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Pattaya Haters Posting In The Pattaya Forum


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jbrain, again, cost of milk and cheese in Big C is not up to me, pls dont be angry with me, thers nothing I can do about it, some eurostuff is expensive here.

Your homophobia should prolly be best addressed in proper topic, this isnt Pattaya issue, even tho you may feel it is. Rules are rules .

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jbrain, again, cost of milk and cheese in Big C is not up to me, pls dont be angry with me, thers nothing I can do about it, some eurostuff is expensive here.

Your homophobia should prolly be best addressed in proper topic, this isnt Pattaya issue, even tho you may feel it is. Rules are rules .

Why do you want to turn away the attention of what you actualy said.

Please explain why people who are so unfortunate to be born retarded, or should I say less gifted, not deserve a place under the sun in this world.

You must consider yourself very superior.

Edited by jbrain
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1,000,000 dollars in the bank ? I'd be happy to have 10,000 in the bank :(

Anyone who thinks you have to be RICH to live in Pattaya is out of touch. OK, compared to Nakhon Nowhere, sure, its all relative.

You also don't need to be rich to live in the US or Europe, but if you want to live the SAME lifestyle in Pattaya as you were living in your homecountry, it will cost you considerably more money.

My rent alone was 50,000 back home.. I think my current lifestyle is way better than back home and I spend less in a month than what I was spending on rent.

It all depends where you are coming from and what lifestyle you had. A beer at my drinking place on soi buhakao is 50 baht, a beer back home at a bar is 210 baht, I went to some crappy disco and a Heineken was 280 baht :w00t:

For me there are only two negatives to Pattaya:

- Might get jailed in a hellhole for a minor mistake

- Boring to deal with the visa issue

As you say it varies and depends on where and how one lived "back home." In many places in the USA, apartment or house rents are B 20k or so...try living on that in pattaya; it can be done but pretty meagre existence. As for your beer example, the are just as many counter-factuals for others, e.g., a pint of Hagen-Daz ice cream costs about B 120-150 Stateside but it costs over B 350 in Pattaya. It's the same with many things...the days of being able to make an argument for living in Thailand based on a cheaper cost of living are long gone. Considering everything, housing, eating, transportation, healthcare, recreation, travel, taxes, education (if one has kids) I think the cost of living in Thailand/Pattaya is basically the same as most places in Farangland (and in some cases more).

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Im comparing daily expenses here and there. You bring up exclusive, upscale restaurants in Pattaya, and then you tell me apples and oranges.

again, jbrain, everything is cheaper here, and considerably cheaper.. the rent, transport, food, cigarettes, night out, movies, gasoline. Please tell me Im wrong!

You're wrong. Some are some aren't. Rent and fags yes, food yes and no depending, nice out again depends on what...I can't take in a jazz or symphony concert at any price, transport...long distance taxi (to Bangkok) yes but local point to point much more expensive based on distance traveled. Gas...are you kidding me...but I'm American...not a Brit or Continental.

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I miss the friendliness, the fun, the character of the place, the politeness and that it was less crowded and had fewer people from countries I have little liking for. I also felt there was less greed, less dishonesty, less hostility and aggression and a sort of innocence and day to day relaxed and laid back lifestyle. Do I need to go on

when was it friendly around Pattaya, in 1972 maybe? sure you miss those fun times, but this isnt about Pattaya, you miss the good old times when you felt alive. This isnt Pattayas fault, its nature taking its course, and I dont mean to sound cruel. Dont drag everybody down, just cos you feel those times are gone. Pattaya is still lots and lots of fun.

Nope, not 1972, 1998 ish when I first got here. And I was 32 then, 47 now and I feel more alive and relaxed now than then and I have aged well, i..e, not aged that much at all and approximately the same weight and build and still have all my hair. I also, as I have said, far more spending power, literally 30 times what I had then, even though I lived here for a year or so and spent freely. I am not showing off about money, just saying its not the price rise itself that puts me off, its all that I said above and I am saying it as the first reaction of the zombies reading these posts is to claim if anyone is negative then they must be too poor to afford to live here.

It isn't me, its Pattaya, Pattaya isn't what it was. It isn't a shadow of its former itself. The former character and friendliness has gone. It has been replaced by greed and nastiness, concrete and ugliness and hordes of rude and nasty tourists from the cesspits of the world. There are still little hidden gems, thats the only reason I still come back once or twice a year, but they are fewer and further in between with each visit.

if you still love it then good luck, it takes all kinds to make up the world.

It was much nicer in the past. As I am sure you would agree, stating that has nothing to do with the aging process; rather, it is a reality that is based on a multitude of facts. "Haters" (and I do not like that word choice) are often people who do not live in a fantasy world. I think most posters who "complain" are raising valid complaints and want to see solutions to problems (e.g., poor infrastructure, crime, water pollution, traffic jams).

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265 Baht for 5 Vlasic or Clausen pickles in Villa Market w00t.gif Pattaya is too expensive for my wallet. will move to Manhattan any time from now where pickles are much cheaper whistling.gif

p.s. i might also consider West Palm Beach but i'm not sure whether they sell pickles cheaper than Manhattan.

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it is so cheap to live comfortably in Pattaya, much much cheaper than even Estonia, Eastern Europe. Everything is cheaper here.. the rent, transport, food, cigarettes, night out, movies, gasoline.

Just try to eat out 3 times a day in Tallinn, maybe cost 30 euros a day, very reasonable restaurant cost, thats 1200 baht. And tahts East Euro, what about Oslo?

Go have a meal at any upscale restuarant in Pattaya and you pay triple that for a single meal. Upscale in Pattaya can be compared with average in the western world.

Don't compare foodstalls with restaurants.

went to cherries last night

was surprised it was an international buffet

had a huge feast of steaks, pork, chicken and mountains more for 350 baht

Wednesday and Saturday Darlie (fka "Darkie").

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I wish there were more Chinese and Indian Pattaya bashers/haters who took time to spread the word in their local news on how bad the place is and that their fellow countrymen should choose another holiday destination whistling.gif

i wish there were more poor Farangs who spread the word among their peers that Pattaya does not require their presence.

Don't worry you are safe we tend to stay away from the darkside retirement home :whistling:

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Comparison food costs

Eggs are cheaper here than almost anywhere in the western world, 30x size 2 at Makro for 100bht. (two months ago that was 77bht)

As for milk, cheese, ham,salami, these are imported foods, of course they are more expensive in Thailand.

Although 5l of whole milk in a plastic bag from the milk factory is only 130bht

You are aware that unless milk in thailand is labeled "fresh milk," it is reconstituted instant milk made from powder. If you're lucky, it's imported from New Zealand and if unlucky, from China.

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it is so cheap to live comfortably in Pattaya, much much cheaper than even Estonia, Eastern Europe. Everything is cheaper here.. the rent, transport, food, cigarettes, night out, movies, gasoline.

Just try to eat out 3 times a day in Tallinn, maybe cost 30 euros a day, very reasonable restaurant cost, thats 1200 baht. And tahts East Euro, what about Oslo?

Go have a meal at any upscale restuarant in Pattaya and you pay triple that for a single meal. Upscale in Pattaya can be compared with average in the western world.

Don't compare foodstalls with restaurants.

went to cherries last night

was surprised it was an international buffet

had a huge feast of steaks, pork, chicken and mountains more for 350 baht

Wednesday and Saturday Darlie (fka "Darkie").

would that be a poor attempt at a racial slur?

seems there's more than pattaya haters inhabit this forum..........

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Whenever I see a Westerner in Thailand, I know I'm in the wrong place. This thread is a good example of why I feel that way.


So you think Thai people like you?

If I was in Pattaya, probably not. Guilt by association I guess.

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Comparison food costs

Eggs are cheaper here than almost anywhere in the western world, 30x size 2 at Makro for 100bht. (two months ago that was 77bht)

As for milk, cheese, ham,salami, these are imported foods, of course they are more expensive in Thailand.

Although 5l of whole milk in a plastic bag from the milk factory is only 130bht

You are aware that unless milk in thailand is labeled "fresh milk," it is reconstituted instant milk made from powder. If you're lucky, it's imported from New Zealand and if unlucky, from China.

This issue of milk keeps coming up. To all milk lovers, why not look into owning a cow? Many peeps here live outside of Pattaya, and own houses, how hard would it be to own a cow. And jbrain mentioned his friend found cheaper eggs somewhere in Europe.. so maybe have few chickens, to control the egg cost. It may sound strange when you first think about it, but I see no other way to get cheaper eggs and real not powder milk.

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Yeah, the issue of milk is coming up and I wonder indeed...this thread is called "Pattaya Haters Posting in the Pattaya Forum" and implying the question why that is as it is.

Honestly, also completely beyond me. As Phil said already Chiang Mai does not appeal to him and neither does it to me. Unlike Phil I have been there twice and even though I like the city as such it is too far away from the sea. Bring CM to the beach an I'll move there instantly. Still, it would not enter my mind to spam the CM forum with negative views about it.

On the issue of hookers, they are much more visible in CM than they are on Pattaya's East Side. And that's where I live in peace and quiet - 15 minutes away from the madness. Well....60 minutes on weekends when half of Bangkok invades...

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when you say it takes all kinds to make up world , its almost as if you mean even retarded people deserve a place under the sun, but never mind. I do still love it, but i try and make an effort to love it. I I stayed in my room and got bored with it all, I would prolly hate it.

I been here also some time, 11 years. Place hasn't changed really, other than massive Russian invasion starting 2008, and traffic ofc. But towns grow, Pattaya was considered a no no for Bangkok middle class only few years ago, now they flock here, and it ruins Pattaya for drivers. But why drive when you live here? Its like complaining about traffic if you own a car in Manhattan.

paddyjenkins, its something else that bothers you. Im also not as excited as i was when i first got here, but it isnt Pattaya thats letting me down.. its the routine maybe? We get used to stuff?

First I wanted to say that retarded people do indeed also have a place in the world. That place even has a name, its called Pattaya.

Moving on, maybe you have a point. Maybe I just got bored of what is has to offer and no longer see it with the rose tinted spectacles of the 32 year old I was when I first arrived. After all, I was finding the UK depressing and I have to admit, 32 seems very young to me now even though it felt old then.

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Whenever I see a Westerner in Thailand, I know I'm in the wrong place. This thread is a good example of why I feel that way.


So you think Thai people like you?

Depends how integrated he is.

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Don't want to beat a dead horse again, but I didn't come across a city that has so much on offer like Pattaya. The only thing missig is maybe the opera house but that's pretty much all I could think of. And this is something that Thailand is lacking of, not only Pattaya.

As I said before, Chiang Mai is a close second, but I prefer the sea over mountains. Another draw back of CM is the burning season which we don't have here. Add the nearness to Bangkok (which becomes more and more irrelevant since you can buy in Pattaya now almost everything you get in Bangkok) and the Eastern Seaboard in the hinterland with its industrial parks that provides jobs and business for many people living in Pattaya.

What else we have on offer? Hua Hin? Too small and traffic is worse than in Bangkok. Phuket? Yeah, maybe. There was no work for me in my previous business, that's why I had to rule it out. Financially independent I would give it a try.

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Comparison food costs

Eggs are cheaper here than almost anywhere in the western world, 30x size 2 at Makro for 100bht. (two months ago that was 77bht)

As for milk, cheese, ham,salami, these are imported foods, of course they are more expensive in Thailand.

Although 5l of whole milk in a plastic bag from the milk factory is only 130bht

You are aware that unless milk in thailand is labeled "fresh milk," it is reconstituted instant milk made from powder. If you're lucky, it's imported from New Zealand and if unlucky, from China.

This issue of milk keeps coming up. To all milk lovers, why not look into owning a cow? Many peeps here live outside of Pattaya, and own houses, how hard would it be to own a cow. And jbrain mentioned his friend found cheaper eggs somewhere in Europe.. so maybe have few chickens, to control the egg cost. It may sound strange when you first think about it, but I see no other way to get cheaper eggs and real not powder milk.

The point is you keep saying its so cheap to I've in pattaya and as many have replied, you are not comparing like with like. Back home, we don't have to raise cows and chickens to get fresh milk and cheap eggs, we can just walk/drive to the nearest market. Here one has to drive/walk all over town to find them.

In addition, on my last trip home, even frickin bananas were cheaper than here! No so for pineapples and mangos, however. So I'll stick to my statement that if comparing like to like, living in pattaya is probably a wash cost wise. It's is not to be confused with cheaper if one goes native and lives like a typical or even middle-class thai.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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OK I will bite, first of all I don't post in the Pattaya forum, well maybe once or twice and don't bash the place. When I first came to Thailand I did the backpacker thing and have seen most of Thailand and then moved here.

My first experience of Pattaya was supposed to be a one week stay and then move on to Koh Chang. The reason I dislike Pattaya is I was with my girlfriend yet got my bottom pinched, got propositioned for sex while my gf was by my side, went into 7-11 alone to then meet a man trying to hire my gf for the night. As you can imagine it tainted my view of Pattaya, like one bad meal in a restaurant you never go back. We did try and look for a quite part and ended up in Jomtiem which was again nothing special.

My aim is to go back to Pattaya and give it another chance, where to stay I don't know any ideas?.

I currently live near Udon Thani which has central plaza for shopping, cinemas, tesco's, nightlife and girly bars if that is your thing and much much more.

The last place I rented was 4000 baht for a newly built wooden house with car port, kitchen, air con and fully furnished a very very nice place. Now I live in an apartment for 2000baht a month which is again perfect for my needs and no I am not a cheap charlie I rent the place as it's one of my friends apartments and get mates rates. I am only describing where I live as I always read people slag off pattaya as they are bored in Issan.

Oh and I only read the Pattaya forum as the place still fascinates me as there is nowhere else like it.

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Yeah, the issue of milk is coming up and I wonder indeed...this thread is called "Pattaya Haters Posting in the Pattaya Forum" and implying the question why that is as it is.

Honestly, also completely beyond me. As Phil said already Chiang Mai does not appeal to him and neither does it to me. Unlike Phil I have been there twice and even though I like the city as such it is too far away from the sea. Bring CM to the beach an I'll move there instantly. Still, it would not enter my mind to spam the CM forum with negative views about it.

On the issue of hookers, they are much more visible in CM than they are on Pattaya's East Side. And that's where I live in peace and quiet - 15 minutes away from the madness. Well....60 minutes on weekends when half of Bangkok invades...

The point of bringing up the milk,ham and bread is to make an example that locally produced products which are widely used by the native population of this country have risen out of the pan. I can sum up many more products that fall in the same category

When I arrived her the Baht was 40% more expensive against my local currency than it is today. Yet at that time most of the products mentioned were cheaper than at home.Today even with a 40% cheaper Baht they are more expensive as back home.

I can understand that imported products get more expensive due to the fact of rising transport cost etc, but in a country where wages and energy costs are way lower than at home I would assume that locally produced products are cheaper.

So my point is in fact that Pattaya isn't the cheap destination anymore it was initially.

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265 Baht for 5 Vlasic or Clausen pickles in Villa Market w00t.gif Pattaya is too expensive for my wallet. will move to Manhattan any time from now where pickles are much cheaper whistling.gif

p.s. i might also consider West Palm Beach but i'm not sure whether they sell pickles cheaper than Manhattan.

I'll jump on the pickle wagon later on today, in the western food forum, if I'm not too pickled.

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when you say it takes all kinds to make up world , its almost as if you mean even retarded people deserve a place under the sun, but never mind. I do still love it, but i try and make an effort to love it. I I stayed in my room and got bored with it all, I would prolly hate it.

I been here also some time, 11 years. Place hasn't changed really, other than massive Russian invasion starting 2008, and traffic ofc. But towns grow, Pattaya was considered a no no for Bangkok middle class only few years ago, now they flock here, and it ruins Pattaya for drivers. But why drive when you live here? Its like complaining about traffic if you own a car in Manhattan.

paddyjenkins, its something else that bothers you. Im also not as excited as i was when i first got here, but it isnt Pattaya thats letting me down.. its the routine maybe? We get used to stuff?

First I wanted to say that retarded people do indeed also have a place in the world. That place even has a name, its called Pattaya.

Moving on, maybe you have a point. Maybe I just got bored of what is has to offer and no longer see it with the rose tinted spectacles of the 32 year old I was when I first arrived. After all, I was finding the UK depressing and I have to admit, 32 seems very young to me now even though it felt old then.

I was about deleting this post but then decided to let it stand. It says more about you than it does about Pattaya I'm afraid. If you find both, the UK and Pattaya depressing/boring then you maybe should ask yourself what you really want in life.


As for being bored in the UK, I didn't say that in general, I said I had been bored at the time I first visited Pattaya. But even if i had said it generally, the view that both the UK and Pattaya are far from the nicest place in the world still leaves 98% of the world. Deciding I prefer other places indeed says something about me...it says I have lots of choices in life. I am currently living in a wonderful place that i think is far nicer than either Pattaya or the UK. Fantastic weather, fantastic food, polite and friendly people, I don't get charged double the right price for things, its cheaper than Pattaya and the UK, I don't encounter rude, hostile or aggressive locals., don't have to listen to deafening, booming music day and night and in fact can hear the waves on the beach from my condo...and I could go on and on.


Edited by Phil Conners
comments about moderation deleted. Feel free to argue your point as long as they are on topic, but kindly refrain from discussing moderation issues on the forum
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Yeah, the issue of milk is coming up and I wonder indeed...this thread is called "Pattaya Haters Posting in the Pattaya Forum" and implying the question why that is as it is.

Honestly, also completely beyond me. As Phil said already Chiang Mai does not appeal to him and neither does it to me. Unlike Phil I have been there twice and even though I like the city as such it is too far away from the sea. Bring CM to the beach an I'll move there instantly. Still, it would not enter my mind to spam the CM forum with negative views about it.

On the issue of hookers, they are much more visible in CM than they are on Pattaya's East Side. And that's where I live in peace and quiet - 15 minutes away from the madness. Well....60 minutes on weekends when half of Bangkok invades...

The point of bringing up the milk,ham and bread is to make an example that locally produced products which are widely used by the native population of this country have risen out of the pan. I can sum up many more products that fall in the same category

When I arrived her the Baht was 40% more expensive against my local currency than it is today. Yet at that time most of the products mentioned were cheaper than at home.Today even with a 40% cheaper Baht they are more expensive as back home.

I can understand that imported products get more expensive due to the fact of rising transport cost etc, but in a country where wages and energy costs are way lower than at home I would assume that locally produced products are cheaper.

So my point is in fact that Pattaya isn't the cheap destination anymore it was initially.

Exactly, supermarket food is more expensive in Pattaya than back in the UK, including fruit that comes from Thailand and surrounding countries like Malaysia. Food is also more expensive by far than in nearby countries like Malaysia and even Singapore. It is very hard to eat well in Pattaya without paying through the nose. There are one or two places where you can still get a decent and fairly priced meal in Pattaya that I know, Thai or Western, but it seems to be getting harder and harder. How can Kao Pat Gai (chicken fried rice) jump from 30 baht in some ordinary little place in Soi Post office to 80 baht? But thats what I noticed in my last visut a few months ago, compared to the previous year.

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It's because most of us use "View New Content", where the forum the post comes from is not really highlighted.

You just see the post title and reply if the title interests you.

Yes, but the question was more about Pattaya HATERS than people who don't live in Pattaya, I think. Are you suggesting most people who don't live here are Pattaya HATERS?

Pretty much.

If I liked Pattaya, I wouldn't be living in CM, now would I!

I don't buy that. I LOVE CM but there are a few things about it that make it unlivable for me compared to Pattaya.

Like what? I'm enthralled by this claim!

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