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Mosquito Hunting

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My missus has got to be the best mossie hunter around. Just the mere sound of a buzzing mozzie and she is up tracks it down and squashes the little bugger to death with bare hands. Never seen her a the fight but admit some bouts have taken a few minutes. clap2.gif

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Of all the media I took in Thailand at the Farm last time ... this one is my favourite ...


... a dead mosquito!

Little bastards bitches gave me hell at the Farm ... dry.png

2. Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals; males feed on flower nectar.
Mosquitoes mean nothing personal when they take your blood. Female mosquitoes need
protein for their eggs, and must take a blood meal in order to
reproduce. Since males don't bear the burden of producing young, they'll
avoid you completely and head for the flowers instead.


All power to your wife ... thumbsup.gif

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All Thais seem to have an inate ability to feel a mosquito when it has landed or when it first breaks the skin (before poison has passed). They also have an inate ability to slap me on the face, arms or legs, leaving a mini-bloody aftermath!

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