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Form I-134 Verbiage Very Tough On Petitioner

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I am a newbe on this site but was looking to ask a question
and came across this forum. I am also an Oct guy. the Fourth to be exact.
10/04/2012. It is at the CA processing center. Does this mean I am getting

Second question. Has anyone reviewed the form I-134,
affidavet of support form. It does scare the crap out of me a little bit. I am
55, retired early and not my first rodeo, as I am sure is the same as others.
This form pretty much has you signing off on the "sounds" like fact
you are going to be responsible for financials of fiance and daughter. That is
fine, but what if you get divorced. Any input on this would be grealy

No one plans on getting divorced but as noted, not my first
rodeo and have worked hard my entire life to only lose half of it as I did in
first marriage in States due to divorce. We are planning on living in SD. I
have a solid retirement and investments that I want to protect in case of
divorce., in second marriage to an American, I had a solid prenup that covered
my assets that I already had before marriage and pretty clean divorce in
keeping them when we divorced.

I love my Thai fiance, and her daughter very much. I am just
trying to be realistic in knowing that while we could be good for the next 50
years, Shi...... happens. If it does, I do not want it to wipe me out. Will a
solid prenup keep me out of trouble. I have zero problem with us sharing all
assets gained from day we are finally married.

Just want to ensure
that my grown kids and their familys, my grandkids are covered in the future by
current will and solid prenup.

Any, all help, guideance, assurance or reality checks would
be greatly appreciated.

I should add that we are using a Bangkok Attorney to get to
the states. After that an American Attorney to carry us the rest of the way.
Meaning Prenup signing and will..

I will take all the bashing if deemed
needed to get some insight on this but the question is serious. How protected
are my or for that matter yours, how are you protecting prior assests in US
once married and then something falls apart. It was a Thailand Attorney that
noted even though my wife speaks five languages and reads writes, speaks English
as well as I do, all she has to do “per him” is state she did not understand the
prenup. Yeah, that puckered me up a bit…………

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Consider transferring your assets into a trust to be managed by a trustee of which you become the (sole) beneficiary. Can only be done in USA as not a legal entity in Thailand. Not an easy procedure: Talk to a tax attorney or the Trust department of a bank. It must be done before you are legally married to the Thai citizen.

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