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Goose With A Nasal Problem :)

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Calling any Geese experts !!!

I have a goose that has a problem with 1 nostril.

She has some sort of infection which has cause a sack to swell out of her nostril.

Very bizarre, waiting on a photo from my wife to post, I'm out the country at the moment.

Does anyone have any experience with geese or poultry with similar issues ?

I'm guessing dirty water has caused it and wondering if there is any specific treatment, If not, then a general antibiotic that is suitable for geese ?

Help would be appreciated as the MIL has given her random antibiotics meant for people :)


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I also don't know whats up with your goose mate but maybe this site can help you.

I remember that you had a wide range of birds so maybe it will be of some interest to you.

They also have a forum there where maybe you could ask the members if they know what's up with your goose.

I know that you need to register before you can make a post.....Hope this helps thumbsup.gif

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Cheers Shaggy... I will take a look...

Yup, all my other birds are doing well and everyone is laying happily (apart from the few Khaki that the python munched on )

Got a good mix of eggs in the incubator, geese, turkey, guinea fowl and 3 peacocks (or peahen eggs)

So looking fwd to getting home next month for the hatchings :)

Hope all is well in your world, I see the farm photos thread is cranking nicely...

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Not sure if my post was posted, couldn't see it on the forum but maybe waiting on Mods to check out my registration ??

That's what it will be Carlos.I was also a member of the chicken and pig site and needed to wait a couple of days before I could post.

What are you feeding the birds?

I ask this because I remember before that some chickens we had had some problems from eating dry Lum,the powder got into their eyes and caused them to become infected.

The problem soon cleared up after adding some antibiotics to their drinking water,after that the lum was mixed with water.

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All my birds get pig feed pellets..

Except the wee ones that have chic starter mix...

It's just the one goose (Lucy) that is having issues, think she just needs a broad spectrum antibiotic to clear it up.

Will get Mrs Cornish to pop in the vets and ask them, not holding out much hope with that though :)

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