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Who To Middle-Class Thais Despise More? Sexpats, Backpackers, Or Poor Thais?


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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Really? My Thai friends hold them in contempt.

But they just love backpackers and poor Thais. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Strawman. No one claims they love backpackers and poor Thais and whether they do or not (they don't), it wouldn't support your claim that they are oblivious to sexpats as a whole (or wouldn't see anything wrong with it because Thai makes patronize see workers too)

By the way, reiterate and further explicate something I alluded to before: a sexpat is by definition (I think) someone who comes to live here exclusively or primarily to enjoy the Thai sex industry (as opposed to Thai men who would tend to see it as an incidental thing, not something consciously built their life around) and not only would that be less than palatable to many, among that group are many who have no concern about how they are perceived and thus do things in a far more brazen manner (ie being seen at commercial sex venue or with an obvious sex worker in public) - or, possibly like some people on this thread - aren't even aware of any distinction between themselves and the way Thais do it.

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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

And if you mean "sexpat" as described in the OP, most Thais would find that sort of person - one whose sole purpose to he here is open and unashamed mongering at all hours - quite distasteful.

Au contraire. Most of them would not even notice that such people exist unless they read about them on websites oriented towards foreigners like Thai Visa.

They know they exist - they are just too polite to comment lol

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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Really? My Thai friends hold them in contempt.

But they just love backpackers and poor Thais. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Strawman. No one claims they love backpackers and poor Thais and whether they do or not (they don't), it wouldn't support your claim that they are oblivious to sexpats as a whole (or wouldn't see anything wrong with it because Thai makes patronize see workers too)

By the way, reiterate and further explicate something I alluded to before: a sexpat is by definition (I think) someone who comes to live here exclusively or primarily to enjoy the Thai sex industry (as opposed to Thai men who would tend to see it as an incidental thing, not something consciously built their life around) and not only would that be less than palatable to many, among that group are many who have no concern about how they are perceived and thus do things in a far more brazen manner (ie being seen at commercial sex venue or with an obvious sex worker in public) - or, possibly like some people on this thread - aren't even aware of any distinction between themselves and the way Thais do it.

Wow lots of long words !!!

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Never heard negative views on backpackers, but i have heard poor sexpats being frowned upon

If anything, it's backpackers (as a defineable group rather than just tourists) who are less likely to be known of by average Thais...

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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Really? My Thai friends hold them in contempt.

But they just love backpackers and poor Thais. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Maybe you should try reading the post I was referring to before you comment - no "Strawman" there.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Really? My Thai friends hold them in contempt.

But they just love backpackers and poor Thais. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Maybe you should try reading the post I was referring to before you comment - no "Strawman".

I read it - hence my post. You set up an absurd posit that bears no relation to what someone said or implied and then shoot it down as if you are refuting someone's position - that's called a "strawman" argument.

Allow me:

1) You claim Thais would think of sexpats the same as anyone else.

2) Another person says that is not true in his experience.

3) You sarcastically state - implying that this is what the previous person said - that Thais love backpackers and poor people.

4) No one aid that. And even if Thais loathed backpackers and poor people, that would indicate nothing about how they felt about sexpats.

See? I read it.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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The OPs post is misleading. There are no middle class ties. Only those who have now got access to easy credit thanks to Thaksin. Maybe the title of this thread would be better phrased thus:

Does having a mind blowing amount of debt make you middle class?

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I think that Middle Class Thais are largely indifferent to Farangs. They are hardly likely to be hanging out with Sex Tourists or The Great Unwashed. As another poster pointed out, a lot also has to do with how one behaves.

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The OPs post is misleading. There are no middle class ties. Only those who have now got access to easy credit thanks to Thaksin. Maybe the title of this thread would be better phrased thus:

Does having a mind blowing amount of debt make you middle class?

All flash and no cash. The one's I know anyway.

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I don't think the middle/higher class even notice foreigners.

The ones that have feelings towards foreigners are the poor and uneducated.

Some resent, some want to profit.

Most resentment towards foreigners in any country is from the poor and uneducated.

True. In this country, it usually the Chinese Thai that look down on the said group, especially their servants who they treat as un human

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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Really? My Thai friends hold them in contempt.

But they just love backpackers and poor Thais. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Maybe you should try reading the post I was referring to before you comment - no "Strawman".

I read it - hence my post. You set up an absurd posit that bears no relation to what someone said or implied and then shoot it down as if you are refuting someone's position - that's called a "strawman" argument.

Allow me:

1) You claim Thais would think of sexpats the same as anyone else.

2) Another person says that is not true in his experience.

3) You sarcastically state - implying that this is what the previous person said - that Thais love backpackers and poor people.

4) No one aid that. And even if Thais loathed backpackers and poor people, that would indicate nothing about how they felt about sexpats.

See? I read it.

He said that his friends hold "sexpats" in "contempt", but are fine with backpackers and poor Thais. Exaggeration of what was actually said to make a point is not a Strawman. I did not misrepresent his position. I just pointed out its absurdity - in my opinion, of course. whistling.gif

I have been here over two decades and I am not sure that I have ever even met a "sexpat" - someone who lives here for more than a few years primarily for sex. I know a lot of expats that would list the easy availability of sex as a huge benefit to living here, but that possibility would appeal to most men anywhere - including middle class Thais.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I have been here over two decades and I am not sure that I have ever even met a "sexpat" - someone who lives here for more than a few years primarily for sex.


You must move in very rarified circles then.

IMO anyone who's living here long-term on a small fraction of the salary they'd be making back home is most likely to qualify, even if they keep their reason secret.

Exceptions would be those studying Buddhism, Muay Thai etc and of course are pretty rare.

Note that not all are outright sex maniacs like me, perhaps that was their initial motivation, and now they're in a rut settled down with a wife maybe kids in a house in the sticks and it's pure inertia or poverty keeping them here.

I'd still put that (IMO very large) group in the sexpat category, long after their equipment doesn't even work anymore. . .

But note I don't consider the term derogatory, to each their own you make your bed and then you lie in it.

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I have been here over two decades and I am not sure that I have ever even met a "sexpat" - someone who lives here for more than a few years primarily for sex.


Exceptions would be those studying Buddhism, Muay Thai etc and of course are pretty rare. here.

Plenty of people studying Buddhism and Muay Thai also enjoy the easily availabilty of sex here, so where does one draw the line?

You are still here mainly for sex and you have been here for more than a few years? Most of the people I know found it much less important after that length of time. They got a girlfriend or a wife or just got more frugal and calmed down considerably. I can't think of anyone who has been here a number of years who is still running around like a sex-crazed teenager.

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well there are still places for 100 baht night and backpacker does not mean dirty.

I know some middle class who are looking backpackers and feel honored that these people even they don't have money show their interest in Thailand.

(of course they wear the pink glasses and think Thailand is so super)

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It depends on which Thai person you are asking. If it is the Thai farmer and family from Isaan who gets into the "big"city once every three months to sell their products then they would have very little to say. AS is the case with my family. My father and mother in law had never spoken with a farang before me. Turns out we all like a good fart joke so no problem.

There are men (and some women) in this region who use the services of prostitutes and have the same disregard for women as the Western men do so the average Thai family has the same dislike for these types of people (thai or farang). And as we see zero backpackers it is impossible for the family to comment on them positive or negative.

So the OP's question seems to be coming from someone who lives near an entertainment / tourist area. This may be why your question needs to be asked. If you lived near my village most of the local people would not have an opinion.

I on the other hand work within the hospitality industry and have my opinions on which group I dislike more, but I am not Thai so can not answer.

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Excellent points - there is no one true statement that can be made about "the Thai's".

Those Thais in the business of scamming foreigners, many of whom come from a poor background, love sexpats and don't like cheap charlies, including backpackers.

Hi-so's and those on a moral high horse look down on sexpats and poor Thai's.

Regular Thais don't/can't distinguish between different species of foreigner, and good people everywhere refrain from pigeon-holing people much less "despising" anyone based on such prejudices, but evaluate each individual on their own merits.

And the best don't judge at all. . .

Edited by FunFon
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I have been here over two decades and I am not sure that I have ever even met a "sexpat" - someone who lives here for more than a few years primarily for sex.


Exceptions would be those studying Buddhism, Muay Thai etc and of course are pretty rare. here.

Plenty of people studying Buddhism and Muay Thai also enjoy the easily availabilty of sex here, so where does one draw the line?

You are still here mainly for sex and you have been here for more than a few years? Most of the people I know found it much less important after that length of time. They got a girlfriend or a wife or just got more frugal and calmed down considerably. I can't think of anyone who has been here a number of years who is still running around like a sex-crazed teenager.

Take a trip to Pattaya and you'll see lots of them

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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Sexpats go in the front door of the massage parlor. Foreigners who use the word "Sexpat" go in the back and hope know one sees them.

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You are still here mainly for sex and you have been here for more than a few years? Most of the people I know found it much less important after that length of time. They got a girlfriend or a wife or just got more frugal and calmed down considerably. I can't think of anyone who has been here a number of years who is still running around like a sex-crazed teenager.


Well after twelve years here I was still averaging fifty session-partners per month, but doing so in a quite frugal, calm and mature manner, and the girlfriend/wives were simply part of the mix.

But although I acknowledge that my case is unusual, I still maintain that if that's the main reason you came in the first place, even if you've settled down with only a few session-partners per month, if from an outsider's POV you're still making financial sacrifices to stay you'd qualify in my book, even if laziness/fear/inertia were the ostensible causes keeping you here.



Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Sexpats go in the front door of the massage parlor. Foreigners who use the word "Sexpat" go in the back and hope know one sees them.

I have no idea what you might mean by this. To me, sexpat is simply the extension of a sex tourist. As in "I'm not a tourist, I'm an expat", temporary as opposed to long-term.

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A lot of speculating on here to who is the most frowned upon with obvious bias from each posters perspective. What would be more interesting is if we could actually get a middle classed or Hi-So Thai's opinion.

Im sure i have read many post of guys claiming to have these type of wives. Get them involved!rolleyes.gif

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I once went into a hardware store and asked the proprietor whether apples or pears, or donkeys are better.

The gentleman proprietor appeared rather puzzled, but kindly offered the nuts and bolts of his wisdom on the matter.

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A lot of speculating on here to who is the most frowned upon with obvious bias from each posters perspective. What would be more interesting is if we could actually get a middle classed or Hi-So Thai's opinion.

Im sure i have read many post of guys claiming to have these type of wives. Get them involved!rolleyes.gif

well that was my hi-so ex gf opinion

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Thais think that "sexpats" are just normal men with normal desires that are willing to pay for them.

Sexpats go in the front door of the massage parlor. Foreigners who use the word "Sexpat" go in the back and hope know one sees them.

And the locals, who represent the vast majority of the customers?


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I don't think the middle/higher class even notice foreigners.

The ones that have feelings towards foreigners are the poor and uneducated.

Some resent, some want to profit.

Most resentment towards foreigners in any country is from the poor and uneducated.

It depends on the foreigner' behavior. If they have bad manners, any class of people has rights to resent.

P.S. my answer for the topic is sexpat. Because I can't see any sign of morality from them

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