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Thai Education Ministry To Prepare Workforce Required For Rail System Overhaul


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The education department? Doesn't anyone know that the education department controls Thai Universities, Thai Universities teach engineering, education department makes more places available, more places available makes for more engineers

You missed out the word shoddy ............... twice.

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The education department? Doesn't anyone know that the education department controls Thai Universities, Thai Universities teach engineering, education department makes more places available, more places available makes for more engineers

You missed out the word shoddy ............... twice.

I can see positions where even the odd bugger or sodden wouldn't be out of place wink.png

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Minister of Education Pongthep Thepkanchana said his ministry has been tasked with preparing the workforce that will be required for the country's efforts to upgrade its rail transportation system.

To me this reads as that the next upgrade of the railway system will start at the earliest in about 8 yearsm as that would be the time between they start and finish technical school.

Or are they gonne train them in a few weeks only , as usual.

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Minister of Education Pongthep Thepkanchana said his ministry has been tasked with preparing the workforce that will be required for the country's efforts to upgrade its rail transportation system.

To me this reads as that the next upgrade of the railway system will start at the earliest in about 8 yearsm as that would be the time between they start and finish technical school.

Or are they gonne train them in a few weeks only , as usual.

Train them ........ good one ;)

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If I were Thai I dont think I would give up my day job to train as a potential (if we dont get a different government, if we dont get an economic crisis) train driver!

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An inferior track will be built BUT there will be lots of flowers and shrubs along the track. There will be many water features and pretty paving stones. There will also be the requisite 'To Be Number 1" posters and signs all along the track. A few "Genius" carriages and we are all set. The track will operate 60 percent below expectation and will be closed for 6 months of the year. Its perfect.................... just like the schools. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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I guess the way the Thai Education Ministry is going to prepare the new workforce for this project will be to commission a game for the school tablets called 'Railway Digger'. The aim being to progress your way through the levels from lowly Paddy Planter to the exalted position of Railway Digger where much coin and Gold will be received. With some appropriate brain washing music and three years in the game the young uns will be queuing up to dig railway lines in 5 years. There, job done, problem solved. wink.png

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whistling.gif Yes of course it's just talk, babble, bla-bla-bla babble, nonsense.

"Politico-babble" nonsense to be specific,

Although a computer literate and intelligent young work force would be of great benefit to Thailand, it probably will never happen voluntarily.

For one thing, Thailand is dominated by a elitist and wealthy high-so elite that does not favor a young dynamic and (especially this) free-thinking Thai work force.

The existing high-so wealthy elitist clique does NOT want such an intelligent free-thinking work force to come into existence,

Because the existence of such a group might endanger the survival of their wealthy high so elite, and endanger there control of Thai society,

Don't look for help from the politicians in any of the current political parties, they area all of one wealthy billionaire or another.

(That includes one ex Prime minister billionaire currently living in the middle east.)

That's why that elitist clique goes out of it's way to work hard to KEEP the Thai education system, public education, a system designed to produce healthy but brainless drones who do NOT think or innovate, but simply learn to copy the "correct" answers and regurgitate them on command.

And no matter what politico-babble nonsense the authorities say, they will not and do not wish to produce Thai workers who think for themselves or make independent decisions.

No, that would be to dangerous for the wealthy elitist clique at the top who actually controls Thailand.

But like King Canute (spelling?) they also can not stand there and hold back the tide by their commands anymore than Canute himself could,


You never miss a chance to bash the wealthy elitist clique.

Aside from Thaksin can you name them or are they figures of your imagination.

Don't feel like I am picking on you I have asked this question of several other posters none had an answer.

If Libel laws were to be involved why have they not been against the Shinawatra's?

Now to get back to the topic.coffee1.gif

He said after his trip that there was high demand for rail transport service among the public, but the current rail system cannot fully accommodate them as development of the system has been neglected for a long time.

And by the time they get all of this completed in 2020 or 2030 and it goes into service...

...there will still be a high demand for rail transport service among the public, because the new rail system will not be able to fully accommodate the public, as development of the system did not take into account the future population increase and instead stuck to its 2013 numbers.

Added to that the comment another poster said in another article about this is that Japan has already pulled out of the bidding process because the bidding dropped below their abilities to ensure any standards of quality in the engineering and construction.

Grrr.... what magnanimous idiots.

With Standard gauge your gradient is a key factor , because with heavy Axel load , longer trains and higher speeds you don't want a roller coast ride the old narrow gauge is up hill down dale , light Axel load and slow speed, so there's a problem right from the start, if you are going to use dual gauge.

No problem plan ahead ( I admit that might be a problem) and put in the proper gauge. It will be expensive as hell but cheaper than it will be when they no longer have the choice,

I was wondering how they were going to train them when they did not know who was going to do the work.

The last I heard France and China were in the running and on the one from Singapore to Beijing I think the Chinese have a lot to say about the Thai portion. If I recall correctly they were going to help with the cost.

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