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Chinese Hack New Danish Super Fighter Project


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Chinese hack new Danish super fighter project


COPENHAGEN: -- As a replacement for the current F16 fighter jet long found in the Danish air force, talks have been to buy the new Joint Strike Fighter Jets, but according to NATO and the American Congress, confidential information about the jets have been systematically hacked by China from the spring of 2009 to the fall of 2012, reports the Danish post Jyllands-Posten.

Denmark’s government is currently considering buying Joint Strike Fighter, JSF, for DKK 20-30 billion. JSF is one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world and is being developed in cooperation between the USA and a number of countries. Denmark is one of the countries involved and they have contributed with DKK 500 million to the project.

”It is a problem that the Chinese might know about the weaknesses of the jet. Of course that could be used in a potential conflict,” said Thomas Elkjer Nissen, an expert in strategic communication at the Academy of Defense.

Joint Strike Fighter is equipped with stealth technology, which means that the jet cannot be seen on radar. If the Chinese managed to get a hold of information about the technology, it could be critical, according to associate professor Jens Ringmose from the Center of War studies at the University of Southern Denmark.

”Purchasing new fighter jets is a very large and comprehensive investment. From a Danish point of view, one should ask critical questions of how many states have obtained information about the Joint Strik Fighter program and how much information how much information that has been leaked about the actual jet,” he said.

The Chinese espionage is reported to have started in 2009. China denies having hacked the program but in the fall of 2012 China tested flights with a stealth jet that had a similar appearance as joint Strike Fighter.

Source: dr.dk

Source: http://scandasia.com/chinese-hacks-new-danish-super-fighter-project/

-- ScandAsia 2013-05-14

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do we need all those expensive toys that will probably never go to war in the first place?

same thing as placing a man on the moon, for the price of that project + all the nukes... the US could have gotten an affordable SOCIAL SECURITY system in place

but no profits to made by the few for that one

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I'm not Chinese and know there are some flaws. Rate of turn, climb rate ? etc. All the Chinese have to do is use google or convince a Danish pilot to defect!whistling.gif

Oh sorry Mr. Boeing everything has been hacked so we are going to forgo the 500m, cancel our order and buy Rafale instead.

Edited by VocalNeal
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do we need all those expensive toys that will probably never go to war in the first place?

same thing as placing a man on the moon, for the price of that project + all the nukes... the US could have gotten an affordable SOCIAL SECURITY system in place

but no profits to made by the few for that one

And this would have prevented the prevalence of China hacking and stealing huge amounts of information from a lot of countries?

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....the objective is to redirect government money...money of the masses...to a private few.......

Ahh you mean like the generations of families on social benefits/welfare because they do not wish to work. Nice.

Ever notice that the people who always demand that "government" money i.e. the money of the people that work and contribute to society, are the people who do not have gainful employment or pay the taxes? It is the users of the services that demand more.

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the Chinese are hacking to get info and plans and everything else so they can build their own stealth planes cheaper.... they already have one in the works with stolen or hacked info now....why pay for anything important when you can hack into 100 companies and get the info for basically free?

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I'm not Chinese and know there are some flaws. Rate of turn, climb rate ? etc. All the Chinese have to do is use google or convince a Danish pilot to defect!whistling.gif

Oh sorry Mr. Boeing everything has been hacked so we are going to forgo the 500m, cancel our order and buy Rafale instead.

The JSF is built by Mr. Lockheed-Martin, not Mr. Boeing who has enough trouble with his other jets.

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This look like thebest joke of the past few years. The Danish just discovered that their confidential information regarding this jet fighter has been systematically hacked for 3 years now ? Come on.. seriously.. If you can't protect your confidential information any better than that... pfff.. Better start breeding a lot more Danish children because China outnumbers them anyway, whether it comes to number of people or jets...

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....the objective is to redirect government money...money of the masses...to a private few.......

Ahh you mean like the generations of families on social benefits/welfare because they do not wish to work. Nice.

Ever notice that the people who always demand that "government" money i.e. the money of the people that work and contribute to society, are the people who do not have gainful employment or pay the taxes? It is the users of the services that demand more.

It's more the people who have 2 or 3 jobs, and can't make ends meet nonetheless. I employed people in a small business, and paid taxes, and wished they were used for the people you describe, not weapons, big business, monopolies, and socialism for the rich in general.

Didn't China introduce a stealth drone last week? They know the technology. The JSF isn't a terribly advanced plane, the Russians and Chinese make better ones. It's a jet for countries that don't go to war anymore, except when dragged to a hellhole in Asia in a coalition led by the US, where the enemy has no aircraft.

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I can't believe some of the comments. The Chinese are all over the news, for those who could read if they chose, for their border conflict with India, for their outright taking of Tibet, for their claims to both seas in Asian, and for their claims to lands owned by The Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan.

China is a soulless monster that will devour anything it can. Vietnam is afraid of it, It has already basically taken Laos and Cambodia, and if left unchecked it would take all of Asia.

Comments here are as dumb as saying that we should disband police forces and let criminals have their way because the money "wasted" on police could be used to feed the poor.

Asian countries and the West have not picked any fight with China. China is the alligator. But who is going to defend the smaller Asian countries and Australia from China's desire to control all of the resources? Who is going to stop them?

China doesn't have much for military hardware. What they do have is way behind in technology. But they are stealing the technology from the West and are gaining ground. That should worry anyone. China is a communist country with 1.3 billion people it has to house and feed and provide for. It needs more resources to keep its people satisfied, and it's going after them.

It is not the elephant in the living room. It is the alligator in the living room. Good people can sit bank and let China overrun Asia, or good people can stop them.

It is vital to stay a few steps ahead of China in military technology and it is vital that they don't steal it.

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the Chinese are hacking to get info and plans and everything else so they can build their own stealth planes cheaper.... they already have one in the works with stolen or hacked info now....why pay for anything important when you can hack into 100 companies and get the info for basically free?

After all, it weren't the Chinese that invented the internet.

You reap what you sow.

Anyone checked if the blueprints are available on Piratebay already laugh.png

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I can't believe some of the comments. The Chinese are all over the news, for those who could read if they chose, for their border conflict with India, for their outright taking of Tibet, for their claims to both seas in Asian, and for their claims to lands owned by The Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan.

China is a soulless monster that will devour anything it can. Vietnam is afraid of it, It has already basically taken Laos and Cambodia, and if left unchecked it would take all of Asia.

Comments here are as dumb as saying that we should disband police forces and let criminals have their way because the money "wasted" on police could be used to feed the poor.

Asian countries and the West have not picked any fight with China. China is the alligator. But who is going to defend the smaller Asian countries and Australia from China's desire to control all of the resources? Who is going to stop them?

China doesn't have much for military hardware. What they do have is way behind in technology. But they are stealing the technology from the West and are gaining ground. That should worry anyone. China is a communist country with 1.3 billion people it has to house and feed and provide for. It needs more resources to keep its people satisfied, and it's going after them.

It is not the elephant in the living room. It is the alligator in the living room. Good people can sit bank and let China overrun Asia, or good people can stop them.

It is vital to stay a few steps ahead of China in military technology and it is vital that they don't steal it.

Well they have been stealing automotive technology from the west for decades and in the past decades have bought up nummerous western car manufacturers.

Yet if I take a look at what they deliver regarding car quality today, one shouldn't be worried about the fighter jets.

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What a bummer. Here we have a human population swelling and a shortage of shrinking natural resources, pollution and climate changing problems, civil unrest and a huge population of starving and under nourished people, but we need to put our manpower and money and efforts into weaponry of human destruction, and all the espionage bullshit and political money bucket war mongers want to be the best and baddest of the killing machines. The weapon races continue.

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If Chinese are so smart, then why do they have to hack and reverse engineer everything they build. Certainly not a very innovative society, but make good crispy duck and fried wontons.

Yes, but to make many many many more Chinese, is their innovation, and that the world cannot match.

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Denmark, Nato, the European Union, the Australian Federal Reserve Bank and others can join with the United States as targets of the CCP-PRChinese, their malevolent intents and ultimate purposes.

PENTAGON: Chinese Hackers Have Stolen Data From 'Almost Every Major US Defense Contractor'

“God forbid we get into a conflict with China but if we did we could face a major embarrassment, where we try out all these sophisticated weapons systems and they don’t work,” a high ranking source said

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/china-stole-us-military-secrets-2013-5#ixzz2SdMH2REX

Which is why Prez Obama created the U.S. Cyber Command in 2009, led by a four-star general. The command however didn't get online until 2011 as it had to spend its first two years writing definitions, procedures, protocols and determining the extent of the national security threat of the CCP-PRC.

However, private U.S. cyber security firms have been carrying the ball on CCP-PRC hacking of the U.S., Nato, the Australian Fed and so much more. One PLA highly specialized army unit and its building were identified just recently by private cyber security firm Mandiant and now the Pentagon has issued a report focused on CCP hacking.

U.S. Security Company Tracks Hacking To Chinese Army Unit


US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as 'acts of war'


Edited by Publicus
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If Chinese are so smart, then why do they have to hack and reverse engineer everything they build. Certainly not a very innovative society, but make good crispy duck and fried wontons.

Yes, but to make many many many more Chinese, is their innovation, and that the world cannot match.

So they are comparable to the bunny rabbit. Maybe they should reverse engineer the condom.

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If Chinese are so smart, then why do they have to hack and reverse engineer everything they build. Certainly not a very innovative society, but make good crispy duck and fried wontons.

Yes, but to make many many many more Chinese, is their innovation, and that the world cannot match.

China's curse is its 1,300,000,000 people.

The one child policy already has created negative demographics for the CCP's rule in the PRC. There are more new economy jobs than qualified university grads. The ratio of females to males is 100 to 116, an astounding and threatening skewing of the population.

Shanghai needs another 300,000 financial experts before it can become a world class center of finance, and the 300,000 are nowhere in sight.

China is in reality an island, from Beijing east to Shanghai, south to Guangzhou (Canton) and northwesterly to Chongqing to Chengdu. The remainder are mountains, deserts, vast wastelands, politely called the hinterlands or countryside. Only 13 percent of China's land is arable, and most of that has become terminally polluted whether it's land, rivers, water tables and the like.

Presently there are 3 people working to support, mostly informally, every 5 who either are disabled from dangerous working conditions or are too old and feeble to work any longer. By 2030 there will be 2 working for every 5 who are "retired." Even the traditional three generation family system can't support this weak ratio. The CCP provides only a weak and tiny social safety net, for example, you pay 80% of hospital expenses.

The South China Morning Post reported the past week that a 15 year old boy hired two hit men to kill his father, a judge, and his older sister for putting too much academic pressure on him, a pressure all urban Chinese have every day, so there's likely more of that to come yet. Chinese students are miserable with their five hours of homework each night. After a recent 3-day holiday a kid hanged himself after waking up 4 am on the Tuesday to try to do all of his homework. Many schools keep students locked in until 10 pm to do their homework while an increasing number of them are jumping off the roves of their schools. Teachers are quitting due to the long hours and often no pay 'cause the government is going broke.

It's impossible to make 1,300,000,000 people anywhere middle class or reasonably happy no matter what the physical or social engineering. So pull your head out from under please, thank you.

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I can't believe some of the comments. The Chinese are all over the news, for those who could read if they chose, for their border conflict with India, for their outright taking of Tibet, for their claims to both seas in Asian, and for their claims to lands owned by The Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan.

China is a soulless monster that will devour anything it can. Vietnam is afraid of it, It has already basically taken Laos and Cambodia, and if left unchecked it would take all of Asia.

Comments here are as dumb as saying that we should disband police forces and let criminals have their way because the money "wasted" on police could be used to feed the poor.

Asian countries and the West have not picked any fight with China. China is the alligator. But who is going to defend the smaller Asian countries and Australia from China's desire to control all of the resources? Who is going to stop them?

China doesn't have much for military hardware. What they do have is way behind in technology. But they are stealing the technology from the West and are gaining ground. That should worry anyone. China is a communist country with 1.3 billion people it has to house and feed and provide for. It needs more resources to keep its people satisfied, and it's going after them.

It is not the elephant in the living room. It is the alligator in the living room. Good people can sit bank and let China overrun Asia, or good people can stop them.

It is vital to stay a few steps ahead of China in military technology and it is vital that they don't steal it.

Bloody well said. everyone moans about the USA but who do they scream to when help is needed?

I am Australian and what did England or Europe do for us?? Bugger all! it was the USA. .. sure not perfect but I would rather Usa lifestyle than chairman mao.

Oh.... And Chinese are outnumbering us in manpower BUT NOT SKILL. you see... No Asian country has ever..NEVER invented... Only copied and changed.

Chopstiks do not count

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"I am Australian and what did England or Europe do for us??"

Well I guess they gave you a start in life?

taking people away from thier home and dumping them on an uncharted island on the otherside of the world against thier will is hardly giving them a start in life.

Edited by chooka
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"I am Australian and what did England or Europe do for us??"

Well I guess they gave you a start in life?

taking people away from thier home and dumping them on an uncharted island on the otherside of the world against thier will is hardly giving them a start in life.

Yes but what a Fine Country it has turned out to be. And with The Queen Still head of it, That should light the fire under this conversation. lets knock the UK for how bad its been in the past, and how good it is now.

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