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Where Best To Renew Uk Passport (And Transfer Existing Visa)?

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I need to apply for another one-year extension to my OA Long Stay visa this September, but my UK Passport expires in August 2014. Am I better off renewing the passport here in Bangkok before I apply, or doing it during my visit to the UK this summer? I'm wondering which will be easier regarding the transfer of the existing visa/extension to the new passport. Thanks for any advice.

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Get it in UK during vacation, cheaper and easier. Just use both passports for return (be sure to have re-entry permit). Then visit immigration to transfer stamps (and if same time obtain new extension of stay).

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Just one thing to bear in mind if you renew in the UK during your summer trip (or even here via Hong Kong beforehand). Since IPS are only prepared to add up to 9 months to the validity period of new passports in the case of early renewals, you will lose 3-4 months on the period of your new passport. If this is a price you're prepared to pay, fine.

Edited by OJAS
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Do them both while you are in the UK, that's what i will be doing, as the other post cheaper and eaiser

Not sure what you are saying but he can not have immigration stamps transferred in UK.

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You say in your opening post 'renewing in Bangkok '. Just to make sure you realise that renewals are now no longer available there . I wont bore you with the details as it has been discussed many times here.

Edited by pontious
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