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Want To Employ A Great Thai?

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I'm closing one business and starting another. Sadly I cannot take my superb office administrator with me as the new place will be well out of BKK.

His name is Sunn, aged 27. Fluent in English (he's lived in Australia) has a degree in Business from the University of Bradford (UK). For 5 years he's been my right hand, my interface with Thailand, and he has the initiative to just get on with things when they need doing. He's brilliant with computers. He's loyal (fiercely so) and will fill you in on Thai office politics and whispers. He helps out with all the usual - visas, driving licences etc - and never complains (well not much) Current monthly salary 22,000 and well worth it.

His drawbacks? Well he will insist on supporting Arsenal which shows a profound if limited lack of judgement

Interested? E-mail him on [email protected]

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I like this action.

People should do more like this.

One day , I had to close a factory (in Germany) and I am still proud of the fact that I could provide new jobs to all of them.

Some of them still contact!

Hope your guy will soon find his dream job,looks like he is worth while.

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Mystic Mick, what a wonderful thing to do!

I sent Khun Sunn a message.  We help incorporate several companies each month, and I have a continual stream of overseas clients seeking good Thai staff - particular start-up office managers.  I have a live one this week.



Indo, kindly let the forum know the result for Khun Sunn. This is one of those "Man bites dog" stories that makes all the bad news a little more bearable.


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This could be the start of somethingnew. I was lookingaround the forum wondering where to post something, whenI read this and thought why not do it here. Maybe the administrators could put this in the right place or advise me ??

At my office we have a student from a Bangkok Uni who will be completing her placement (and Uni committments) at the end of the week, so will be looking for a job. I thought I should post somethingon the forum in the chance that someone is looking to employ a new grad.

She is one of those people who is always bright and cheerful so is a pleasure to have aorund. her major is in English and she has reasonable skills in that area. her interest as far as work goes is sales in Tourism industry or secretarial as second choice. Her age is 22.

Id anyone is looking to employ, please let me know the details and contact reference and I will discuss with her.



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