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Why Is Camping Not More Popular?

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Why don't I see much being said about camping?

Of course there's the heat to consider (most of the year/regions), but
trust me, if that's cracked, the experience is great!

I have a fan, converted to run off a re-chargable battery (approx the
size of motorcycle battery), and with one full charge it'll last through the
night (approx 10hrs). Then again, Dec-Feb in the Northern regions/high altitude
it can be quite invigorating, if you are partial to the lower temperatures.

The GF and I have camped all over Thailand, from 'purpose made sites in'
National parks, to beaches, hill-tops and the odd garden. [Tent] camping is
popular in Europe, why don't I hear much about foreigners trying it over here?
Oh, and I really, really take issue with snakes. Happily, I've not experienced

FYI, I actually have an ad running in TV for my vast set of
camping equipment; I'm leaving the Kingdom, that's the reason for
getting rid of it.

Anybody interested in having a go and wanting any advice where/what/why, please just

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Hmmmm...Smart-arse. LOL

Assuming people would read between the lines, I was more referring to foreigners.

Hence the mentions of "...said about..., ...purpose made sites, and ...popular in Europe...".

In all my time here, the only mention of camping (with foreigners I know/meet)

has been either myself raving about it or some pals that have used my spare tent and joined

the GF and I.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is indeed very popular in certain areas,up here in Phetchabun Khao Khor and Phu Tab Berk have many camp sites as well as very basic chalet type accommodation,further up the road in Nam Nao and further north in Loei it's the same.

The big appeal here is the weather,often as cold as 13 degrees with the mountains shrouded in a thick mist,very nice it is to.

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In the west few can afford the motel prices so they camp.

In Thailand you can have as many as you like in a hotel room for 300bht, so nobody camps.

For many it may only be about the cost, but for myself it's the experience.

Hardly get the opportunity to go all 'Bear', but pitching a tent in the *rse-end of knowhere...well it takes some beating.

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It is indeed very popular in certain areas,up here in Phetchabun Khao Khor and Phu Tab Berk have many camp sites as well as very basic chalet type accommodation,further up the road in Nam Nao and further north in Loei it's the same.

The big appeal here is the weather,often as cold as 13 degrees with the mountains shrouded in a thick mist,very nice it is to.

Totally agree, have camped all around your area. Tho don't think I ever saw another Farang doing so.

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As above, cost of hotels, heat, mozzies are top reasons, but outisde of NPs and resort areas it's just not really the done thing. Add to that the sheer disgust at sleeping on the floor in the woods by the locals (and potential loss of face and being turned over by axe-wielding crazies)... thus a very small network.

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I think camping is very popular amongst Thais, esp in the cool, season. Try getting a camping spot in Khao Yai on a winter long weekend. Its enough to put you off camping forever.

I think many farangs just dont like their idea of a tropical forest for camping. Wet, humid, hot, insects, wildlife, etc. And a lot of the year this is true.

But this is not all bad - I prefer a camp site with just me and nobody else in it.

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I love camping as well. I remember taking my 4 & 5 year old boys on their first trip in Australia. Long drive into the back of nowhere and found a great spot by a small river. A couple hours to get set up, gather wood and get the fire going, my boys then have time to sit down, relax and think and the first thing they say is "dad what are we going to watch?". Cracked me up and I had a great time explaining to them the totally foreign concept of no electricity and no TV. Once the sun went down and total darkness took over they were amazed by all the stars, for anyone who has not been camping that alone should be good enough reason to have a go!

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  • 4 weeks later...

As above, cost of hotels, heat, mozzies are top reasons, but outisde of NPs and resort areas it's just not really the done thing. Add to that the sheer disgust at sleeping on the floor in the woods by the locals (and potential loss of face and being turned over by axe-wielding crazies)... thus a very small network.

Don't forget the elephants, tigers, snakes, deer and monkeys.

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i have started a website to address the needs of people looking for information about camping in Thailand,

Like the lead poster, I have camped all over Thailand, and share the love of camping in Thailand. The website is non-commercial. Please post and share your experiences.


Good idea, and thanks for taking the time. I hope it can grow and more people contribute info to it.

I think the main reason that camping is not popular in Thailand is that generally accommodation is just so cheap...

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