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My Friend Needs Advice


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The number one object for most Thai girls/ladys is the extraction of as much money they can get, by lie, deception. or the pussy trap.

This line against "Thai girls/ladys" is getting so boring! Just because you chose the wrong partner should not give you exception to paint all Thai ladies with the same brush!

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The number one object for most Thai girls/ladys is the extraction of as much money they can get, by lie, deception. or the pussy trap.

This line against "Thai girls/ladys" is getting so boring! Just because you chose the wrong partner should not give you exception to paint all Thai ladies with the same brush!

WOOPS Thongthorn, I just read the last post you made in the Thread you started "Lost My Interest In Thailand" Bit of a contridiction don't you think?

the wife sends her money, which she earns working hard in the UK. thats the problem her family is leaning on her,

Very annoying posters like yourself who say one thing and then on a different thread will state the exact oposite just to get the number of post up for some reason or another

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And your friend is planning on being here another 7 months?? I have a feeling this is not last we will hear from you and "your" friend. I smell a "She didn't tell me she was a man" story coming on!

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A lot of wrong answers on this.

Age of majority in Thailand is 20 years old, not 18 and that makes a big difference. Consent by a minor can be withdrawn at a later time.

If the girl is living with her parents, more trouble can arise as the claim can be laid that he has been taken her away from her parents without their permission. (And that is a claim that is preferred to sex without consent, as sexual intercourse does not have to be established).

So yes, there can be trouble but how likely that is would be another question.

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Many (the average i mean, not the well educated ones) Thai girls are much younger than their years in mentality...so honestly dont know how a 32 year old western man could hack the mentality of a 20 year old fairly uneducated Thai girl..

oh come on, it is not her mentality he is 'hacking'

and you always manage to grind that axe don't you?

just slip it in eeek, have another dig at thai women, why wait? you know you will anyway.

Hey Candypants, your post is rude and just an opportunity to bash a farang woman! Where do you think most of us "farang women" learn about Thai women?? From the postings here!! I would take her post, as sticking up for Western men, as I often do to, rather than a strictly "bashing of Thai women" post. But even if we want to bash Thai women, so what? You all do it all the time, but we are not allowed? Or we are not allowed to notice and comment on, the exact same things Western men comment on? Only "YOU" can know these things?

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Many (the average i mean, not the well educated ones) Thai girls are much younger than their years in mentality...so honestly dont know how a 32 year old western man could hack the mentality of a 20 year old fairly uneducated Thai girl..

oh come on, it is not her mentality he is 'hacking'

and you always manage to grind that axe don't you?

just slip it in eeek, have another dig at thai women, why wait? you know you will anyway.

Hey Candypants, your post is rude and just an opportunity to bash a farang woman! Where do you think most of us "farang women" learn about Thai women?? From the postings here!! I would take her post, as sticking up for Western men, as I often do to, rather than a strictly "bashing of Thai women" post. But even if we want to bash Thai women, so what? You all do it all the time, but we are not allowed? Or we are not allowed to notice and comment on, the exact same things Western men comment on? Only "YOU" can know these things?

Why on earth would you join a forum full of males to learn about Thai girls? The only thing you will learn here is, how shallow most of us really are!

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Well this may be a shock to you ....but I didn't join this forum to learn about Thai women!! I joined it to learn about Thailand and living here, which includes Thai women.smile.png

I have learned a LOT about men in this forum ...not sure if I can or should apply it to ALL Western men, or not ...but certainly some of it probably applies to ALL of them. It has been an eye-opener for sure!! And not usually in a good way ...I think ignorance WAS bliss! I had a much higher opinion of the "average" guy, than I do now. But on the other hand, there are some on here, who do seem to be really nice guys, I am just supposing they are being honest on here, as what would be the point otherwise? Actually there seems to be a subset of men who seem really great, and I feel sorry they are usually the ones getting burned the most, as the nicest guys seem to get it more, which makes sense, I guess, here.

But anyway, even if my opinion has changed, about men in general to some extent, I suppose it is reality and good for me to know! And however, I still mostly like them!

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Alright, seeing the OP and his friend are fine now, I think we can close this thread

Before it goes any further into whatever bashing being thrown at each other

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