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Woolwich Attack: ' Soldier Beheaded' By Ranting Fanatics On Busy London Street


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This is the Mentor of one of the murderers at his best.

7by7 this is Choudary and I will give him one thing after everything I have looked at about him, of no doubt he is articulate, clever and of course manipulative but one thing more than anything, this guy believes 100% he is telling the truth. Non of us want to hear what he is saying about Islamic doctrine, especially the moderate Muslims, but this guy is telling it exactly as he believes the Quran is commanding all Muslims to do. And remember, any Muslim at all is permitted to lie to you, even under oath if it safeguards Islam. I must look out the full program, here he is for 3 mins (and that is long enough) on that excellent program, Hard Talk. If you are in any doubt after this, there is nothing I or anyone else here can do for you.

A Classic example of never let your opponent get a word in,otherwise the Truth might come out.

Edited by Scott
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I have said many times in this thread that Choudrey and his ilk do not represent the majority of British Mulsims; indeed he has been disowned by them and barred from speaking in mosques many times.

These two men speak for the majority of British Muslims; Choudrey does not.

Imam of the Woolwich mosque.

Ajmal Masroor,


I have never read the Koran, I have never claimed to have done; I doubt that you have either.

But I have read and listened to statements from many prominent Muslims; all of whom condemn this attack as against the teachings of Islam.

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I'm an anti-theist, the world would be a better place without any. But Islam is the one we should be the most worried about today, it is like Christianity in the dark ages but we don't have the time to allow it to self-moderate :-(

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After watching those two video clips by the 2 imans for the first time, condemning the murder of Lee Rigby,

i can understand why some people on this forum are referring to them as being a cover up, or

a show to appease the media, or an unmeaning full statement, or bunch of two faced liars.

The reason i say this is because neither of them referred to Lee Rigby by his name as a human being,

instead they referred to him as the "victim" the "soldier and his family and colleagues"

That to me, shows disrespect to Lee Rigby and his family.

Why is it that both separate statements were made in the same manner?

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I see that those who blame all Muslims for the actions of the few are still in full flow.

I repeat, yet again.

All sane people abhor and condemn not only this obscene murder but the actions of all terrorists.

This includes the vast majority of Muslims living in the UK.

They and their leaders and representatives have condemned this crime; they have stressed that no matter what the murderers chanted as the hacked Drummer Rigby to death, it was not done in their name nor in the name of Islam.

They have long banned Choudrey and other radical preachers of hate from their mosques.

But the majority of posters here don't believe them and think that all Muslims in the UK are plotting to overthrow our democracy, put our women into burkas, impose medieval laws on us and stop us from eating bacon sarnies!

I have to feel sorry for these people. Cowering in their homes, afraid to go into the corner shop for a paper because they believe the man behind the counter is waiting for the opportunity to leap out and behead them; afraid to order a curry as they think the man at the takeaway will probably poison it to kill another infidel; afraid if a man with brown skin boards their bus as he's probably a Muslim suicide bomber!

Except; most of these posters are living 6000 miles away in Thailand!

They see on the news radical Muslims demonstrating and think that this is how all Muslims in the UK are. Forgetting that the media aren't interested in reporting the fact that the vast majority of people in the UK live in perfect harmony with each other; that isn't news, it doesn't get reported!

So being 6000 miles away they search the internet for proof of their prejudices and find rants from ultra white wing white supremacist representatives of parties like the EDL and BNP. They then post these rants and claim it is what the majority of white Brits think.

You may think that from 6000 miles away; but I live in the UK and you are wrong.

Yes, there are radical Muslim extremists in the UK; but there are other radical extremists in the UK as well.

The Muslim radicals no more represent the majority of UK Muslims than the EDL or BNP represent the majority of the white UK population.

I now expect to be, yet again, flamed as an appeaser and supporter of the murderers of Drummer Rigby by those whose prejudice will brook no disagreement and will not allow rational discussion.

well i am one of those that are living in the U.K. at the moment and while i take on board your comments about the fact that there are decent law abiding Muslims out there that are happy to live here, i will let our fellow members into a little bit of insight as to some of the not so law abiding citizens that are'nt.

i tend to do a lot of driving in my job over here in the U.K. and in the days following this atrocity i listened in to several call in talk radio shows. i am sure you've heard of them, Vanessa Feltz on BBC radio London on 94.9 fm and Nick Ferrari on LBC on 97.3 fm.

Vanessa had one guy call, who didn't want to give his name, that claimed he knew one of the attackers. had met him at his local Mosque, noticed that his behavior had changed and that he had started to urge fellow brothers to go and fight for the cause in Syria. when he grew concerned about the way this guy was acting he confided in an elder and was told not worry and that it was just probably all talk.

then i do believe that there was a fella by the name of Jordan, that called in to LBC and praised the actions of the two killers and had very heated debate with Ferrari and an Afghan lady about how the British armed forces were into smuggling and trafficking cocaine. oh yes and then he tried to educate everyone on how there were 3 levels of Jihad.

there was another young lady that came on that advocated the killing and then went on to denounce the way we live in our own country and believed that the place would be a whole lot better if we were to live by Sharia law.

even a University lecturer who got about 20 seconds in and then got cut off for just being totally insensitive to the situation.

shall i go on ? or do you get the picture ?

so please don't come on here and try and be a smart arse by claiming that know-one knows what they are talking about, just because they happen to in Thailand. because not all of us are ! wink.png

oh and no, before you even think of going there, i am not making this up. i do believe the Vanessa stuff is still on the BBC website i just don't know how to post it. and i have tried at lengths to find the other stuff from LBC on youtube, but to no avail.

would really appreciate it if someone could help me out there.

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Haha, what's this 7by7 dude trying to accomplish? People like this tend to have the reverse effect of their agenda.

I am trying to show that the two thugs who carried out this hateful crime are in no way representative of Islam in general nor British Muslims in particular.

I am trying to have a rational debate.

Unfortunately, the majority of posters in this thread have thrown rationality out of the window and replaced it with ignorance and prejudice!

Well, i for one do not think this attack had anything to do with Islam or anything else but drugs.

Looking at the video, and his manner, i believe he was coming down off drugs either speed or ecstasy.

For starters Islamists do not apologize to by standers, they do not stop at killing only one and usually want to kill as many as possible before killing themselves.

So not to break the debate, but i believe it was media and authorities who have turned it into a religious hate crime for whatever reasons they have, where in my opinion, this was drug related murder(possibly with some religious references)

I agree with your observations regarding him being under the influence of drugs, but that doesn't take away

his showing of fanaticism to Islamic extremism, just by his comprehension of the Koran in relation to him killing

Lee Rigby.

Yes reference to religion was made, however when heavily drugged some see Micky Mouse walking the streets .

I still do not believe it was Islamist related, only because MO just does not fit.

There is now a copy cat in France, which they also try to link to Islamist attack.

I am by no means defending Islamists , however it's not their MO. Aim is always to kill as many as possible , not just 1 person

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Aim is always to kill as many as possible , not just 1 person

Not on this occasion. It was to kill one person and make national headlines.

Ok, name other instances when target was only 1 person and apology issued to everyone else

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Camoron never asked me if I wanted this for Margaret Thatcher and it went ahead. I'm telling him I insist on it for Lee Rigby, but I'm only one tax paying drone. Are you with me or are you just going to let it pass you by like the woman who walked past Lee Rigby's body with her shopping, or the greedy politician who bury's their bad news (and 20% pay rise) under his body. For once in your lives demand and expect something worthwhile.



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What has Margaret Thatcher got to do with it.

It's the principle that the British goverment are not listening to the electorate.

On another note.....

Potentially "thousands" of people in the UK are at risk of radicalisation, Home Secretary Theresa May has told the BBC.

She said those at risk were at "different points on what could be a path to violent extremism", and a taskforce would look at whether new powers were needed to tackle radicalisation.

Meanwhile three more arrests have been made in connection with the killing of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, after the arrests of Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale on Wednesday.

She's not talking about the non existant anti islamist backlash either.....


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The locomotive "Royal Highland Fusilier" Has been dedicated to Lee Rigby


This is either a joke or a piece of reporting by a total dingbat.

Lee Rigby served with the RRF, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

The RHF (Royal highland Fusiliers) is a Glasgow-recruited regiment , now part of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

Stunningly dumb....

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lemoncake said,

"Yes reference to religion was made, however when heavily drugged some see Micky Mouse walking the streets .

I still do not believe it was Islamist related, only because MO just does not fit.

There is now a copy cat in France, which they also try to link to Islamist attack.

I am by no means defending Islamists , however it's not their MO. Aim is always to kill as many as possible , not just 1 person"

Completely wrong. This very method is used right throughout the middle east. Terrorists use a car to mow down and disable ONE unsuspecting victim and then attack with knives. It's principally used on police and soldiers.

No I can't name one victim lemoncake, or I could just say his name was Abdhul, it happened in Beirut, and ask that you disprove it. Most of these cases don't make the western press, but I watched a couple of terrorism experts on TV yesterday, and they noted that this is very common in the middle east. They didn't give names.

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lemoncake said,

"Yes reference to religion was made, however when heavily drugged some see Micky Mouse walking the streets .

I still do not believe it was Islamist related, only because MO just does not fit.

There is now a copy cat in France, which they also try to link to Islamist attack.

I am by no means defending Islamists , however it's not their MO. Aim is always to kill as many as possible , not just 1 person"

Completely wrong. This very method is used right throughout the middle east. Terrorists use a car to mow down and disable ONE unsuspecting victim and then attack with knives. It's principally used on police and soldiers.

No I can't name one victim lemoncake, or I could just say his name was Abdhul, it happened in Beirut, and ask that you disprove it. Most of these cases don't make the western press, but I watched a couple of terrorism experts on TV yesterday, and they noted that this is very common in the middle east.

So are you saying that the attackers got it wrong and only thought they were doing it in the name of islam. Is allah akba some sort of Budhist prayer and these guys weren't even muslim. Wow for a moment I really thought it was in the name of Islam. I wonder why the majority of the world thought is was an islamic attack and even people like Choudry a high profile muslim said it was for allah and that the attackers didn't go far enough.

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I see that those who blame all Muslims for the actions of the few are still in full flow.

I repeat, yet again.

All sane people abhor and condemn not only this obscene murder but the actions of all terrorists.

This includes the vast majority of Muslims living in the UK.

They and their leaders and representatives have condemned this crime; they have stressed that no matter what the murderers chanted as the hacked Drummer Rigby to death, it was not done in their name nor in the name of Islam.

They have long banned Choudrey and other radical preachers of hate from their mosques.

But the majority of posters here don't believe them and think that all Muslims in the UK are plotting to overthrow our democracy, put our women into burkas, impose medieval laws on us and stop us from eating bacon sarnies!

I have to feel sorry for these people. Cowering in their homes, afraid to go into the corner shop for a paper because they believe the man behind the counter is waiting for the opportunity to leap out and behead them; afraid to order a curry as they think the man at the takeaway will probably poison it to kill another infidel; afraid if a man with brown skin boards their bus as he's probably a Muslim suicide bomber!

Except; most of these posters are living 6000 miles away in Thailand!

They see on the news radical Muslims demonstrating and think that this is how all Muslims in the UK are. Forgetting that the media aren't interested in reporting the fact that the vast majority of people in the UK live in perfect harmony with each other; that isn't news, it doesn't get reported!

So being 6000 miles away they search the internet for proof of their prejudices and find rants from ultra white wing white supremacist representatives of parties like the EDL and BNP. They then post these rants and claim it is what the majority of white Brits think.

You may think that from 6000 miles away; but I live in the UK and you are wrong.

Yes, there are radical Muslim extremists in the UK; but there are other radical extremists in the UK as well.

The Muslim radicals no more represent the majority of UK Muslims than the EDL or BNP represent the majority of the white UK population.

I now expect to be, yet again, flamed as an appeaser and supporter of the murderers of Drummer Rigby by those whose prejudice will brook no disagreement and will not allow rational discussion.

Oh dear!


You really are quite repetitious and frankly boring. Please tell me are you a Muslim,?is your Wife a Muslim?a close Family Member a Muslim?

No flame intended,but it would be nice to know where you are coming from as a British Citizen (which I assume you are) ??????????

If you are a British Citizen? then please direct your concerns elsewhere,we have enough problems!

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Here is a good article written by a Muslim asking Muslim organizations to quit denial and take ownership of the fact Islam has a problem. To continue to claim otherwise and launch ad-hominem attacks on those who disagree with your (now minority) view is frankly delusion bordering on mental illness.


When buses and trains exploded on 7/7 in London, the objective of the suicide bombers was to sow fear and terror in the very soul of the British people. In that the jihadis were successful. One would have expected the British authorities to not just hunt down the terrorists, but also to fight the cancer of Islamism that lies at the ideological roots of jihadi terrorism. Instead, successive governments in London have tried to pussyfoot around the challenge, hoping the jihadi terrorists and their ideology would melt away with time as Downing Street funded so-called “moderate” Muslim groups and “former” extremists to do the government’s bidding.
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This video is absolutely frightening sick.gif


YouTube video Luton

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

On one level frightening and depressing, but on the other, uplifting and reassuring.

Look at that young woman. Polite, self confident, and yet resolute and unwavering in her sense of decency. She is the new England, and I like it. Despite the insults and the provocations she did not descend into the gutter, but stuck to her principles showing these fifth columnists for what they were.

Watch the full length version GK.

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It's always a good idea to go back and look at what someone is responding to originally before forming misguided opinions.

All part of the smoke and mirrors to get away from the facts that this was a brutal murder in the cause of Islam.

And some of the twisters of the truth (you know who you are) have spent many hours on this thread attempting to whitewash the perpetraters of this evil act of Islam,and have the effrontary,to claim it has nothing to do with Islam. But merely some left wing faction of Islam, which not one of their lying Clerics and Controllers, has the courage to name ..names,not one!!!, within their midst! but are quite happy to harbour Murderers and some time Bombers of innocent people,in the name of a non existant Allah! of which they are ordered to kill! in his name,via the Koran!

Liars all of them and should not even have the right to negotiate.

What you say is extremely offensive, not that you have a problem with being offensive. But to say that someone who disagree's with you and the source of this violence is somehow happy to shelter murderers is a pathetic dog act of a comment.

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Here is a good article written by a Muslim asking Muslim organizations to quit denial and take ownership of the fact Islam has a problem. To continue to claim otherwise and launch ad-hominem attacks on those who disagree with your (now minority) view is frankly delusion bordering on mental illness.


When buses and trains exploded on 7/7 in London, the objective of the suicide bombers was to sow fear and terror in the very soul of the British people. In that the jihadis were successful. One would have expected the British authorities to not just hunt down the terrorists, but also to fight the cancer of Islamism that lies at the ideological roots of jihadi terrorism. Instead, successive governments in London have tried to pussyfoot around the challenge, hoping the jihadi terrorists and their ideology would melt away with time as Downing Street funded so-called “moderate” Muslim groups and “former” extremists to do the government’s bidding.

If you're looking for ad hominem attacks just raise your eyes to the post above yours...

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Haha, what's this 7by7 dude trying to accomplish? People like this tend to have the reverse effect of their agenda.

I am trying to show that the two thugs who carried out this hateful crime are in no way representative of Islam in general nor British Muslims in particular.

I am trying to have a rational debate.

Unfortunately, the majority of posters in this thread have thrown rationality out of the window and replaced it with ignorance and prejudice!

Well, i for one do not think this attack had anything to do with Islam or anything else but drugs.

Looking at the video, and his manner, i believe he was coming down off drugs either speed or ecstasy.

Well, let's hope they didn't do a drugs test.......don't want this guy doing community service!

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I see that those who blame all Muslims for the actions of the few are still in full flow.

I repeat, yet again.

All sane people abhor and condemn not only this obscene murder but the actions of all terrorists.

This includes the vast majority of Muslims living in the UK.

They and their leaders and representatives have condemned this crime; they have stressed that no matter what the murderers chanted as the hacked Drummer Rigby to death, it was not done in their name nor in the name of Islam.

They have long banned Choudrey and other radical preachers of hate from their mosques.

But the majority of posters here don't believe them and think that all Muslims in the UK are plotting to overthrow our democracy, put our women into burkas, impose medieval laws on us and stop us from eating bacon sarnies!

I have to feel sorry for these people. Cowering in their homes, afraid to go into the corner shop for a paper because they believe the man behind the counter is waiting for the opportunity to leap out and behead them; afraid to order a curry as they think the man at the takeaway will probably poison it to kill another infidel; afraid if a man with brown skin boards their bus as he's probably a Muslim suicide bomber!

Except; most of these posters are living 6000 miles away in Thailand!

They see on the news radical Muslims demonstrating and think that this is how all Muslims in the UK are. Forgetting that the media aren't interested in reporting the fact that the vast majority of people in the UK live in perfect harmony with each other; that isn't news, it doesn't get reported!

So being 6000 miles away they search the internet for proof of their prejudices and find rants from ultra white wing white supremacist representatives of parties like the EDL and BNP. They then post these rants and claim it is what the majority of white Brits think.

You may think that from 6000 miles away; but I live in the UK and you are wrong.

Yes, there are radical Muslim extremists in the UK; but there are other radical extremists in the UK as well.

The Muslim radicals no more represent the majority of UK Muslims than the EDL or BNP represent the majority of the white UK population.

I now expect to be, yet again, flamed as an appeaser and supporter of the murderers of Drummer Rigby by those whose prejudice will brook no disagreement and will not allow rational discussion.

Oh dear!


You really are quite repetitious and frankly boring. Please tell me are you a Muslim,?is your Wife a Muslim?a close Family Member a Muslim?

No flame intended,but it would be nice to know where you are coming from as a British Citizen (which I assume you are) ??????????

If you are a British Citizen? then please direct your concerns elsewhere,we have enough problems!

I'm a British citizen actually living in Britain at the moment. I believe in the rule of law. The perpetrators of the vile crime in Woolwich ought to be brought to book and punished to the full extent that the law allows.

On the other hand my GP, who happens to be a muslim and who, as far as I'm aware has not murdered anyone, ought to be free to carry on caring for the health of his patients without being threatened that he's to be 'sent back where he came from' (which happens to be a small town in the Midlands).

If you're going to send all the muslims back where they came from (even if they didn't actually come from there) where do you intend to send Muhammad Ali? Somalia? He is a muslim after all...

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I see that those who blame all Muslims for the actions of the few are still in full flow.

I repeat, yet again.

All sane people abhor and condemn not only this obscene murder but the actions of all terrorists.

This includes the vast majority of Muslims living in the UK.

They and their leaders and representatives have condemned this crime; they have stressed that no matter what the murderers chanted as the hacked Drummer Rigby to death, it was not done in their name nor in the name of Islam.

They have long banned Choudrey and other radical preachers of hate from their mosques.

But the majority of posters here don't believe them and think that all Muslims in the UK are plotting to overthrow our democracy, put our women into burkas, impose medieval laws on us and stop us from eating bacon sarnies!

I have to feel sorry for these people. Cowering in their homes, afraid to go into the corner shop for a paper because they believe the man behind the counter is waiting for the opportunity to leap out and behead them; afraid to order a curry as they think the man at the takeaway will probably poison it to kill another infidel; afraid if a man with brown skin boards their bus as he's probably a Muslim suicide bomber!

Except; most of these posters are living 6000 miles away in Thailand!

They see on the news radical Muslims demonstrating and think that this is how all Muslims in the UK are. Forgetting that the media aren't interested in reporting the fact that the vast majority of people in the UK live in perfect harmony with each other; that isn't news, it doesn't get reported!

So being 6000 miles away they search the internet for proof of their prejudices and find rants from ultra white wing white supremacist representatives of parties like the EDL and BNP. They then post these rants and claim it is what the majority of white Brits think.

You may think that from 6000 miles away; but I live in the UK and you are wrong.

Yes, there are radical Muslim extremists in the UK; but there are other radical extremists in the UK as well.

The Muslim radicals no more represent the majority of UK Muslims than the EDL or BNP represent the majority of the white UK population.

I now expect to be, yet again, flamed as an appeaser and supporter of the murderers of Drummer Rigby by those whose prejudice will brook no disagreement and will not allow rational discussion.

Oh dear!


You really are quite repetitious and frankly boring. Please tell me are you a Muslim,?is your Wife a Muslim?a close Family Member a Muslim?

No flame intended,but it would be nice to know where you are coming from as a British Citizen (which I assume you are) ??????????

If you are a British Citizen? then please direct your concerns elsewhere,we have enough problems!

I'm a British citizen actually living in Britain at the moment. I believe in the rule of law. The perpetrators of the vile crime in Woolwich ought to be brought to book and punished to the full extent that the law allows.

On the other hand my GP, who happens to be a muslim and who, as far as I'm aware has not murdered anyone, ought to be free to carry on caring for the health of his patients without being threatened that he's to be 'sent back where he came from' (which happens to be a small town in the Midlands).

If you're going to send all the muslims back where they came from (even if they didn't actually come from there) where do you intend to send Muhammad Ali? Somalia? He is a muslim after all...

Thinking through the consequences of their half baked thoughts isn't the forte of this mob.

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It's always a good idea to go back and look at what someone is responding to originally before forming misguided opinions.

All part of the smoke and mirrors to get away from the facts that this was a brutal murder in the cause of Islam.

And some of the twisters of the truth (you know who you are) have spent many hours on this thread attempting to whitewash the perpetraters of this evil act of Islam,and have the effrontary,to claim it has nothing to do with Islam. But merely some left wing faction of Islam, which not one of their lying Clerics and Controllers, has the courage to name ..names,not one!!!, within their midst! but are quite happy to harbour Murderers and some time Bombers of innocent people,in the name of a non existant Allah! of which they are ordered to kill! in his name,via the Koran!

Liars all of them and should not even have the right to negotiate.

What you say is extremely offensive, but not that you have a problem with being offensive. But to say that someone who disagree's with you and the source of this violence is somehow happy to shelter murderers is a pathetic dog act of a comment.

Well fine! if you don't like my opinion, then show me where you think 2,900,000 Muslims in the UK, would have no idea of the Terrorists amongst them? and please do explain what I have said is offensive?

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Well fine! if you don't like my opinion, then show me where you think 2,900,000 Muslims in the UK, would have no idea of the Terrorists amongst them? and please do explain what I have said is offensive?

Why should they? I'm Catholic. Was I supposed to know where the next IRA target was?

You blokes seem to think that this is simply an 'us' and 'them' issue and that 'them' are some homogeneous group of people who all act in robotic unison.

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