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Thai Govt Lashes Out At Democrats' Price Rise Claim


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Why can't the opposition just keep quiet and allow the government to get on with misruling the country? Stop creating conflict with all this reporting of so called price rises. The government should be closing down any website, suing any person, or group, responsible, and sending a red rapid response team to ensure that it stops. And, in line with recent actions, will probably start doing so very soon. I for one think there's not enough of Yingluck in the media. Her trip to Japan should have received 24 hour live coverage on every channel, and surely there's space for another billboard or two with her picture on it on the highway to the airport? Any opposition slots need to be taken over and replaced with our dear sister leader.

Love your sarcasim
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Never fear Thai people. The government is going to build a high speed rail network that will surely bring down the price of food "or am I imagining it?"

The US is also coming to the rescue with cheap pork

Vote PTP - things are on the up!

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Yeah, the chicken I used to buy for 25 baht per piece is now 40 baht. The Thai restaurants I frequent have all raised prices by between 5 to 15 baht based on the dish. The prices at the Chiang Mai food markets are a good 20 to 30% higher than when I got here 6 years ago. Nope! Move along folks. Nothing to see hear. Bad Democrats, bad Democrats. How dare they insinuate that there is food price inflation.

Well, really, it's not just Thailand. All fairly developed countries statistically manipulate the CPI and Inflation calculations to show the public that there is little to no inflation; but all you have to do is open your eyes, walk down the street, and compare prices to a few years ago.

But on the bright side, I can get 3% interest on my funds in my Thai bank. Better that the 0.01% that I get on passbook savings in the US. Hell, I make maybe less than $1 in interest per year from my credit union. That's pretty laughable. clap2.gif

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Will the government minister care to come and take my wife away. She won't stop asking for more money. She keeps saying prices are up. I fear she may be crazy,

If she keeps on with these slanderous statements, I would contact Prompong's office and get him to raise a defamation charge. For the good of the country, of course.

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Why can't the opposition just keep quiet and allow the government to get on with misruling the country? Stop creating conflict with all this reporting of so called price rises. The government should be closing down any website, suing any person, or group, responsible, and sending a red rapid response team to ensure that it stops. And, in line with recent actions, will probably start doing so very soon. I for one think there's not enough of Yingluck in the media. Her trip to Japan should have received 24 hour live coverage on every channel, and surely there's space for another billboard or two with her picture on it on the highway to the airport? Any opposition slots need to be taken over and replaced with our dear sister leader.

Love your sarcasim

"Thai Govt Threatens Action Against Masked Facebook Users"

What did I tell you? Sarcasm, yes, but also a look into the future.

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this minimum wage is the most stupid thing ever invented as it protects employees but they do nothing to protect the employers.

Which can only genorate. high prices. staff cuts. more un employment all this done for some random reason

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Is it me or are there less and less 25/50 satang coins in circulation?

If you need some, I have a jar-full that I'll happily donate. even 7-11 doesn't want them.

I normally got those small coins from 7/11 and would pay them back (with them). Mind you, this is in Bangkok where people are known to be more thrifty rolleyes.gif

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Sorry Pheu Thai, but Thailand is facing real inflation now. 4 months ago, Pork at Big C was selling for 95 baht a kilo. Yesterday, the price is 159 baht.

Thai T.V, reported that the price of eggs had risen because of the hot weather- the chickens were traumatised.


If bacon is up, then the pigs will fly ??? Look people know that prices are on the up, they know because their wallet is emptying quicker. Isn't the government aware of this.

Sorry Pheu Thai, but Thailand is facing real inflation now. 4 months ago, Pork at Big C was selling for 95 baht a kilo. Yesterday, the price is 159 baht.

Thai T.V, reported that the price of eggs had risen because of the hot weather- the chickens were traumatised.


If bacon is up, then the pigs will fly ??? Look people know that prices are on the up, they know because their wallet is emptying quicker. Isn't the government aware of this.

Actually I can vouch for the affect of the hot weather on the eggs. My chickens have pretty much stopped laying when the weather hit 100F+ and they still have not started laying again. I also had several die due to heat stress.

The weather is not the only thing though. The price of chicken food increased by a little over 10% a couple of months ago.

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" Govt lashes out..................."

attachicon.gifanuttama amornwiwat.jpg

As a government spokesman, this nice young lady doesn't look the type to lash out at anything.

Does she? whistling.gif

She does kind of have a devilish look in her eye.. rolleyes.gif

Is she the one who went AWOL to interview Mr T in Dubai & produced a flattering book about him? Been rewarded with a cushy job then.

I suppose that those who say prices are not up actually do not shop for basic necessities. In the past few years rice has virtually doubled in price yet there are mountains of it rotting away in storage.

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Sure prices have risen mainly for the basics that everyone must buy, except the very rich who never go near a market.

Wondered how long this young lady will be in the job?

Yingluck will not be happy with another pretty face in the news

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