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Suphanburi Kindergarten Kid ' Bullied To Death'


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Thank god, this is not a nanny- state, huh guys?!

RIP, little guy

Personally I would choose to dispense with any government telling me what to do, or relying on any government to be there when I needed it. Moreover, I would rely on my own sense of intuition and instinct in areas that the government has no clue, and instead have been a direct link to these very problems we face today.

I think if I was that kids father I would be violently bullying the other kids father's.

Emotionally, and right this moment, I totally agree. I wish I could believe that I would carry it not only to the father, but to the entire family, and to the teachers and directors and any kids who stood by like ghouls to witness yet another bloody event (as they all are so fond of doing). But when I do some soul searching, I can only say that I would wait and see how justice meets this out, and at the conclusion of it, I would have to do some more soul searching. I believe that the measure with which the killers and their authority figures expressed true grief and remorse towards me and my family would be the measure which would influence my ultimate decision. I guess I am saying (and it is difficult) that I could possibly forgive, but this could not even be a consideration were the killers, their family and the school and their higher ups not to demonstrate every possible measure to express their deepest and most genuine show true grief and remorse for their terrible actions.

Regarding the killers; I could not ever forgive them were they to be instructed to come to me and "show" grief or remorse with that level of genuine regret and remorse that immediately follows an act of violent emotion. I could never forgive them were they told how to even act, were I not convinced that they were instead pulled out of the street from the playing (as they are now in all likelihood) and told that they have to come before me and my wife and act out a form of idiotic, shallow and degrading Thai-ness. If they could not convince me of that I would more than likely boil over and end them on the spot.

I feel regret to say this, but it is all I know to say right now. I cannot imagine how that father and mother feels if they truly loved their baby as I do mine, and as my wife does as well.

But, they are Thai and I regret yet again to say that their idea of a solution will more than likely leave me absolutely beggared, and more than likely have something to do with cold hard cash.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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This child was assaulted not bullied ! The school should be held responsible for not supervising students properly. At no times should students be left unattended (whether inside or outside a classroom). Incidents such as this should never occur in a school as teachers should either be inside the classrooms or on playground duty.

Might be that the school supervisors were busy making offerings and praying Buddha for the safeguard of the children.

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This is more than just being bullied at school.  It is more like he was violently beaten to death. 1st grader would be about 6 yrs old and a 7th grader around 12 or 13 yrs old.



Actually if it is Thai  schooling they are Pratom 1 and Pratom 7.  a 13 year old would be in high School and not near a K student.

Actually many larger Thai schools are P1 up to M3 and some like mine go to M6.

But agreed this does sound like a Anuban ( nursery) and Pratum school.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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News on television reported that he was held by one of his killers and beaten up by the other, so he could not defend himself or run away.

If that is the case, I would suggest that these kids are in need of some very serious psychological evaluation. It worries me very much the level of violence among kids these days, it may be bad all over the world, but it is here too, and there is a very big difference between playground rough and tumble and actually restraining someone and beating them so badly they die.

This case should be being handled in a very very serious manner by the authorities, but it seems to be a case of serious bullying in their eyes.

Not good enough. If that was my son, those two kids would be in their graves by now - and I would happily do jail time for it!

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Had a older kid bully me as a lad. After he broke my glasses, my old man went to the bully's house and beat the shit out of his old man.

I had those brand new glasses for a long time after that and the bully avoided me at all occasion. When I went thru my big growth spurt, me and a couple friends would bodyguard a retarded kid that was bullied regularly. We knocked a few heads together and stuffed many of the thugs in the trash cans. Those were the days of handshake's after a fight, not a drive by, like today.

I don't 100% agree that your father should beat up his father. After all, his father did nothing wrong directly. Your father should have beaten up his son, NOT the father.

I remember when I was about 8 years old, the doors of the classroom I was in burst open and an irate father strode up to the school bully and had him up against the wall. He stared him straight in the face and said "if you touch my son again, I'll come down on you so hard you'll have to reach up to tie your shoe-laces!" That bully never touched anyone again at that school. Fantastic!

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  • 8 months later...

im realy scared now, my 7yo daughter is getting bullyed for being farang, she has her dinner money taken from her each day by the 6th yrs i spoke to the teacher and she said "thats what the 6th yrs do, when my daughter is 6th yr ,she can do it" I moved her from her last school that i payed a lot of money for private education, because the teacher came in in the morning and wrote on the black board enough work for 3hrs and then left for 3hrs, this is the same in the new school, it seems to be a standard teaching meathod, when school ends the teachers go home befor all the kids are gone, ive just found out my daughter has been wandering into the market 3 times a week waiting for the bus, ive had it with this UNCARING country parents dont care about kids or they wauld not take a 3 month old on a motorbike, my 12yo niece was raped by an 18yo, mother got 70k and was happy to pay her gambaling depts.We have had 10 kids stolen from the surrounding villages over the last 9 yrs, i asked one of the mothers recently "have you heard anything from the police in the last 4 years?" "never mind, we had another baby girl, when she is big she will go to work in kung thep and take care of mum and dad"(work as a prostitute) im leaving soon with my daughter coz i cant stand much more

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