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Do Tourists All Think Expats Are Married To Ex-'working Girls'?


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I add a bit about something else I'm not willing to argue about ( but as it may he removed, I posted it separately):It's simply not so - as some have said - that they would never allow a Farang into the family. It's been decades since the marriage to an American of the eldest daughter of a certain TOP family caused in scandal and these days, while it is hardly common, if you look at the society pages of a certain paper or (Thai) Tatler, you will occasionally see evidence that it does happen.

After all, not even most Thai men have the "qualifications" to marry those women. It stand to reason they'd be even fewer Farangs who'd have the chance, just in terms of sheer numbers let alone snobbery or xenophobia.

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Not all tourist think this way, but 99% of Thai people will think that you married a hooker , and the higher you go into the Thai society, the most prevalent this judgement will be .

Yes, hi-so Thais can be very prejudiced and judgmental, not to mention racist when it comes to people from Isaan. It's not pleasant, it's very ignorant and also rather sad that in this day and age people still think like this.

Hi-so thais are very obnoxious generaly,and certainly very racist
I always wonder when I hear Westerners talk of Hi-So Thais if they actually know any unless they are members of certain clubs like RBSC etc.

I would imagine they work with hi-so's, or their offspring.

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Real Hi-Sos DON"T work.

Oh, Lordy. Now we'd have to get I to a ridiculous debate about what is or isn't a "real Hi So" (especially so when Farangs do it)...I'm just going to disagree and leave it at that, I think.

More two dimensional caricature.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I think you're (deliberately) being rather narrow minded in your definition of hi-so. Perhaps we can change it to "upper middle class" Thais?

To be fair, there is a space between "upper middle class" and this somewhat fictional super untouchable aristocracy that mere mortals never glimpse or have any access to (and who never work):

There is obviously a relatively small group of families that have titles and lineage that makes them true aristocracy but there is also the super wealthy that are clearly beyond upper middle class. Neither of these groups always fit into the very narrow and simplistic definitions often given on this forum.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Real Hi-Sos DON"T work.

I think you're (deliberately) being rather narrow minded in your definition of hi-so. Perhaps we can change it to "upper middle class" Thais?

I know what a Hi-So Thai is. I don't need you to tell me, thank you very much.
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Most Thais make American rednecks seem like bleeding heart liberals.

I seriously doubt any 'hi-so' would even talk to foreigners of the type that frequent this forum.

(excluding those forum members who are diplomats, ceos of multi-nationals, members of governments and multi-millionaires)

Don't forget those of us who have worked for them! Sometimes they are forced to socialize with the lower echelons a bit and deign to acknowledge their existence...

Actually, it's simply not the case that the Thai elite are universally such xenophobes and snobs that they disdain all but the top tier of foreigners or always think horribly of those not at the top. I'm not about to get into a debate about something that can't be proven - and which I care so little about - but I will go on record as saying I have had enough experience (not a lot) as have a few people I know, to view things otherwise.

These are sophisticated people who have been educated abroad and spent a great deal of time in foriegn counties and have had a great deal of international influences in their lives.They are not all two dimensional caricatures that so many think they know of...

You are, of course, correct. I should have added 'servants' and 'employees' to my list of foreign people they would talk with.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Real Hi-Sos DON"T work.

Oh, Lordy. Now we'd have to get I to a ridiculous debate about what is or isn't a "real Hi So" (especially so when Farangs do it)...I'm just going to disagree and leave it at that, I think.

More two dimensional caricature.

Do you know the phrase:-

Poo Dee Dtin Daeng Dta Kang Dtin Dern ?

poo dee - aristocrat

dtin daeng - soft, pink feet that have never done any work.

dta kang dtin dern - walk on the sides of the feet because of dirty ground

Edited by Neeranam
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I know what a Hi-So Thai is. I don't need you to tell me, thank you very much.

If I promise not to argue, will you tell me?


lol, well think of anyone in The UK with a hereditary title and talks with a plum in their mouth.

Stick 'khun' in the front and imagine their Thai counterpart and you'll have a rough idea.

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Real Hi-Sos DON"T work.Oh, Lordy. Now we'd have to get I to a ridiculous debate about what is or isn't a "real Hi So" (especially so when Farangs do it)...I'm just going to disagree and leave it at that, I think.More two dimensional caricature.Do you know the phrase:-Poo Dee Dtin Daeng Dta Kang Dtin Dern ?

Yes. Is that old Thai saying supposed to prove anything at all?

The aristocracy/rich/hi so have never done anything for themselves so say those that aren't among them. Perhaps that's just, like many other old sayings, a simplistic and disparaging generalization about the haves by the have nots? Yes, it is.

I still definitely disagree with your assertion that high society Thais never work. Thai proverb notwithstanding.


I see that you added a translation after I had already started typing Thanks but it wasn't necessary. Nothing hard about any of that vocabulary.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I know what a Hi-So Thai is. I don't need you to tell me, thank you very much.If I promise not to argue, will you tell me?lol, well think of anyone in The UK with a hereditary title and talks with a plum in their mouth.Stick 'khun' in the front and imagine their Thai counterpart and you'll have a rough idea.

OK, like I thought. Simplistic two dimensional caricature.

Certainly didn't help to clarify who or who isn't "Hi So". Oh, well.

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Real Hi-Sos DON"T work.Oh, Lordy. Now we'd have to get I to a ridiculous debate about what is or isn't a "real Hi So" (especially so when Farangs do it)...I'm just going to disagree and leave it at that, I think.More two dimensional caricature.Do you know the phrase:-Poo Dee Dtin Daeng Dta Kang Dtin Dern ?

Yes. Is that old Thai saying supposed to prove anything at all?

The aristocracy/rich/hi so have never done anything for themselves so say Tahoe that aren't among them. Perhaps that's just, like many other old sayings, a simplistic and disparaging generalization about the haves by the have nots.

I still definitely disagree with your assertion that high society Thais never work. Thai proverb notwithstanding.

I see that you added a translation. Thanks but it wasn't necessary.

Yeah, well whatever - getting off topic.

Let's just say that Hi-So Thais look down on most Westerners and their wives and assume that the woman is a prostitute, especially if she is loso. Btw do you know what loso is? lol

Also, if the woman were Thai Chinese, it wouldn't make any difference.

Many 'farang no-so' seem to think Thai/Chinese and a bit of money, ie Nouveau Riche is hi-so. Not so.

Edited by Neeranam
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I know what a Hi-So Thai is. I don't need you to tell me, thank you very much.If I promise not to argue, will you tell me?lol, well think of anyone in The UK with a hereditary title and talks with a plum in their mouth.Stick 'khun' in the front and imagine their Thai counterpart and you'll have a rough idea.

OK, like I thought. Simplistic two dimensional caricature.

Certainly didn't help to clarify who or who isn't "Hi So". Oh, well.

Joe, if you tell me what your perception of Thai hi-so is, then I might be able to help. Then again, maybe you know better than I.
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IJoe, if you tell me what your perception of Thai hi-so is, then I might be able to help. Then again, maybe you know better than I.

Thanks anyway, but I don't actually want your help. I was just curious to see what someone so confident (from what I've seen, I'd wager mistakenly) that they could accurately define it, would say.

I have a clear understanding of how this relatively new idiom (as opposed to "high society" or "aristocracy" or "people with titles and lineage") is used and who it applies to but I said I think it's a ridiculous thing fro two foreigners to debate about.

Oh, and As I said on another thread yesterday, I've never trafficked I the simplistic and largely fallacious Thai/Chinese meme...

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IJoe, if you tell me what your perception of Thai hi-so is, then I might be able to help. Then again, maybe you know better than I.

Thanks anyway, but I don't actually want your help. I was just curious to see what someone so confident (from what I've seen, I'd wager mistakenly) that they could accurately define it, would say.

I have a clear understanding of how this relatively new idiom (as opposed to "high society" or "aristocracy" or "people with titles and lineage") is used and who it applies to but I said I think it's a ridiculous thing fro two foreigners to debate about.

I never said I could define it.

It seems I was right - you do know better than me, or at least you think you do.

Please share your clear understanding. I hate to be mistaken.

Edited by Neeranam
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I never said I could define it.It seems I was right - you do know better than me, or at least you think you do.Please share your clear understanding. I hate to be mistaken.

My mistake. You didn't say you could define it, you merely said you knew what it was. I apologize.

Yes, going by what you have said, I do think I have a better idea than you. ("Think" being the operative word, but I'm fairly confident in that conclusion).

I'm going to decline your request though. Feel free to see that as vindication!

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Very rude drinking company you had! Hope you said thank you and walked away!

Not all do, i think. But a lot of tourists are prejudiced, sadly.

I did make an exit about 10 minutes later. I joked that I hoped that my wife was never a bar prostitute thinking what an incredible xxxx the guy was.

How would others respond?

The thing is, even though you said that and then left ... I bet that guy thought to himself your girl was a hooker and you just don't know! biggrin.png

Basically, it's his problem. He's used to only interacting with working girls and probably goes around saying things like "we all pay for it one way of the other" and stuff like that

On a serious note I don't think all tourists think that, I think a lot of them probably don't think at all about the situation. Wherver you go nowadays there are interracial relationships, here in Middle East, back in the UK even so fairly common site

Damn - 17 pages, this took off, didn't it, I guess I should read more it then! :/

Edited by Razzler1973
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Very rude drinking company you had! Hope you said thank you and walked away!

Not all do, i think. But a lot of tourists are prejudiced, sadly.

It is natural that "the world" has a very dim view of Thailand and many of it's people.

It is no secret that there are around 2 million engaged in the flesh trade, no surprises there. Forget the fact that it is illegal but what the he!! when has the law stopped anyone here from doing exactly whatever they want to do.

It is illegal to gamble in the realm (with one exception) and yet gambling is an industry in Thailand.

Corruption (and lying) are a way of life and 75% of Thais (as shown in a recent poll) believe that it is OK to do so "as long as they are getting a piece of the action"

So are tourists prejudiced? perhaps! but they have good reason to be so. The facts all speak for themselves.

Finally, I would think an 'ex hooker' might make an excellent wife if she is honest' which is defined as an oxymoron in itself.

This may not be the most biased, xenophobic post ever on TV, but it surely ranks in the top 5.

Problem is -- it looks like maybe a majority on here support this kind of poppycock. Actually, I'd

be very curious to know how many do. If that's not breaking any rules.

You've got my vote mate - I'd guess that anywhere in the region of 50% of Thai Visa contributors were born <deleted>, lived most of their pathetic lives as <deleted>, and then miraculously visited Thailand where they found that Thai-Kino was a much nicer name than <deleted> and decided to stay

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Very rude drinking company you had! Hope you said thank you and walked away!

Not all do, i think. But a lot of tourists are prejudiced, sadly.

It is natural that "the world" has a very dim view of Thailand and many of it's people.

It is no secret that there are around 2 million engaged in the flesh trade, no surprises there. Forget the fact that it is illegal but what the he!! when has the law stopped anyone here from doing exactly whatever they want to do.

It is illegal to gamble in the realm (with one exception) and yet gambling is an industry in Thailand.

Corruption (and lying) are a way of life and 75% of Thais (as shown in a recent poll) believe that it is OK to do so "as long as they are getting a piece of the action"

So are tourists prejudiced? perhaps! but they have good reason to be so. The facts all speak for themselves.

Finally, I would think an 'ex hooker' might make an excellent wife if she is honest' which is defined as an oxymoron in itself.

This may not be the most biased, xenophobic post ever on TV, but it surely ranks in the top 5.

Problem is -- it looks like maybe a majority on here support this kind of poppycock. Actually, I'd

be very curious to know how many do. If that's not breaking any rules.

You've got my vote mate - I'd guess that anywhere in the region of 50% of Thai Visa contributors were born <deleted>, lived most of their pathetic lives as <deleted>, and then miraculously visited Thailand where they found that Thai-Kino was a much nicer name than <deleted> and decided to stay

Do you count yourself in the 50% or in the other part?

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