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Advice Needed


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Basically i need help with a problem with my ex thai wife .

i was deceived just before xmas whilst we were in the uk saying her pappa had had a heart attack and was seriously ill in hospital ? i got her a plane ticket at short notice to fly her home straight away.

everything seemed fine at first until the unanswered phone calls and lame excuses for why she couldnt answer the phone.

i made some phone calls to some friends in pattaya and found out she had gone back working the bars ?

i flew out early january and confronted her she didnt know i was coming but all i got was a few tears and no real explanation ?

i hastily asked for a divorce which she aggreed to after some messing around at which point i tried to close the chapter and move on only having to spend 2 more days in thailand.

this all happened late jan early feb now 1 month later i get a message of her saying she has gone home as she must look after her baby ? and also needs some money not to mention that she also has lost her phone and is only able to text me from a friends phone when she see's her ?

well very stupidly i sent her 50 pounds by western union and tracked the transfer afterwards and found out it was collected in petchabun her village ( very shocked expected chonburi ) . i dont know if she could have had someonelse collect it as she is still using her id card in her married name ( is this legal should she not have changed her id card back ? )

then i hear nothing from her for days with her just telling me she hasnt seen her friend and her mamma will not let her use her phone to call me . i have also sent her a new mobile with my thai sim card but as of yet she hasnt received it .

so what im really wanting to know if there is any sort of mediation companies in thailand to speak with her a find out exactly what is going on and what she is thinking that i can talk with ?

i do want her back but at the moment she is telling me that her mamma says she cant as she must stay and look after the baby as he starts school in may, but with her not generating an income i dont see her mamma saying this ?

i know she is an ex bar girl and only 21 and expect critisism but i love her and need to know the truth .

i know what i should be doing and keeping a wide birth ?

i look forward to your comments and advice


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Realistically this relationship doesnt sound as if it has any future!

Did you live in England together? Did she have friends? Was she doing anything constructive?

Maybe your only chance is if you both live in Thailand!

Edited by mittheimp
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Is the baby hers?

If so, maybe this problem is down to her missing her child and wanting to be with him/her. Have you talked to her about this aspect?

Any man who asks a woman to choose between him and her child is almost certain to not like her choice!

Edited by GU22
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nick 0207 (Troll?),

Sorry, but this is the Thai-way to say you are a complete loser it is over. She expected something different...

Now she is just checking out how much from your money she can seize.

Already divorced? Be happy, move on, change your telephonenumbers...


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nick 0207 (Troll?),

Sorry, but this is the Thai-way to say you are a complete loser it is over. She expected something different...

Now she is just checking out how much from your money she can seize.

Already divorced? Be happy, move on, change your telephonenumbers...


if she is 21 and the baby is starting school, she must got it very young, when do they start here school with 6 or 7?

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Keeping my answer within the TV rules on use of language I can only say.

Jolly good luck old chap. You have had the great fortune to discover the truth early in your marriage to this lady whose virtue I would not dare to question.

I could have been worse, she might have been enjoying the fruits of her youth in the UK while you were at work. A divorce there would have cost you dearly.

Break all contact with this woman forthwith, change your phone number, cast your address book in the trash and make no further contact.

You are truly blessed that she has departed, do not let such blessings go un attended.

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I don’t mean to sound too negative….but I heard many thai women married farangs thinking they’re rich but found out the opposite after married to them and became very unhappy.

May be….just may be she had gone back to the bar life again so soon….hope to hook a richer one?

Time will tell

Edited by BKK90210
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Basically i need help with a problem with my ex thai wife .

Your opening line. There is nothing more 'ex' than an ex.

Close the chapter, stop hounding the girl, there are plenty more out there.

Next time, choose one with maturity, or perhaps it's you who needs some maturity.

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I dont mind having the last crumbs. A girl is a girl =)

If its over with the original poster then he might as well give me her contact. And now I have some stuff to begin a conversation with. To break the ice

me: hi

her: hi who is this?

me: hi I heard you got dumped. There is some guy posting about you on the internet. Wanna talk to me?! I have dough

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I dont mind having the last crumbs. A girl is a girl =)

If its over with the original poster then he might as well give me her contact. And now I have some stuff to begin a conversation with. To break the ice

me: hi

her: hi who is this?

me: hi I heard you got dumped. There is some guy posting about you on the internet. Wanna talk to me?! I have dough

Extremely tacky, surely you are not serious :o

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