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More Murder Charges Against Former Thai Premier Abhisit , Deputy Suthep


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These charges wont stick, they are a simple scare tactic. Its just DSI trying to get these two to accept (and back) the Amnesty deal.

No charges will ever stick..... if you have money and a powerful name!

Didn't seem to help Thaksin.

Because he is Chinese Thai.

Old rule in Thailand. If you are Chinese Thai don't get involved in politics but just make your money or otherwise run.

Are you suggesting that none of the powerful people in the Democrats are not Chinese-Thai?

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If the president of the United States or the PM of the UK would have send in the army to clean up London or New York they would have been removed long time ago from office and impeached, specially if the UK armed forces would have shot on spot some demonstrator that were hiding in some churches (I guess no wats in the UK).

The same counts for the violent G8 meetings that happens once in a while. The army should have never send in from the beginning and it was a case for the police to handle. If the police can't handle it the problem bites back to the Thai PM which at the time was Khun Abhisit.

I can remember the time when Khun Suthep warned the Thai parliament for a corruption case against him in the 90's that he will send 500,000 people's from the South to block Bangkok. Hmmh - but Suthep is democrat party so it should be ok. Guys this is politics and they are all the same.

I remember the years when the brother from Chuan Lekpai was wanted for corruption of 250 million Baht and he fled to Cambodia and Chuan Lekpai said in court his brother is innocent. He fled to Cambodia for 5 years and only returned after his case expired. Mr. Chuan is the clean guy but everyone around him made money.

I personally think Abhisit should not be charged as he never was in the driver seat from the beginning to run the government. He just was the face to the internaional community but Khun Suthep has always called the shots since Chuan Lekpai, Surin and Banyat went into the background.

I personally like Khun Abhisit but he is a junior in Thai politics and seems to be a bit naive.

If it had been London or New York, it would never have been allowed to escalate out of control like it did.

Well he has a point with the G8 but not even in the same country with the red shirt armed failed attempted coup.

Did I miss any thing?wai.gif

The police had to go check for motor bikes to have riders with helmets on them. They couldn't be bothered with a trifling thing like the red shirts.

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This whole circus has gotten so far out of hand.

If it even looks like some thing might not look good on the red shirts they charge Abhist for another murder.

I wonder if any of them when they are alone can look at them selves in the mirror with out seeing a piece of crap.

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Whatever happend to the Senate report that that MEN IN BLACK were actually RED SHIRTS? Oh wait, that was brused under the table as anything else that shows the true color of RED!

Yep! They were all wearing army boots ? and using 7.62mm weapons..................sound like real rice farmers indeed !

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If the president of the United States or the PM of the UK would have send in the army to clean up London or New York they would have been removed long time ago from office and impeached, specially if the UK armed forces would have shot on spot some demonstrator that were hiding in some churches (I guess no wats in the UK).

The same counts for the violent G8 meetings that happens once in a while. The army should have never send in from the beginning and it was a case for the police to handle. If the police can't handle it the problem bites back to the Thai PM which at the time was Khun Abhisit.

I can remember the time when Khun Suthep warned the Thai parliament for a corruption case against him in the 90's that he will send 500,000 people's from the South to block Bangkok. Hmmh - but Suthep is democrat party so it should be ok. Guys this is politics and they are all the same.

I remember the years when the brother from Chuan Lekpai was wanted for corruption of 250 million Baht and he fled to Cambodia and Chuan Lekpai said in court his brother is innocent. He fled to Cambodia for 5 years and only returned after his case expired. Mr. Chuan is the clean guy but everyone around him made money.

I personally think Abhisit should not be charged as he never was in the driver seat from the beginning to run the government. He just was the face to the internaional community but Khun Suthep has always called the shots since Chuan Lekpai, Surin and Banyat went into the background.

I personally like Khun Abhisit but he is a junior in Thai politics and seems to be a bit naive.

With this i agree. One only had to watch AV to see Suthep hanging on his shoulder whispering into his ear. Suthep was the boss for sure and AV just the educated front man.

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Word is out that the DSI is talking to Scotland Yard, and that Abhisit will soon face charges for the kidnapping and murder of Lord Lucan and the theft of Shergar. Extradition is not likely.

Lord Lucan is not dead, i saw him last week on Samui. So you can forget about charging AV with that.

Edited by oldsailor35
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If the president of the United States or the PM of the UK would have send in the army to clean up London or New York they would have been removed long time ago from office and impeached, specially if the UK armed forces would have shot on spot some demonstrator that were hiding in some churches (I guess no wats in the UK).

The same counts for the violent G8 meetings that happens once in a while. The army should have never send in from the beginning and it was a case for the police to handle. If the police can't handle it the problem bites back to the Thai PM which at the time was Khun Abhisit.

I can remember the time when Khun Suthep warned the Thai parliament for a corruption case against him in the 90's that he will send 500,000 people's from the South to block Bangkok. Hmmh - but Suthep is democrat party so it should be ok. Guys this is politics and they are all the same.

I remember the years when the brother from Chuan Lekpai was wanted for corruption of 250 million Baht and he fled to Cambodia and Chuan Lekpai said in court his brother is innocent. He fled to Cambodia for 5 years and only returned after his case expired. Mr. Chuan is the clean guy but everyone around him made money.

I personally think Abhisit should not be charged as he never was in the driver seat from the beginning to run the government. He just was the face to the internaional community but Khun Suthep has always called the shots since Chuan Lekpai, Surin and Banyat went into the background.

I personally like Khun Abhisit but he is a junior in Thai politics and seems to be a bit naive.

Complete rubbish.

The army was sent into N Ireland and just recently were held responsible for the Bloody Sunday killings. Was the UK PM ever indicted? No

On numerous occasions the US President has had to send in state troopers & others to control a situation getting out of hand - e.g. looting in New Orleans. Has a President ever been indicted for that? No

The army were used in 2010 because the police refused to carry out their duty in controlling all sorts of riots & other incidents. The police were under Thaksin's bidding (& still are).

Suthep is the 'Iron Lady' of Thai politics and is not particularly well regarded by either side of politics here. He doesn't have, however, the same control over the police that, say, Chalerm does. Nor has he subverted justice in a murder trial of his offspring.

These DSI charges are a joke - only an attempt to tie up the opposition with false charges (many of a petty nature) in order to smooth the way for DL's amnesty. It's not hard to see if you open your eyes & thought process.

Suthep is the 'Iron Lady' of Thai politics and is not particularly well regarded by either side of politics here. He doesn't have, however, the same control over the police that, say, Chalerm does. Nor has he subverted justice in a murder trial of his offspring.

Suthep is a nobody. Never won elections and when in power takes money under the table. He finances the Democratic Party in Thailand to make money.

Iron lady what a rubbish. I wrote the 5 national communications plan for Thailand of which Suthep was the ministry of Communications. If you don't know what Suthep did from 1975 - 1994 better shut up.

Again nothing against the Democrat Party of Thailand but the good people are gone but if you can't see it I don't blame you.

No Suthep was never involved in any murder trial of his son. But his son did manage to appropiate a large parcel of government land on Samui which appears never to have been resolved !

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And then there was the incident where 13 parcels of land was put aside for poor Thai families in the south, but were all given to rich Thai families by Khun Suthep. Nothing more has been said of that either. Yes Suthep is the money maker of the Dems

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Yes after all ThaiVIsa is an AntiThaksin forum otherwiese ThaiVisa wouldn't join a rubbish newspaper like the Nation.

Both your points are non-sensical.

Why don't you post Pro-Thaksin newspaper articles from other non-rubbish sources?

If the forum itself is Anti-Thaksin, why does it let you and others like you post?

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Abhisit, Suthep face more charges from DSI

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Department of Special Investigation Tuesday slapped two more counts of charges against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and former deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban related to the 2010 red-shirt crackdowns.

Abhisit and Suthep, former director of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), were summoned to hear the new charges at the DSI head office.

DSI chief Tarit Pengdit said the two were charged with collaborating with others for having murder committed with expected result related to the death of a boy, Kunakorn Srisuwan.

The two were also charged with collaborating with others in premeditated murder attempts with expected result in the case of serious injuries of Samorn Maithong.


-- The Nation 2013-05-14

Right, heavily pre meditated sleepness nights planning the deaths of specific country bums. Please. An ultimate insult of red shirt supporters if they actually buy this (if they do, then they are the fools they have thus far proven themselves). Hail communism Thaksin, Chalerm and the rest of you crooks.

They were all told time and again after commiting violence to go home. Got what they deserved. A few less idiots in the red shirt party will improve the gene pool.

Edited by gemini81
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If the president of the United States or the PM of the UK would have send in the army to clean up London or New York they would have been removed long time ago from office and impeached, specially if the UK armed forces would have shot on spot some demonstrator that were hiding in some churches (I guess no wats in the UK).

The same counts for the violent G8 meetings that happens once in a while. The army should have never send in from the beginning and it was a case for the police to handle. If the police can't handle it the problem bites back to the Thai PM which at the time was Khun Abhisit.

I can remember the time when Khun Suthep warned the Thai parliament for a corruption case against him in the 90's that he will send 500,000 people's from the South to block Bangkok. Hmmh - but Suthep is democrat party so it should be ok. Guys this is politics and they are all the same.

I remember the years when the brother from Chuan Lekpai was wanted for corruption of 250 million Baht and he fled to Cambodia and Chuan Lekpai said in court his brother is innocent. He fled to Cambodia for 5 years and only returned after his case expired. Mr. Chuan is the clean guy but everyone around him made money.

I personally think Abhisit should not be charged as he never was in the driver seat from the beginning to run the government. He just was the face to the internaional community but Khun Suthep has always called the shots since Chuan Lekpai, Surin and Banyat went into the background.

I personally like Khun Abhisit but he is a junior in Thai politics and seems to be a bit naive.

If it had been London or New York, it would never have been allowed to escalate out of control like it did.

If it had been London or New York the police would have done their job too. No need for the army.

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