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Thailand To Re-Emerge As Global Rice Centre: Commerce Minister


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Thailand to re-emerge as global rice centre: Commerce Minister
By English News


CHIANG MAI, May 27 – Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom said today that Thailand will spring back as the world’s rice trading hub despite disappointing exports of the Thai grain last year.

Officially opening the 6th Thailand Rice Convention 2013 in this northern province, he said the government has emphasised development of Thai rice to usher in the return of the kingdom as regional and international rice trading centre.

He said the convention would boost rice trading countries’ confidence in the quality of Thai grain, reassuring that the public sector will push the export of Thai rice to its target despite last year’s setback.

Thailand will definitely become the world’s top rice exporter given many delivery-pending orders and more sales negotiations, said Mr Boonsong.

He reasserted that rice in the state’s stockpiles will be delivered to buyers as scheduled and the new lot of money will be spent as a revolving fund for the coming rice pledging scheme.

A proposal for a new round of the annual rice subsidy will be submitted to the cabinet through the National Rice Policy Committee. The Commerce Ministry is continuing the pledging price at Bt15,000-20,000 per tonne.

Kobsuk Iamsuree, Thai Rice Exporters Association president, said Thailand is ready to become Southeast Asia’s rice trading centre thanks to its advanced production, technology, transport system and financial service.

If the government seriously pushes forward the effort, it will set a solid foundation when Thailand joins the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, she said.

However, she expressed concern that the government lacks clear guidelines to elevate Thailand as the global rice trading hub.

Thailand exported two million tonnes of rice in the first four months of this year and the private sector predicted 2013 rice exports to reach 6.5 million tonnes, she said.

The rice export volume as of June will determine if this year’s export forecast will have to be slashed to six million tonnes, she added. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-05-27

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he said the government has emphasised development of Thai rice to usher in the return of the kingdom as regional and international rice trading centre

They have been at this rice export business properly for 50 years. I wonder what ground breaking "developments" the government has come up with?

Storage weevil resistance? Moisture and mold resistance?

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will be delivered to buyers as scheduled and the new lot of money will be spent as a revolving fund for the coming rice pledging scheme

This bloke obviously understands cash flow better than most huh???? A revolving fund with no sales, is a non- revolving fund.

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he said the government has emphasised development of Thai rice to usher in the return of the kingdom as regional and international rice trading centre

They have been at this rice export business properly for 50 years. I wonder what ground breaking "developments" the government has come up with?

Storage weevil resistance? Moisture and mold resistance?

"However, she expressed concern that the government lacks clear guidelines to elevate Thailand as the global rice trading hub."

There's your non-answer.

She's from the exporters association. She is basically saying that she has no idea how the government expects to make this magical transformation happen. I am amazed he wasn't booed off stage by the exporters.

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K Boonsong lies like a pig in muck

Someone once said " the truth is just a tale told often enough " so perhaps if this idiot keeps repeating himself he at least might actually believe it

There is a limit though. He is addressing the Thai rice industry face to face. Looking at the comment from below from the head of the Exporters association, I don't think she was taken in by it one bit.

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Tjeez, how many more times do I have to tell all of you?

Thailand definitely become the worlds top rice exporter, We have put emphasize on quantity. We have 7.5 million tonnes in G2G deals. You can believe me, I'm the Commerce Minister.
signed, Boonsong Teriyapirom

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One shouldn't really expect this to happen any time soon , their previous good customers have flown the coop , signed contracts, are pleased with the service , why would you want to return back to mediocrity in a hurry.coffee1.gif

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"...Thailand will spring back as the world’s rice trading hub despite disappointing exports of the Thai grain last year."

What is a rice trading hub? hub hub hub.


Boonsong Teriyapirom.

"...............despite disappointing exports of the Thai grain last year,Thailand will spring back as the world’s rice storage hub"

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"Thailand to re-emerge as global rice centre: Commerce Minister"

Actually, the title of this piece is quite correct.

Thailand IS the rice centre, because they can't sell it.

Thailand is without a doubt the worlds rice storage hub

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Wonder what they do with existing stores of rice that is rotting in the warehouses? Come on politicians, pull your heads out of your puppet master's ass and do something to fix the problem. At least discount the current supply while it still has some value. 60% percent is a lot better than NOTHING and also give some to the very poor people.

Thailand, the world's greatest rice producer but no longer the greatest seller of rice.

Oh I know, they can buy more at the highly inflated price before the next election. That's more politically correct than just paying directly for votes.

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This scam is a carbon copy of Thaksins 2004 rice scam. Go figure. The Govt is still holding 2 or 3 million tons from 2005 thru 2008 stocks. The BAAC still has that loan on its books and the government has been paying interest only, plus storage costs for the last 8 years. It is now being sold as animal feed.

Does any body really believe this 16 million tons will all be sold, before it rots to an almost unusable animal feed?

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