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U S Government Wants Canadians To Pay To Enter The United States


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There are costs associated with administering the border(s). It is not unusual that the entities charged with providing these services look to 'user fees' to off-set the costs, especially given the current "Sequestration" situation. (I do not know if the CPB/DHS is negatively impacted by the mandatory Sequestration budget cuts?) FWIW, there are already some "fast-pass"-like alternatives like NEXUS, SENTRI and Global Entry, so it's easy to envision automated kiosk alternatives.

For air departures within Thailand I pay 100 baht for a domestic segment and 700 baht for an international departure.

I still remember paying $5 for my first fishing license some 40 years ago so not sure how 'mad" the world has gone? whistling.gif

that is a fee you pay for the use of airport.

not a fee to visiting or leaving the country.

Helloooo Zhou Zhou and a few others here ..!! We are talking about Land Crossings and not Flying (airport charges !!) Like drivinf a car across the Canadian / US of A border to enter the US of A from Canada !! ...

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canada should just do the same... how many US citizens are going to canada to get "affordable" medicine as a bottle of headache pills or a simple doctor's visit can reach many many times the prices of the northern country ... because the US has such a nice laws that doctors and pharmacies can charge you whatever they want or feel like

Maybe you get what you pay for.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US.

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland — "The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

The announcement about of Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams' plans has triggered a debate since Canada prides itself on its universal health care system."


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There are lots of road which do not have a border crossing I guess If they get used too much they will put one. How many businesses in the States depend on Canadian Customers coming across the border.

I guess the natural resources that Canada sends to the states should be put up for bid as China would love to access them.. With the greater need of the United states for Canada's natural

resources, it is had to understand why the United States would want to alienate Canada.

C'mon. I love Canada, but let's play fair.

First, the USA has more oil reserves, in the ground, untapped, than all of the rest of the world combined.

THIS is just one area, which has it.

It isn't even counting all that's off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, or The Gulf of Mexico, or in Alaska, or anything that's already being used. THIS is the US government accounting office, speaking to congress.

Next the USA has vast timber lands which are being untouched due to the same reason that oil isn't being pumped. Tree and ground huggers.

The US economy would take off like a shot if the enviro-terrorists weren't stopping all of the wealth and good jobs that would be created by tapping these resources.

The US could easily be the world's biggest net exporter of oil, and stop sending its money to other countries to buy oil. What a reversal of balance of payments that would be.

I love Canada. Canadians always treat me like one of them. But let's keep our facts straight, OK?

Edited by NeverSure
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There are lots of road which do not have a border crossing I guess If they get used too much they will put one. How many businesses in the States depend on Canadian Customers coming across the border.

I guess the natural resources that Canada sends to the states should be put up for bid as China would love to access them.. With the greater need of the United states for Canada's natural

resources, it is had to understand why the United States would want to alienate Canada.

C'mon. I love Canada, but let's play fair.

First, the USA has more oil reserves, in the ground, untapped, than all of the rest of the world combined.

THIS is just one area, which has it.

It isn't even counting all that's off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, or The Gulf of Mexico, or in Alaska, or anything that's already being used. THIS is the US government accounting office, speaking to congress.

Next the USA has vast timber lands which are being untouched due to the same reason that oil isn't being pumped. Tree and ground huggers.

The US economy would take off like a shot if the enviro-terrorists weren't stopping all of the wealth and good jobs that would be created by tapping these resources.

The US could easily be the world's biggest net exporter of oil, and stop sending its money to other countries to buy oil. What a reversal of balance of payments that would be.

I love Canada. Canadians always treat me like one of them. But let's keep our facts straight, OK?

Top export from Canada to USA is motor vehicles and other engineering products. Oil is down the list ( but important, nevertheless).

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There are lots of road which do not have a border crossing I guess If they get used too much they will put one. How many businesses in the States depend on Canadian Customers coming across the border.

I guess the natural resources that Canada sends to the states should be put up for bid as China would love to access them.. With the greater need of the United states for Canada's natural

resources, it is had to understand why the United States would want to alienate Canada.

C'mon. I love Canada, but let's play fair.

First, the USA has more oil reserves, in the ground, untapped, than all of the rest of the world combined.

THIS is just one area, which has it.

It isn't even counting all that's off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, or The Gulf of Mexico, or in Alaska, or anything that's already being used. THIS is the US government accounting office, speaking to congress.

Next the USA has vast timber lands which are being untouched due to the same reason that oil isn't being pumped. Tree and ground huggers.

The US economy would take off like a shot if the enviro-terrorists weren't stopping all of the wealth and good jobs that would be created by tapping these resources.

The US could easily be the world's biggest net exporter of oil, and stop sending its money to other countries to buy oil. What a reversal of balance of payments that would be.

I love Canada. Canadians always treat me like one of them. But let's keep our facts straight, OK?

Top export from Canada to USA is motor vehicles and other engineering products. Oil is down the list ( but important, nevertheless).

It seems as if some want to make this a contest of some sort between the US and Canada. Don't go there. We're friends, and it just ends up looking like tit for tat.

Yes, Canada imports cars to the US. Look at what they manufacture. Link

Vehicles made in Canada, all engineered and owned by Germany, Japan, and the US, including the know-how of manufacture. 2012

My Chevy Impala was made in Ontario, Canada, and I have no problem with that. It's a good car.

Acura CSX

Acura MDX

Acura ZDX

Buick Regal

Chevrolet Camaro

Chevrolet Equinox

Chevrolet Impala

Chrysler 300

Chrysler Town & Country

Dodge Charger

Dodge Challenger

Dodge Grand Caravan

Ford Edge

Ford Flex

GMC Terrain

Honda Civic Coupe

Honda Civic Sedan

Honda CR-V

Lexus RX 350

Lincoln MKT

Lincoln MKX

Mercury Grand Marquis

Toyota Corolla

Toyota Matrix

Toyota RAV4

VW Routan

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When and if the fees become a reality will be the time to get your panties in a twist.

Until then all the angst and outrage being expressed is nothing more than hot air.

Some people need to chill a little.

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Like many proposals, this one will likely fail. Of course, years ago I was thunderstruck at the idea of having to pay to drive on a road.

Yeah, we pay all right in fed and state fuel taxes, excise tax on tires... But I agree, I never drove on a toll road or bridge until the past few years. Even then they are mostly in the East or N. Midwest.

I recently drove clear across the country just for fun, and hit just one toll road and it was in the middle of nowhere. Maybe, and I think "yes," it was in W. Virginia or Western Virginia. It was in what the East calls "mountains," LOL, like maybe somewhere around Charlotte, W. Virginia or something.

Otherwise, nothing. I drove more than 6,000 miles, round trip from W. Oregon.

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And Americans sometimes wonder why there is so much anti-Americanism in Canada. I guess Canada will just have to slap a similar fee on people crossing in the other direction.

?? If they're anti American then why would they want to go there?? Stay the expletive out!


Jeez. Sensitive, aren't we! My point is that various US officials, like Janet Napolitano, or various US ambassadors to Canada often make insensitive or foolish statements that leave a bit of a bad taste with the neighbours to the north. There is sometimes a certain arrogance that comes with being the most powerful country on earth, and this ill considered proposal is just one more minor example.

I would never, as a Canadian, tell Americans to stay the expletive out of Canada, so don't get your expletive knickers in a twist!

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canada should just do the same... how many US citizens are going to canada to get "affordable" medicine as a bottle of headache pills or a simple doctor's visit can reach many many times the prices of the northern country ... because the US has such a nice laws that doctors and pharmacies can charge you whatever they want or feel like

Maybe you get what you pay for.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US.

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland — "The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

The announcement about of Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams' plans has triggered a debate since Canada prides itself on its universal health care system."


These are the same medicines as are available in the US. The difference is that the Canadian government negotiates prices with the big drug manufacturers so that Canadians can afford to buy them, something the US government (until recently perhaps) has not seen fit to do for its own citizens.

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Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is the only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

You are missing another point. This is not a one way street where only the Canadians are forced by U.S. gov't officials to pay fees to visit the USA. Americans will now be forced to pay Canadian officials to visit Canada. It's called recipacality. (Pardon my spelling). It all about getting the most out of tourist. Every other country has to pay these fees. Why not Canada?

It's called reciprocity. And it's not about getting anything out of tourists.

It's about tit for tat, mutuality, or the golden rule.

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Obamas government has no limit to their greed. Unbelieveable.

On the contrary, it is a response to the budget reductions. The US government has to pay for the security service somehow.

It is not necessarily a bad thing for Canada if it discourages cross border shopping and encourages the Canadians to toughen their own entry surveillance. The downside is that the US border states will suffer, especially the LCC airports that have taken away much of the Canadian low cost air travel market. This is why border states like WA and NY are furious.

BTW, as piece of trivia, more illegals attempted to cross into Canada from the USA than from Canada into the USA over the past 3 years. It seems Canada needs to tighten its own border security to keep out American sourced illegals.

The problem with the argument that this new taxation attempt is due to budget reductions is flawed. The recent sequestration is only a reduction of the increase in the budget. The USA is still spending more this year than last year (even though we have to borrow more to do it). We had no problem affording it last year, and now they have more money to spend than last year, just not as much of an increase as originally planned.

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Some Canadians' overreaction to little things like this annoys me. I want to be proud of my country and its dignified place in the world. I would rather the rest of the world ignore us than think of us a bunch of crying little babies. Every time we fall for the CBC's latest push of moral indignation towards our southern neighbours, we ingrain the world view that we are little more than the spoiled, kid brother of the USA. This is especially true when we roll out the tired old 'special relationship' argument. It is difficult to fault this view as we seemingly define our identity in relation and adversely to the American identity.

Reciprocity??? Ha, that is nothing more than an immature attempt of "I know you are so what am I?" Far from taxing Americans, we should be improving the means for them to visit us. The only thing achieved by us taxing Americans at the border will be a bunch of self-righteous Canadians shaking their fists at the border yelling "So what do you think of that?" To which America will reply, "Hey, did you see the finale for 'The Following'?". No one in America will notice or care.

We need to stop doing this, it's embarrassing. Let America do American things and Canada do Canadian things and I will be a proud Canadian who is happy to have the second or third best country as our neighbour (top 5 for sure). Do we really want to be to America what New Zealand is to Australia. Just kidding Kiwis,rolleyes.gif we love you. Every one knows its the Aussies who are the problem down there.

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Some Canadians' overreaction to little things like this annoys me. I want to be proud of my country and its dignified place in the world. I would rather the rest of the world ignore us than think of us a bunch of crying little babies. Every time we fall for the CBC's latest push of moral indignation towards our southern neighbours, we ingrain the world view that we are little more than the spoiled, kid brother of the USA. This is especially true when we roll out the tired old 'special relationship' argument. It is difficult to fault this view as we seemingly define our identity in relation and adversely to the American identity.

Reciprocity??? Ha, that is nothing more than an immature attempt of "I know you are so what am I?" Far from taxing Americans, we should be improving the means for them to visit us. The only thing achieved by us taxing Americans at the border will be a bunch of self-righteous Canadians shaking their fists at the border yelling "So what do you think of that?" To which America will reply, "Hey, did you see the finale for 'The Following'?". No one in America will notice or care.

We need to stop doing this, it's embarrassing. Let America do American things and Canada do Canadian things and I will be a proud Canadian who is happy to have the second or third best country as our neighbour (top 5 for sure). Do we really want to be to America what New Zealand is to Australia. Just kidding Kiwis,rolleyes.gif we love you. Every one knows its the Aussies who are the problem down there.

A refreshingly positive attitude for once. I like and agree.

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Gee, all it takes is a "proposed study about a fee" to bring out the racisits and anti American trolls who instead of hanging out under bridges these days, apparently hang out on the Thai Visa site.

1. This is a proposed fee to cover expenses. Perhaps Canadians that are upset would like Americans to raise their own taxes to cover the expense of security at our joint border. Remember we have to pay for that big fence on our southern border to keep out those pesky farm workers as well.

2. I would fully expect to pay a fee upon entering Canada and Mexico by car as we already do pay a fee when we fly there. I pay when I fly in and out of Thailand so I don't see the difference.

3. Canada is a wealthy nation. Paying a few bucks to enter the USA isn't going to stop Canadians from driving to Florida for their winter vacation or NJ for their summer vacation. It may stop those who drive across the border to buy groceries however.

4. I'm not quite sure what the guy babbling about paying for illegal immigrant babies is talking about. The great majority of welfare assistance in the USA is paid out to legal, white citizens, not minorities and not illegal aliens.

5. I am also not quite sure also about the guy who says that Americans wonder why Canadians hate them so much. I have never heard any American say anything like this. If Canadians really hate us that much, they are pretty good at keeping it a secret.

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