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You got caught, and now have to live with your mistake. I know it's an old platitude, but it's true:

Ifyou can't do the time, don't do the crime.

I know all this, I know it was wrong, I know it was stupid, I know it was my mistake blah blah blah.

I just want to know if i'd be allowed back.

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Changing your name by deed poll is quite legal, but as GU22 pointed out if the purpose of this change is to evade or decieve, then you compound the issue. Your new passport will have a different number but your handsome mug will be much the same, and as Thailand is now photographing head and shoulders of all arrivals and departures you would be here on "borrowed" time, presuming that the cross match on their new data base for date of birth didn't nail you at point of entry.

A harsh wake up call, but just think yourself lucky that you didn't have any more on you at the time, or you would still be here, and then there would be no need to change your passport :o

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When you legaly change your name and apply for a new passport you still have to give your previous name on application. Any details on record ie persona non grata of any country will be entered on your new passport.

When you apply for a new passport without changing your name you do get a new passport number but your old one (along with any history, visa violations, deportation etc) is linked on computer to the new passport so it makes no difference. The same will happen even if you change your name by deed poll, your history under your old name will show up on any immigration computer that the new passport number is entered in to.


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When you legaly change your name and apply for a new passport you still have to give your previous name on application. Any details on record ie persona non grata of any country will be entered on your new passport.

When you apply for a new passport without changing your name you do get a new passport number but your old one (along with any history, visa violations, deportation etc) is linked on computer to the new passport so it makes no difference. The same will happen even if you change your name by deed poll, your history under your old name will show up on any immigration computer that the new passport number is entered in to.


How does that work then?. I knew a chap a few years ago who got into a bit of grief. After a couple of days at IDC, to the airport and back to his home country. (He never attended a court in LOS)

He lost his last name, got new pp and returned to LOS within 6 months.

The only extra stamp he had was a stamp with about 4 lines of script and the departure dates plus someone's initials. (There was another stamp which had been tipexed out though and the other placed on top).

It was in the standard purple ink.

Maybe all different now since 9/11?. :o

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It depend if the Thai authorities record violations by foreigners in some central computer (Interpol for example) that can be accessed by UK authorities when they issue a new passport.

If it's only recorded in a thai local computer then UK will never know about it unless they specifically request for information to Thai authorities.

I could be completely wrong here though.

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Thanks for your advice peoples.

My day at work is over and so is my access to a pc.

Hard day? Glad I'm not paying you!!! :o

(Sorry, well off topic, but couldn't resist it).

I hope we get to see the scan and translation, I'd feel cheated if I don't.

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You got caught with an illegal substance. The fact that it is only 1 gram of weed has nothing to do with it.

Are drugs...even weed..illegal in Thailand? You knew the drug is illegal in Thailand? Then why bleat about the consequences.

Wake up to what you have done. Stop complaining...oh! just a thought, give up any drug at all and then you can go travelling without hiding stuff and then complaining loudly when you get caught.

Where did you buy it? In Thailand? Isn't that illegal? Or did you have more stashed away?

For heavens sake..if you're big enough to smoke an illegal substance, even after all you know about Thai prisons....then take it like a man when you are caught.

Why should anyone help you get back into Thailand? Is the weed cheaper there?

Why is anyone bothering to help a drug addict back into Thailand?

A drug addict.

I got caught with about 1 gram of weed and that makes me a drug addict?

So you don't know anyone who smokes weed then?

Edited by grandma2jaret
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geez some of you are being <deleted>.... The dude is not bitching or whining about the crime he got caught for. The man is just wondering how he may be able to come back. You wanna b1tch, go to the bearpit.


-/Whinge over. :o

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Good advice, Grandma… but you forgot to insist that he also finish all the broccoli on his dinner plate.

You got caught with an illegal substance. The fact that it is only 1 gram of weed has nothing to do with it.

Are drugs...even weed..illegal in Thailand? You knew the drug is illegal in Thailand? Then why bleat about the consequences.

Wake up to what you have done. Stop complaining...oh! just a thought, give up any drug at all and then you can go travelling without hiding stuff and then complaining loudly when you get caught.

Where did you buy it? In Thailand? Isn't that illegal? Or did you have more stashed away?

For heavens sake..if you're big enough to smoke an illegal substance, even after all you know about Thai prisons....then take it like a man when you are caught.

Why should anyone help you get back into Thailand? Is the weed cheaper there?

Why is anyone bothering to help a drug addict back into Thailand?

A drug addict.

I got caught with about 1 gram of weed and that makes me a drug addict?

So you don't know anyone who smokes weed then?

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Just report your passport stolen and get a new one, I got deported from Canada 9 years ago, got a new passport and went back the next year, been back 5 times since no problem. You don't need to change your name or any thing.

Times have changed Chippie. Some years back you could simple get a new passport and be back inside the month. Also you could be deported for an immigration infringement, yet have no PNG stamp placed in your passport, which technically meant that you could return days later.

The old Thai immigration system was a very "hands on affair" Now they have a brand new system with several cross linked data bases at their finger tips.

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After reading all this informed stuff, I am sorry I ever suggested changing your name. Clearly nowadays it is too risky. Next time, you might not get out so easily.

It seems your only choice is to engage a Thai lawyer and have him check out the situation and what can be done, but first and formost, get a translation of the Thai writing in your passport. Make sure you get a good lawyer - no doubt the members in this forum can advise you if you wish to follow this up.

As for all the 'do goodies' out there who are preaching to him about his misdemenor? Why don't you all crawl back into your holes. :o ?

Let him who is without sin.... etc. Most people have done drugs at some time in their lives, even people in highly placed positions. Soft drugs are legal in many countries. He wasn't a dealer for God's sake.

Who of us hasn't broken the law? If you live in Thailand I can guarantee you probably break one law or another every day of the week. Is bribery or giving back handers any better than smoking bit of weed? Why don't we deport all farangs - and most of the Thais come to that?

Ok he was foolish, he has told us that several times. He just wants to know if he can come back again. Turn off the preaching, for God's sake.

Good luck mate. :D

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You <Irritating and unfounded lecture SNIPPED>

Dear oh dear 'grandma', you sound like a really miserable old bitch.

Get your tits caught in the mangle again? :o

I'd hate to get stuck in a lift with you... :D

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Why is anyone bothering to help a drug addict back into Thailand?

A drug addict.

I got caught with about 1 gram of weed and that makes me a drug addict?

So you don't know anyone who smokes weed then?

My definition of an addict – anyone willing to risk a 20-year jail sentence in a foreign prison in order to do a little weed. It’s unlikely that this was the first time you did drugs in Thailand since the police caught you.

While there’s nothing morally wrong with being an addict, you would likely be a burden to Thai society. More harm than good.

Thus if you manage to sneak back in, I hope you get throw in jail for a long time. You obviously have complete and utter disregard for the laws of Thailand if you’re trying to follow-up on one criminal act with another. The passport system has been upgraded recently, and with the rise in terrorism worldwide countries are doing a better job at exchanging information with each other.

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"you would likely be a burden to Thai society"

thats a bit like the sex worker from Russia, which are very bad for Thai society because they offer sex for money.

so this guy use drugs which is completely unknown for Thai society and will therefore cause hugh damage......

I don't use any drugs beside beer, but as well I don't see the hugh problem for Thai society if that guy comes into Thailand and use a bit drugs...

Thus if you manage to sneak back in, I hope you get throw in jail for a long time.

What a nice friendly fellow. :o

Isn't it good to know someone loves you? :D

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I don't use any drugs beside beer

me neither - but i do take paracetamol in the morning afterwards :o

but as well I don't see the huge problem for Thai society if that guy comes into Thailand and use a bit drugs...

me neither if thats were it all ends.....totally draconian but nevertheless the law.

I find this whole situation so strange.....particularly with Thailand being a producing country to a certain extent

you would likely be a burden to Thai society

along with the officials who readily except bribes and use it at home?!?

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I don't use any drugs beside beer

me neither - but i do take paracetamol in the morning afterwards :o

but as well I don't see the huge problem for Thai society if that guy comes into Thailand and use a bit drugs...

me neither if thats were it all ends.....totally draconian but nevertheless the law.

I find this whole situation so strange.....particularly with Thailand being a producing country to a certain extent

you would likely be a burden to Thai society

along with the officials who readily except bribes and use it at home?!?

try asperin, the same harmless but works better in opinion....

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Morning all,

I'm back at work and back to my PC!

Its nice to see this thread carried on but I am a bit perplexed by some of the comments.

According to some of these post I am a drug addict, I would be a burden on Thai society and peeople would want me thrown in jail if I sneaked back in! Bloody hel_l, I only asked if I would be allowed back in the country, if not then so be it I can take it, it won't kill me! I'm just trying to find out where I stand, I'm not moaning, i'm not complaining!

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Good luck mate. :o

Thanks, it sounds like I might need it to get back in to Thailand.

As for you that want to see the papers & passport? I'm getting it traslated today....

Will post it later depending on what it actually says!!!!

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Turn off the preaching, for God's sake
:o Er, is that preaching too? :D
I find this whole situation so strange.....particularly with Thailand being a producing country to a certain extent

Er, 'cos maybe they want to move away from this reputation and clean up their country - seems logical to me. I mean, we don't say we shouldn't arrest gangsters because we aknowledge having (and therefore produce) Mafia gangs, do we.

Thailand has done a lot to try and remove the production of drugs.

I have a book published during the 90's which is an investigation into the drug industry in LoS. During this time, 90% of the world's Heroine came through (not necessarily directly from) Thailand - the worlds biggest producer at the time. Great projects like those by Mama, the late mother to HRH the King (a truly great person), their HRH the King and Queen and Crown Pricess HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn which have moved hill tribes and scratch farmers away from the growing of opium in favour of flowers, strawberries and the like - much more profitable to the farmer too! Crackdowns and istallation of Army outposts near known trafficing border areas. The massive crackdown on dealers over the last few years (OK, a thousand or so small time dealers took the brunt of this with rumours of execution like street justice and criminals using it to clear turf for cultivation etc).

With the profits so high and the choices of some of these people so low, its a hard struggle. Corruption and organised crime is a constant obsticle, and its all too easy to get drugs in LoS, but most of it now comes from across the border. Afganistan is now the major conduit (figures from pre-war, so may have moved again).

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Good advice, Grandma… but you forgot to insist that he also finish all the broccoli on his dinner plate.


Yeah Grandma, you sound like my mother dude. "Glup barn nor!"

Morning all,

I'm back at work and back to my PC!

Its nice to see this thread carried on but I am a bit perplexed by some of the comments.

According to some of these post I am a drug addict, I would be a burden on Thai society and peeople would want me thrown in jail if I sneaked back in! Bloody hel_l, I only asked if I would be allowed back in the country, if not then so be it I can take it, it won't kill me! I'm just trying to find out where I stand, I'm not moaning, i'm not complaining!

Chumbles, don't listen to any of these posters winging about you being a drug addict and a disgrace and burden to Thailand. The question you originally posted was legitiment and is no reflection of you being a bad person in any way. I wish you the best of luck sorting this out and welcome you back to Thailand any time. When you come back give me a PM and we'll hit the one of the islands and suck down a big fat one together! :D:D:o

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