher, you might want to think about the school and kids involved here before yourself.

Go Home Quickly they might be thinking of selling in White Slavery I known you are a male. But this happens to your Farang Males they are sold to old old Chinese women and kept as sex slaves.

You still need a work permit to be a sex slave.

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Last week I got a job offer to teaching Math at a school in Pattaya. My friend is a teacher with the school and works through an agency. He's good friends with a guy there and talked to him and they said they needed a math teacher for the semester starting in May. So after talking with the agency for awhile they want me to work and come out there the last week of April. The semester starts May 2nd or around that he said.

Now here's the problem, I was never going to stay here in Thailand. I'm living in Chiang Mai now and my visa ends in two weeks, almost right when the school starts. I don't have the money to move down there. I thought I was going to be leaving after songkran so I don't have that kind of money. Why would I, I thought I was leaving in 2 weeks lol. I don't want to tell the agency I don't have the money to move and I don't want to ask for a loan. That would look bad asking that before I even started and I'm scared if I asked that they would say forget it and hire someone else. So I guess I'm at some crazy cross roads where I either go back to America or some how try to find the money to go down there. I want to stay cause the job seems pretty good.

The job is only 20 hours a week and pays 35,000 baht a month. Pretty good to me and I get a work permit on top of it. So what should I do? Should I maybe try to start a indiegogo campaign to raise some funds or some other crazy idea? I was thinking I would need around 20,000 baht to move, that includes the condo rental,flight,food for the first month, and some work clothes.

Why couldn't I have gotten the job when I first got here haha.

OP how old are you if you don't mind me asking? Surely you must have something saved up from farang land to make the move?

Also can you live off 35k a month?

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Jeeeeeeezuz...and last night I was ruminating about the fact that the passive income from my investments had dropped below 5000THB per day....

Your choice is of no consequence because clearly you have a 100 percent tolerance to risk.

Thus, there is no right or wrong answer for you.

Flip a coin and decide...oh hang on...maybe you have to borrow the coin first...

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Cash in the return portion of your ticket home if you can.

Get the 5,000 back from deposit on your apartment in CM

Catch a bus to Pattaya

Sleep on your friends sofa until you get paid for the first time from the teaching job.

As they say, up to you.

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Hmm... since the OP disappeared from here pretty quick... am I the only one who thinks the reason for his thread was that somebody on here might borrow him the money?

Otherwise dear OP... cash in your ticket, go to Pattaya, start your job... only risk is you will not get a work permit, you will not get payed by the company, your "friend" will not let you sleep in... and you will end up in the lines of Farang who can write a book with the title "how I ended in a deportation prison in Thailanc, because I was without money, Visa and return ticket"... if you are willing to take that risk, then up to you...

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5000 sounds like way enough money, try to hitchhike in a truck from CM to BKK or Pattaya, shouldn't be to hard if you speak some Thai to save money on transport. You can find short term room for 150 baht per day so this will leave you plenty of money for food

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5000 sounds like way enough money, try to hitchhike in a truck from CM to BKK or Pattaya, shouldn't be to hard if you speak some Thai to save money on transport. You can find short term room for 150 baht per day so this will leave you plenty of money for food

The problem is that he won't get paid until the end of May, so even 150 baht a day for a shit hole would cost 7500 baht plus food.....plus Visa plus Visa trip....many Wp offices won't issue one until you have the Non-Imm type B in your passport..and his current visa ends in 2 weeks...lawks a mussey................but we all know that this thread was some kind of Trojan horse.....next

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5000 sounds like way enough money, try to hitchhike in a truck from CM to BKK or Pattaya, shouldn't be to hard if you speak some Thai to save money on transport. You can find short term room for 150 baht per day so this will leave you plenty of money for food

I met somebody in Vientiane who had hitch-hiked up from Bangkok. He told me how long it took him. He did it in less time than my express Thai train journey!

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If you don't even have 20K bath for the move then I think it's risky.

In a country like Thailand you should always have some kind of back-up money (overseas)

in case of an emergency.

The job don't sound too firm to me, you didn't get the offer from the school direct? but from your friend.

Depending of your qualifications, I would consider going home to the US and save some money first and

then try later to a get a job here.

I only have around 5,000 right now. But I also am leaving in 2 weeks. So that was plenty for the time. The job is good. My friend has worked with them for 2 years and has helped them find new teachers many times, it's all good.

Going home and coming back anytime soon, is mostly not an option. I sold off pretty much everything I own to come on this trip. So it would be years before I could come back, sadly.

If all I had was 5000 baht to last me for two weeks and my room was paid for I d stay inside and not go anywhere except to the 7/11 down the street, then I wouldnt walk over any man hole covers either and look both ways before crossing . You came as a toursit go home the same way . This is the reason immigration puts such stringent requirements on those of us who live here !

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the OP wants a 20,000 baht gift from someone, He is currently broke with no job and if he gets that teaching job at 35,00 baht a month he still won't have the means to repay a loan. I helped out a guy like this a few years back and I'm still waiting for repayment. But I do admire the balls of the OP to beg in public for a gift.

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OK, these would be the steps I would take, and some are repeats of what others have said.

Step 1, ask you friend if you took the job and came down there if you could either crash on his counch for free or offer him some compensation after your first pay check.

Sell all your non essentials, ipod, nicer phone, DVD collection, books, etc, you're in a situation where even an extra 100B is helpful.

You need clothes?

I recommend checking out Kad Rincom, right next to the new mall at the HK/Nimman intersection. 200-300B for decent work shirts, beats the 1500-3000B shirts found in KSK.

But KSK also has some shops up top.

There are also a ton of second hand shops on the road going towards Tesco Lotus Khamtieng. From the moat turn left at choompa moo kata.

They have pants for 50-100B and shoes for 200-500B that no one would be the wiser about them being second hand.

Second hand bags there too if you need a pack to move with.

Now, no flights for you, you're trying to save money. I believe you can get to BKK for 300-400ish and jump on the bus to pattaya for 150-200?

It's doable, but you need the cards to fall the right way, and I would say it all hinges on having a cheap place to crash the first month,

good luck

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If you only have 5000 baht, how are you going to survive for the 2 weeks before you are scheduled to go home, let alone move to Pattaya. If your friend is a true friend, why not ask him for a loan?

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If you only have 5000 baht, how are you going to survive for the 2 weeks before you are scheduled to go home, let alone move to Pattaya. If your friend is a true friend, why not ask him for a loan?

Am guessing the "friend" is only on 35k as well so not really in a position to be lending coin.

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I guess the easiest is to put off the agency until next term and do a little language school up here in CM (assuming you DO have the quals etc) - live like a monk (erm one of the ones without an IPhone and IPad) and save. Then move on down. Legally you would need a B Visa, however many take the risk. Not suggesting you do of course.

As to work shirts cheapest is those stalls in BigC/Lotus - not the store themselves, but the private sellers. There is one in BigC 1 Hang Dong (that's the one nearer Airport Plaza not the one right down in Hang Dong) - outside KFC on the ground floor - nice shirts from 150 baht or so depending on size. Shoes are cheap in the supermarkets too (unless you have big feet like me, as they rarely go up beyond 41 here). Suits from the same - but check with your friend, sometimes jackets are not required, so then its just trousers which are cheaper too.

PS: If you was hedging, then I doubt anyone here will lend you the cash - most expats have been there, done that, never seen the back of it (or know people that have) - "never a lender not a borrower be"

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Anyone recommending he "go for it" is truly irresponsible, the odds of such a choice coming to a happy end are slim indeed.

Go home son!

I think he already did.

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Jeeeeeeezuz...and last night I was ruminating about the fact that the passive income from my investments had dropped below 5000THB per day....

Your choice is of no consequence because clearly you have a 100 percent tolerance to risk.

Thus, there is no right or wrong answer for you.

Flip a coin and decide...oh hang on...maybe you have to borrow the coin first...

You earn nearly 2m from your investments a year?


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Anyone recommending he "go for it" is truly irresponsible, the odds of such a choice coming to a happy end are slim indeed.

Go home son!

I think he already did.

Or maybe pissing it up in some bar after some honourable soul fell for his story and quietly loaned him the money.

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Remove silver spoon... Replace with plastic spoon from a mama noodle pack.

If one is really, and I mean really skint for a while, then Thailand is a place to survive easily enough if you're desperate enough.

4-5 meals of 30b crap a day and some flearidden backpacker hole. It ain't gonna be fun Dorothy, but if that's your choice then take it like a man and do it for a month.

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Also want to add if I go back to America, I wont be able to come back for a long time. So it's not one of those things where I can go back home and come back to Thailand in a month with money.

Surely the school must have accomodation of some kind for teachers already,every other school I've ever come across with foreign teachers has?As for moving,get the train from Chiang Mai,about 6-700 baht for a sleeper carriage,then the bus from Bangkok to Pattaya.

It'll cost less than 1,000 baht,just take a chance and sort the rest out when you get there!

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Jeeeeeeezuz...and last night I was ruminating about the fact that the passive income from my investments had dropped below 5000THB per day....

Your choice is of no consequence because clearly you have a 100 percent tolerance to risk.

Thus, there is no right or wrong answer for you.

Flip a coin and decide...oh hang on...maybe you have to borrow the coin first...

You earn nearly 2m from your investments a year?


And my name's Warren Buffett,it is sad that some people use this forum for nothing more constructive than to boast to strangers about their imaginary wealth!rolleyes.gif

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Remove silver spoon... Replace with plastic spoon from a mama noodle pack.

If one is really, and I mean really skint for a while, then Thailand is a place to survive easily enough if you're desperate enough.

4-5 meals of 30b crap a day and some flearidden backpacker hole. It ain't gonna be fun Dorothy, but if that's your choice then take it like a man and do it for a month.

4-5 meals a day - Jeez you really eat! 7-11 burgers ar 20baht, frozen dishes (zapped for free in store) are around the 30 baht mark depending on the item concerned - instant noodle (mama etc) is 6 baht a packet, or cups are 10-20 baht depending on brand (at present in my 7-11 at least there is a promo for mama cup on 2 for 1 at 20baht, 10 10baht each). If one just needs to survive here, then a couple of bottles of water and noodles (just like being a student again - without the cider), one could easily eat for 100 baht a day or less.

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And when the agency and/or the school dicks him around? Not at all unlikely, especially if either becomes aware of his dire straits, not just the issue of losing face having everyone in the school despising this desparate farang kee nok having to borrow money to survive until the first meager paycheck.

Accommodation is relatively rarely part of the standard arrangement these days except in really remote areas, sure they might have a little hovel tucked away in the corner at the back of the school, but they'll deduct just as much for that from the wages as he'd find on his own, and then absolutely no life outside the school.

What if something really major and life threatening comes up?

Really, if he's still got the means to get home before he's actually down and out in the gutter, he should take it - stop encouraging people to think ending up like that here in Thailand's a reasonable choice for someone who's got the option to get back to civilisation with family and friends, a social support infrastructure, enought to at least ensure survival if not some semblance of dignity. Here the former's not at all assured and no hope of the latter in that situation. . .

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wolf5370, on 11 Apr 2013 - 22:46, said:

pilm, on 11 Apr 2013 - 22:27, said:

Remove silver spoon... Replace with plastic spoon from a mama noodle pack.

If one is really, and I mean really skint for a while, then Thailand is a place to survive easily enough if you're desperate enough.

4-5 meals of 30b crap a day and some flearidden backpacker hole. It ain't gonna be fun Dorothy, but if that's your choice then take it like a man and do it for a month.

4-5 meals a day - Jeez you really eat! 7-11 burgers ar 20baht, frozen dishes (zapped for free in store) are around the 30 baht mark depending on the item concerned - instant noodle (mama etc) is 6 baht a packet, or cups are 10-20 baht depending on brand (at present in my 7-11 at least there is a promo for mama cup on 2 for 1 at 20baht, 10 10baht each). If one just needs to survive here, then a couple of bottles of water and noodles (just like being a student again - without the cider), one could easily eat for 100 baht a day or less.

Not really, no. But I eat real food. Eating that crap one would need to up the amount.

Mama nooden, 2 for 1 @ 20b. So one is usually 20b nowadays when there isn't a promo. Last I remember around 3-4 years ago they were 13b. The 'expats' on their pensions will have to plan a boycott in protest. biggrin.png

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