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New Stainless Stoves Using Caulk?


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I was at a home show this weekend and my wife and I were looking at some kitchen displays. One had some nice looking SS stoves but I noticed there was caulk in the seams instead of welds. These stoves are made in Thailand by Hooth. http://www.hooth.co.th/index.php

I know in the US where I'm from this would never fly, but the sales person said it is perfectly fine (of course) and that they use it because it looks better than welds. I'm no expert and yes there is high temp. caulk made, but I can't imagine it having much longevity physically or aesthetically. I've also read that at least the US products aren't good as adhesives.

Anyone had any experience with a stove that use caulk in them? This company has some nice looking products but I have my concerns about them.


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Never forget the golden rule ,they will tell you anything to get a sale, after they have had the money they dong give a **** any guarantees will also be useless.

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