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Lost My Interest In Thailand


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Wow, you just don't give up at trying to be funny. blink.pngcheesy.gif

Would you prefer the light-hearted, funny Naam, or the in-your-face, condescending Naam? He actually amuses me either way.

I don't understand either of them, she has an inane sense of humor. BTW it's a she not a he.
Naan's a woman? Have you told him? Or his wife? I can imagine they'll both be quite stunned.


last time i looked down i had a pecker. to be on the safe side i will check again and report the findings whistling.gif

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I think personally if I ever got to the point where I relied on my kids to support me I would consider this a failure on my part. This isn't culture guys is laziness and greed combined.

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I don't understand either of them, she has an inane sense of humor. BTW it's a she not a he.

it takes brains to understand "either of them". and the fact that your boobs are smaller than those of "either of them" doesn't make understanding easier for you.

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I was with the OP, feeling some compassion for his plight until ...

but i have told the wife no more of her money being sent to Thailand,

If you are in a relationship where she has some discretionary spend ... shouldn't she, your wife be free to allocate those funds where she sees fit?

Imagine if she told you no more beer (insert any vice you wish if you are a teetotaller).


If she was paying for his beer along with his rent, bills and living expenses while he makes money and contributes nothing, then she might have a point, eh?

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last time i looked down i had a pecker. to be on the safe side i will check again and report the findings whistling.gif

Found it yet Naam ?

That post was about 20 minutes ago ?????? smile.png

Still admiring it, or still looking for the magnifying glasses.

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1. When the daughter and wife spend some time together, the first thing you do is run off to Pattaya? Why?

2. You do not want to be bothered by ladies, of all places in Thailand, why do you go to Pattaya?

3. Walking around in Pattaya, there are too many ladyboys? It leads me to believe you are walking around on Walking Street!? Why do you walk around on Walking Street if you do not want to be bothered by ladies and ladyboys?

4. You are in Pattaya, Thailand, but not are you only offended by Ladyboys, you are also upset by the fact that there are many Thai Men in Pattaya? Pattaya is located in Thailand, therefore, you will gonna have to deal with Thai men as well.

5. You told the ladies that you were not interested, and kept to yourself, and you wonder why they, after a while lost interest in you??

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I think aside from the phones, tv's. dvd's, ipad's the mother in law apparently has your balls stashed away in her secret hiding place. Either re grow a new set or take the next easiest way out and find a hotel that offers a kitchenette with a gas oven.

And the LAST place my wife would want me to take her on a "holiday" would be Pattaya. Not saying there are not nice places to go there but come on.

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last time i looked down i had a pecker. to be on the safe side i will check again and report the findings whistling.gif

Found it yet Naam ?

That post was about 20 minutes ago ?????? smile.png

it is quite embarassing... there used to be one... i swear all holy oaths... <deleted>... w00t.gif

See, see, I knew I was right.

You mind if I call you Tom ? smile.png

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You mind if I call you Tom ?

was there a Tom who had like all male Klingons two peckers?

Klingons possess a very robust and enduring biology as well as large and muscular statures. Their anatomy is redundant and supernumerary; every organ has a backup, including extra pairs of lungs, kidneys, an extra heart, and even a secondary brain stem, as well as an extensive and hardy skeletal structure.


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You mind if I call you Tom ?

was there a Tom who had like all male Klingons two peckers?

>Klingons possess a very robust and enduring biology as well as large and muscular statures. Their anatomy is redundant and supernumerary; every organ has a backup, including extra pairs of lungs, kidneys, an extra heart, and even a secondary brain stem, as well as an extensive and hardy skeletal structure.


My knowledge about Klingons is very limited in that particular field, but I actually didn't read your post as

it is quite embarassing... there used to be ONLY one... i swear all holy oaths... <deleted>... w00t.gif

And I know quite a few Tom's who have NOT one . biggrin.png

Perhaps you can apply some flaxseed oil to solve the issue. wai.gif

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Pattaya? With your wife....?

If that's where you go to relax then there is no hope....none at all...

age old joke:

-i am going to Pattaya

-you dirty pig!

-no, not what you think! i'm going with my wife.

-you stupid pig!

What the old joke about people who live in Pattaya with a wife? PS: As to the dual penises I guess that all that forehead scarring is from the circumcision.

Edited by waza
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Up date .just got back from Wa Hin after a few days away, just read some comments, Some witty, some un educated. and some educated. belive it or not you can go to Pattaya to see some friends, ex Patts and Thai, Sorry to upset a few posters but I never met my wife in a Bar or a club. nor do i send money to Thailand, the wife sends her money, which she earns working hard in the UK. thats the problem her family is leaning on her, Only 5 days to go then back to ther Uk maybe will not return, had enough of Scams lies and cons, Double standards and out and out theft from the rich Thai people against there own poor people, I wounder how long before the buble will burst for Thailand. Over Building, baht to high, Thailand is having problems now they canot sell a lot of there goods on the world markets, factorys have no orders and the Immigrents are flooding in but up to them as they say there holiday.

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Going to Thailand for 6 weeks and bored after two... obviously bad preparation, no plan what to do in his holiday...

Going to Pattaya during Sonkrang AND staying in Soi Metro... obviously no idea where to go and when to go and what to expect...

So OP: no wonder you ended up in the mood you are now... next time, I would suggest to do some pre-reading and planning...

P.S.: I spent two days in Pattaya during Songkran (18/19) with GF and daughters and we enjoyed it tremendously... driving in in morning before traffic jam started... new hotel near Centra Festival with all decent chairs... got wet cause that is part of Songkran... and even driving out of Pattaya was no issue on 20 morning... great fun for all of us...

Hey Swiss I agree with everything you stated in your post, sheesh ! Why go to Thaland during Songkran if you are not going to enjoy the holiday, at best plan around it. Now I wish I was in Pattaya during Songkran even Chaing Mai or Khon Kaen for that matter. It was way to quiet on Koh Chang. I enjoy watching the Thais celebrate Songkran fun seeing people enjoy themselves and while I do not particpate I do not mind getting soaked even with ice water. As far visiting my wifes Thai family I always make a deal with my wife we spend time with her family but give equal time to visit places that we like to go together .

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Up date .just got back from Wa Hin after a few days away, just read some comments, Some witty, some un educated. and some educated. belive it or not you can go to Pattaya to see some friends, ex Patts and Thai, Sorry to upset a few posters but I never met my wife in a Bar or a club. nor do i send money to Thailand, the wife sends her money, which she earns working hard in the UK. thats the problem her family is leaning on her, Only 5 days to go then back to ther Uk maybe will not return, had enough of Scams lies and cons, Double standards and out and out theft from the rich Thai people against there own poor people, I wounder how long before the buble will burst for Thailand. Over Building, baht to high, Thailand is having problems now they canot sell a lot of there goods on the world markets, factorys have no orders and the Immigrents are flooding in but up to them as they say there holiday.

Thongkorn, you sure are an native English speaker yes ?

Edited by jbrain
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Would you prefer the light-hearted, funny Naam, or the in-your-face, condescending Naam? He actually amuses me either way.

I don't understand either of them, she has an inane sense of humor. BTW it's a she not a he.
Naan's a woman? Have you told him? Or his wife? I can imagine they'll both be quite stunned.


last time i looked down i had a pecker. to be on the safe side i will check again and report the findings whistling.gif

being of germanic descent, i am surprised you can look down and see it. so few holed up in pattaya still have that ability

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To the OP: obviously your choice as to where you want to spend your time and money, just realize that at this point most of your experiences here are the result of choice you yourself have made. Start making different choices (including never setting foot here again if that's really what you want) and you'll have different experiences. Less drastically avoiding places like Pattaya and being aware of the calendar (you really didn't know Songkran was coming??) will also greatly improve your odds of having a good time. If your spending time with the Thai relatives is important to your SO but that annoying to you, I'm sure you can work out an acceptable compromise.

However you should be aware that supporting her family is definitely an important value to your wife, quite possibly one of the main reasons she ended up with you? and you should not interfere with her doing that no matter how much the recipients might be throwing the money away in your opinion.

However IMO that money should be coming from her own discretionary capital/income as you've agreed with her, so if she decided to stop sending them that regular money she'd have more for her own "foolishness" like fashionable clothing and electronics.

I think personally if I ever got to the point where I relied on my kids to support me I would consider this a failure on my part. This isn't culture guys is laziness and greed combined.

No this is definitely a cultural difference, and for anyone not yet "permanently" attached to a particular Thai, you should take your SO's desire to support her parents as a good sign of her being a good moral person.

If your SO expresses that she doesn't care about them and isn't willing to help them out, then she's either lying to you or even worse is completely "off the reservation" in her morality and IMO much more likely to turn on your as well at some point down the road.

In sum, my strategy on this issue is to make sure my partner has access to sufficient funds to support her family to the extent she chooses, including building up a "reserve fund" she doesn't even know about for emergency/contingencies that inevitably turn up.

If Daddy requires a very expensive operation to save his life, and paying for that will endanger the financial viability of our own nuclear family unit, then obviously I've got a tough decision to make, but that's another topic.

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being of germanic descent, i am surprised you can look down and see it. so few holed up in pattaya still have that ability

it is not easy looking down after nearly 24 retirement years, but i managed... until now wink.png

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Only 5 days to go then back to ther Uk maybe will not return, had enough of Scams lies and cons, Double standards and out and out theft from the rich Thai people against there own poor people, I wounder how long before the buble will burst for Thailand. Over Building, baht to high, Thailand is having problems now they canot sell a lot of there goods on the world markets, factorys have no orders and the Immigrents are flooding in but up to them as they say there holiday.

The five days have passed now, so I'm glad you've been able to leave the hellhole place you hate and return to the perfect paradise of the UK that is problem-free.

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It's been my experience that the happiest people are those who have a self absorbing interest... other than posting on internet forums. The interest could be one in the arts field (painting, writing, music, photography, etc) or possibly sports or outdoor interests. Those who have tied all their interests on someone else will almost invarably be disappointed at some point. Drinking alcohol or excessive eating will almost always ascerbate any problem. Even in Canada I've seen manyfrustrated people who try to live their life through the lives of their children. When the children grow up and start to leave the parents are lost. The same is true for men who have been totally absorbed in their job or career. Then, when they retire they don't know how to occupy their time. I hear people knocking Pattaya all the time on this forum, but my experience was very positive. However, I didn't spend time in the bar scene other than the occasional drink with friends. I visited the islands and walked all over town. I rented a scooter and explored the beaches south of town.

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There are some single

Get on the plane and Go then (nice words) don't bleep on about it ...

I've never read such self pitying cobwash in all my life. You sound like you have got the personality of a wet lettuce.

Hope we never meet.

OP has such bad writing style I gave up after the first paragraph!

Only 5 days to go then back to ther Uk maybe will not return, had enough of Scams lies and cons, Double standards and out and out theft from the rich Thai people against therers and the Immigrents are flooding in but up to them as they say there holiday.

The five days have passed now, so I'm glad you've been able to leave the hellhole place you hate and return to the perfect paradise of the UK that is problem-free.

Some very narrow minded people on here. the point of forums is to hear other peoples views. many perfect people on here, Ever heard of dyslexia, There are people who live in and around Pattaya not connected to the sex industry or scamming people, I though running was going faster than walking. I don't run off anywhere, Thailand trails a long way behind the UK in many aspects of daily life, with healthcare Corruption, pollution, people have free will and chose to stay and live where they want to though. My mistake is not being perfect i think.

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