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Recovering Stolen Money Fromtg


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01...Are you new at traveling anywhere away from your city of birth?

02...You should have put the money into a bank here in LOS since

I presume it was $5000 USD and not Rs5000(Indonesian Rupiah).

For your sake I hope it wasn't 5000 Euros...but it doesn't really

matter now does it? It's gone and there's sweet FA you can do

to get it back.

03...Why didn't you have sex with her? At least if you had then you

could chalk it up to an expensive escort fee and get on with life.

04...Back in your home country/city would you leave $5000 in

a suitcase in your hotel room?

05...Do you have a photo of this girl to show the police? That is...

if you ever do decide to make a police report. I bet you cannot

describe her in a manner the police will be able to do anything with.

06...You're money is gone. You will never see it or any part of it

again...nor the girl.

07...Sorry to say this but you must be stupid or naive or both.

Good luck in life.

Hardly a crime in being 'naive' or 'stupid' is there?

Thankfully not or pretty much all of us wold have done some time behind bars - and some would still be there for repeated offenses.

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01...Are you new at traveling anywhere away from your city of birth?

02...You should have put the money into a bank here in LOS since

I presume it was $5000 USD and not Rs5000(Indonesian Rupiah).

For your sake I hope it wasn't 5000 Euros...but it doesn't really

matter now does it? It's gone and there's sweet FA you can do

to get it back.

03...Why didn't you have sex with her? At least if you had then you

could chalk it up to an expensive escort fee and get on with life.

04...Back in your home country/city would you leave $5000 in

a suitcase in your hotel room?

05...Do you have a photo of this girl to show the police? That is...

if you ever do decide to make a police report. I bet you cannot

describe her in a manner the police will be able to do anything with.

06...You're money is gone. You will never see it or any part of it

again...nor the girl.

07...Sorry to say this but you must be stupid or naive or both.

Good luck in life.

Hardly a crime in being 'naive' or 'stupid' is there?

Thankfully not or pretty much all of us wold have done some time behind bars - and some would still be there for repeated offenses.

No crime in being stupid or naive...however...why does it seem that many lads have this

happen to them here? What's doing the thinking? Surely not the brain. As SJ says I'm glad

it's not a crime being either...Live & learn I guess...everybody makes mistakes, some more

serious than others. Then again if the OP repeats this event with another lass in the future...

I rest my wide open case & leave it to other forum members to achieve a conclusion.

That said...I have heard many hard luck stories here and have arrived at my own conclusions;

I won't give or loan the person any cash. However I will point them in the direction of people

who may help them find the person who ripped them off or try to anyway. And I will buy them

some food, some bevvies and as a last resort...a plane ticket outta LOS to a nearby country

vice a ticket "home". If what they told me proves true. If not...FOff is all they get.

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01...Are you new at traveling anywhere away from your city of birth?

02...You should have put the money into a bank here in LOS since

I presume it was $5000 USD and not Rs5000(Indonesian Rupiah).

For your sake I hope it wasn't 5000 Euros...but it doesn't really

matter now does it? It's gone and there's sweet FA you can do

to get it back.

03...Why didn't you have sex with her? At least if you had then you

could chalk it up to an expensive escort fee and get on with life.

04...Back in your home country/city would you leave $5000 in

a suitcase in your hotel room?

05...Do you have a photo of this girl to show the police? That is...

if you ever do decide to make a police report. I bet you cannot

describe her in a manner the police will be able to do anything with.

06...You're money is gone. You will never see it or any part of it

again...nor the girl.

07...Sorry to say this but you must be stupid or naive or both.

Good luck in life.

Hardly a crime in being 'naive' or 'stupid' is there?

Thankfully not or pretty much all of us wold have done some time behind bars - and some would still be there for repeated offenses.

No crime in being stupid or naive...however...why does it seem that many lads have this

happen to them here? What's doing the thinking? Surely not the brain. As SJ says I'm glad

it's not a crime being either...Live & learn I guess...everybody makes mistakes, some more

serious than others. Then again if the OP repeats this event with another lass in the future...

I rest my wide open case & leave it to other forum members to achieve a conclusion.

That said...I have heard many hard luck stories here and have arrived at my own conclusions;

I won't give or loan the person any cash. However I will point them in the direction of people

who may help them find the person who ripped them off or try to anyway. And I will buy them

some food, some bevvies and as a last resort...a plane ticket outta LOS to a nearby country

vice a ticket "home". If what they told me proves true. If not...FOff is all they get.

You do have to wonder about some people who make the same 'mistake' more than once.

However, where women and love/lust are concerned, repeat offenders abound

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I have no doubt that once I file the police report an arrest warrant will issue.

The Police are interested in pursuing this thief and have her photo and Thai ID card details including email FB,Skype etc.

Once an arrest warrant issues presumably there will be a red flag at Immigration upon her arrival.

Any recommendations on a competant Private detective??

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I have no doubt that once I file the police report an arrest warrant will issue.

The Police are interested in pursuing this thief and have her photo and Thai ID card details including email FB,Skype etc.

Once an arrest warrant issues presumably there will be a red flag at Immigration upon her arrival.

Any recommendations on a competant Private detective??

I saw a detective offering his services on the stickman bangkok website a while ago

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