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Criminal Background Check Advice

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Hello all,

Back in Thailand now after finishing my degree. I have a new job and all is well, but I have a question.

My employer has asked me to get a criminal background check done. This is fine as I have nothing to hide. However my situation is giving me a bit of a headache. I am a British citizen with Australian permanent residency status. Basically from age dot to the age of eleven I lived in England, I then went to live in Australia with my mum and dad. My employer seems to think I should get checks from both countries. I have NEVER returned to England since we left, that's almost 30 years ago! I can understand the Aussie check being needed, and that all seems pretty straight forward, but the U.K one? He seems to think that me turning up with a British passport and only an Aussie check could cause headaches. I understand his point of view...but would like peoples thoughts...

I was eleven when I left....what could I have possibly done? I was considered a minor at that age????


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But your passport isn't going to show you left at 11 so they will have no proof of that. You will need both. Anytime I need a criminal background check I do both Thai and the US since I have been living here most of the last 13 years.

You probably know this, but the respective embassies can provide these.

Edited by NomadJoe
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Not sure how relevant this is, but my background is that I was born in Oz but moved to Canada at age 13 yet still use my Australian passport. I've now been living in Singapore for more than 10 years as a permanent resident with Australian citizenship (I got Canadian citizenship at age 30, but that passport has long since expired). I have had to get background checks / security clearances for a number of jobs and special government projects in both Canada and Singapore over the years. And the most I had to do re, my life in Australia was list the schools I attended there as a child. It has never been a problem. [And I had the highest level security clearance available to civilians in Canada.] Every employer/agency that has requested a check has not been interested in my life in Australia before the age of 13.

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CRB doesn't exist any more although most people still refer to it as such. Its now called DBS. https://www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check/overview You can't apply for this by yourself. It must be done by the employer. It can be done online however.

Another way of getting checked (If you need a check to specifically work with children) is the new international Child Protection Certificate http://www.acro.police.uk/ICPC/ This you can request yourself and have the results sent to the employer.

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CRB doesn't exist any more although most people still refer to it as such. Its now called DBS. https://www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check/overview You can't apply for this by yourself. It must be done by the employer. It can be done online however.

Another way of getting checked (If you need a check to specifically work with children) is the new international Child Protection Certificate http://www.acro.police.uk/ICPC/ This you can request yourself and have the results sent to the employer.

for OP

I used the ACRO link posted above by spaffy last week.

all the details are online, you can download the forms but you have to post / courier them to UK.

Its all straightforward and i got mine processed within 2 days for the premium service fee of £80

i think the 10 day process time was £10.

it cant be done online or paid for online except for int banking tx.

also possible sticking point is the countersignature of a british citizen which is required as in a first application for a pssport.

i was very happy with the service they provided.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought police checks were only valid if they are not older than six months (or am I thinking of something else?). In which case it seems pointless to need a criminal background check from a country you haven't stepped foot in within the past half year.

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I don't know the time limit before the authorities believe the criminal record check has expired, but they do expire. They want to know if you have ever had a criminal conviction.

I know people who would have a clean criminal record check 5 years ago, but wouldn't have one now.

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