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Just Back From My Second Visit To Thailand


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ive still got some finishing touches to do the next time i visit after she has her menu sign up framing it in and boxing in the sides of the sign and still have some sanding and painting to finish, mainly on edges, kick plates and the doors.

the next door neighbours who donated the stone for the pond have asked me to build a cupboard and shelf system for their kids toys and clothes and my ladyfriends policeman brother in law has asked me to build him a wine bar for his house, im hoping i can get some of my tools over for the next time and get the father involved in helping me make the countertop for the bar out of solid teak, should be an interesting project i think

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Plans for the future, well, my ladyfriends young niece was busy planning our wedding, bless her, the whole family and neighbours refer to me as Rik or Lik as they pronounce it and not falang, they all treated me with the same respect i treated them and all endevour to teach me their language and always make me small gifts, the old mother of the next door neighbour wove me a basket to give to my mum which took her 2 days to do and is beautiful, the next door neighbour gave me a small lop buri statue to take home and the people across the road where i go every morning to pick up ingredients for the restaurant always give me breakfast and things like fresh paprikas etc all in all they make me feel very welcome every time i visit, they know im not rich and my gf is very much liked in the community

In the long run the plan is still to start a furniture business and im getting a lot of support from everyone around to achieve this and the family is not pressing for marraige, they can see how wan and i are getting along together and how much i do for them all and are more than happy for us all to get to know each other better first and wan has also told me that when the time comes if we decide to marry, not to worry too much about money and sinsod etc, money isnt overly important to them

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Wow, doesn't sound like much of a holiday to me, but as long as you enjoyed it!

its not about holiday, its about getting to know their way of life and integrating myself into it, hopefully enriching all our lives as i do so, im no stranger to hard work, ive done it all my life, i have no delusions about ever becoming rich, all i want is a simple life within a family where i feel respected and loved and can live comfortably with a woman that i cherish

ps do you ever get used to thai music ????

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I thought this was a nice warm fuzzy story until I read this sentence...

not to worry too much about money and sinsod etc, money isnt overly important to them .....giggle.gif

might I enquire where in Thailand you were ?

i was just north of lop buri, the family is quite large and run a small farm and a small but quite busy restaurant from their home

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I thought this was a nice warm fuzzy story until I read this sentence...

not to worry too much about money and sinsod etc, money isnt overly important to them .....giggle.gif

might I enquire where in Thailand you were ?

i was just north of lop buri, the family is quite large and run a small farm and a small but quite busy restaurant from their home

OK all makes sense now...

i say the family is quite large, they all live in their own houses and have jobs in the surrounding area, cousins uncles etc etc, in my gfs house its just her, mum and dad and me when im there, gf runs the restaurant with her mum and 1 employee, dad and mum run the farm and hire in help for planting/harvest etc and dad builds furniture to order when hes not on the farm or tinkering with other projects like building a swing for his granddaughter

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Wow, doesn't sound like much of a holiday to me, but as long as you enjoyed it!

its not about holiday, its about getting to know their way of life and integrating myself into it, hopefully enriching all our lives as i do so, im no stranger to hard work, ive done it all my life, i have no delusions about ever becoming rich, all i want is a simple life within a family where i feel respected and loved and can live comfortably with a woman that i cherish

ps do you ever get used to thai music ????

Some of the more recent stuff I quite like, we have a few bars near me with good bands who play modern plus some classic rock stuff, some of which is good.

The old traditional stuff - no. Bit like fingernails on a blackboard.....

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Wow, doesn't sound like much of a holiday to me, but as long as you enjoyed it!

its not about holiday, its about getting to know their way of life and integrating myself into it, hopefully enriching all our lives as i do so, im no stranger to hard work, ive done it all my life, i have no delusions about ever becoming rich, all i want is a simple life within a family where i feel respected and loved and can live comfortably with a woman that i cherish

ps do you ever get used to thai music ????

Some of the more recent stuff I quite like, we have a few bars near me with good bands who play modern plus some classic rock stuff, some of which is good.

The old traditional stuff - no. Bit like fingernails on a blackboard.....

yeah, I thought so too, though I must admit whilst not understanding any lyrics I did find a couple of songs amusing, some with yodelling one rock n roll style song and one I found absolutely hilarious, a bloke who apparently sings about being a bird with some supposed bird sounds that had me almost rolling around on the floor in laughter much to the amusement of the gf lol

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looks very nice. We own a condo in Bangkok, it is over 15 years old. In another year paid off. Then going to start some rennovatios to bathrooms and kitchen. Nice now and wife always says nice Enough. Key word enough.

Well I am 61 and want a bit nicer so when I am gone for her. Can not get insurance so gold and condo!

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Has her Dad got a website ric?

BTW, Thai musics great. Adds to the whole Thainess thing.

The tune that was going through my head reading some of these posts is "Another one bites the dust"....dont know why...

Hey there's a good thread...songs that remind me of Thailand! How bout Bon jovi, you give love a bad name...:D

Sorry for off topic.

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Integration ?? you will be tolerated but never accepted .So with houses being built ,businesses being thought about ,brother in law wine bar etc etc,i sense your in a world of hurt within 2 yrs ,i could be wrong but good luck with all that buddy

Good post. I have seen it and still am. thumbsup.gif

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One of her other boyfriends, will be there next week.

Great cheap labourers Farangland visitors.

Far better than labourers from Lao, Cambodia or Burma as the farangland visitors pay for the building materials as well and dont ask for THB 150/day and most will not drink Thai whisky either...wink.png

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One of her other boyfriends, will be there next week.

Great cheap labourers Farangland visitors.

Has her Dad got a website ric?

BTW, Thai musics great. Adds to the whole Thainess thing.

The tune that was going through my head reading some of these posts is "Another one bites the dust"....dont know why...

Hey there's a good thread...songs that remind me of Thailand! How bout Bon jovi, you give love a bad name...:D

Sorry for off topic.

Was thinking Dreamer (nothing but a dreamer) Supertramp,If memory serves correctly.
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They "trick" you into giving them your labor. But you enjoyed the work and learnt some things from the old man, so it doesn't matter.

What else? She breaks your heart—well, in love there are no guarantees. That's why it's called "falling in love" and sometimes you get hurt.

But whats the bets he paid for all the material as well ?... rolleyes.gif

Sad to say in Thailand, the least of your worries is a broken heart.....some times it other bits of you that get broken on a permanent basis that would worry me..whistling.gif

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