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Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

In places like MBK, where you cannot get seats in places like Burger King and McDonalds because kids are studying ages after they have finished, it is a huge irritation. The sheer volume of traffic there dictates that seats should be used by paying customers for the duration of the activity they paid to undertake (eating their food inside the restaurant premises).

There are places people should not be kicked out of but when a restaurant gets full and there are people that have been well overstaying their welcome by continuing to linger long after eating their meal they should be asked to vacate IMO.

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I am sitting in McDonalds

having ...a sandwich.

Has anyone else ever seen anything like that?

No. I've never seen anyone eating a sandwich in McDonalds.

Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

In places like MBK, where you cannot get seats in places like Burger King and McDonalds because kids are studying ages after they have finished, it is a huge irritation.

An irritation or a sign that you should know better at your age than clogging your arteries with fast sugar and transfat ?

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Good ! About time, can't sit down due to people not buying anything.

Can we do the same with all the people who think petrol stations are just for free toilets and parking ?

If I find myself with a full tank and bladder I'll park and use the toilet.

I'll buy fuel from them when I need it.

I think the secret is to coordinate your tanks !

When yours needs discharging make sure the fuel tank needs filling. :)

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I'd call the police to evict them, many school kids here carry a weapon and won't hesitate to use it.

<deleted> they are just kids hanging out after school. Where do you want them to go? Bear hunting like my "ole

Granpappy" used to do? This is the 21st century. Kids hang out all over the world. Do you think this is exclusively a right of the western kids and eastern kids should be at home after school?

Where do I want them to go ?

I want them to go home or go to an after school club.

McDonalds is not a creche (for kids or adults) and 'hanging' does not pay McD's overheads. If they are old enough to be unsupervised then they should use shops/restaurants for the purposes that were intended - shopping and eating.

"hanging" <deleted>!

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Dairy Queen Chill and Grill in Paragon went of business by not doing this.

I went in one time, no place to sit, all full of student's getting grinds. Almost none eating anything, said it to the manager that they should move them so me and my friend, paying customers with full trays of food could sit down.


You can only laugh.

I used go in there on most Saturday lunchtimes and you'd see some sitting in there with a bag of Dunkin Donuts on the table. :D

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I would go, no run outside out of my own free will, even if they pay me I would never frequent Mac D, Kentucky or Starbucks or any other fast food outlet. In a country where there is good food freely and cheaply available, who would ever ever go to a fast food place and eat the chunk they are offering

Thank you for that pointless sermon. It is quite clear, if you don't like fast food, don't use the outlets.

I think the word you were looking for was "junk"


I would go, no run outside out of my own free will, even if they pay me I would never frequent Mac D, Kentucky or Starbucks or any other fast food outlet. In a country where there is good food freely and cheaply available, who would ever ever go to a fast food place and eat the chunk they are offering

Congrats on the boring, brain-dead rant.


ahh spent many a drunken nights at Dennys. and speaking of this fine establishment, here is a video of the fine youth of america enjoying a late rootie tootie fresh and fruity breakfast. coffee1.gifw00t.gif

Frigging awesome thanks for that, Dennys rocks.


Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

So poor that they can afford laptops, mobile phones and tablets that they sit there using the free internet for ?

I suspect that's what they're in there for. The free wi-fi.


Man, they gotta open a Denny's Pattaya.

I thought the stuff in 7/11 was the same as Denny's. ???

No, those in the video seem to be much, much dumber....

Wonder their nationality.


I got thrown out of Denny's once.

I had bent all the cutlery on the table at 90 degrees, and then complained about the bent cutlery.

Not only did I not receive the Grand Slam Breakfast I had ordered, the Store Manager made me bend all the cutlery back again before I was escorted out.

Childish, I'll admit, but things take on a different perspective of funny when you are drunk and stupid at 3am.

If you could have bent them with your mind, you could have milked a free Grand Slam every day for a month.. cheesy.gif


Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

All sensible ideas that should be implemented immediately. If you're trying to run a business then the non payers have to go. I knew a guy in Shanghai who owned a bar. He refused to allow Chinese customers to play cards for similar reasons. They'd order a glass of water, play cards for hours and he'd lose paying customers.


It's good to know that, having solved all crime here, Thailand's finest have nothing better to do than to throw school kids out of fast food joints. I feel safer already.

Think of it as preventing crime.


ahh spent many a drunken nights at Dennys. and speaking of this fine establishment, here is a video of the fine youth of america enjoying a late rootie tootie fresh and fruity breakfast. :coffee1::w00t:

IMHO this video is absolutely frightening for its real violence, untamed :sick: some almost ready to kill, and what for, a trifle I guess, shame on those people!... (Sorry for the out of topic)

Seems like just the kind of place UK politicians would describe as 'vibrant, colourful and adding real local character to the community.' I look forward to visiting one if they are introduced next time I go home, not.

Just out of interest, what kind of food do they serve?


Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

You must have a bloody big chip on your shoulder - still it makes you good at making a drama out of a crisis!

For sure get rid of all non paying people. The air is free in your own home or public places - otherwise it comes under the domain of business such as McD's. They pay the rent, they cover the overheads, they take the investment risk - they are entitled to set the rules. If that includes clearing out non-paying kids who are just there to play on their iPads then I 100% support the policy of kicking them out.

Get over yourself!

Yeah that way at the Golden Arch we will see self righteous paying old farts who don't even have the excuse of youth for not knowing any better to have such ad taste in food !

Oh I have a video for you, you will love that man; Nestlé's CEO :He wants to make water not a human right, nice man !


Enjoy finding your new model ! ;)

May he and the rest of his miserable family suffer for the rest of their hopefully short life and die in endless pain!
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I would go, no run outside out of my own free will, even if they pay me I would never frequent Mac D, Kentucky or Starbucks or any other fast food outlet. In a country where there is good food freely and cheaply available, who would ever ever go to a fast food place and eat the chunk they are offering

Thank you for that pointless sermon. It is quite clear, if you don't like fast food, don't use the outlets.

I think the word you were looking for was "junk"

Well he obviously does like fast junk food as he likes Thai food. whistling.gif

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So poor that they can afford laptops, mobile phones and tablets that they sit there using the free internet for ?

I suspect that's what they're in there for. The free wi-fi.

Stop the free Wi-Fi and issue a password to meal paying customers if requested.


ahh spent many a drunken nights at Dennys. and speaking of this fine establishment, here is a video of the fine youth of america enjoying a late rootie tootie fresh and fruity breakfast. :coffee1::w00t:

IMHO this video is absolutely frightening for its real violence, untamed :sick: some almost ready to kill, and what for, a trifle I guess, shame on those people!... (Sorry for the out of topic)

Seems like just the kind of place UK politicians would describe as 'vibrant, colourful and adding real local character to the community.' I look forward to visiting one if they are introduced next time I go home, not.

Just out of interest, what kind of food do they serve?

Fried chicken and grits, by the looks of things.


Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

Another honor student in economics. One of the elite few who believes that business owners don't really invest their money & time to compete & prosper, as common sense would suggest, but rather for the benefit of freeloaders. So tell us Sensei: if not to break even and survive in the business world, why DO these business owners sacrifice their time & money? Why IS there a Macdonald's, or a KFC, or a ____________, if not to sell something (and hopefully make a living)? Oh, BTW, I'd like my house cleaned and my car washed. Every day. You'll do that for me, for free of course, won't you?


Why do they need the police to evict "free seaters"?

Can't staff and management grow some balls and throw them out by themselves?

You haven't been here very long it seems. coffee1.gif

Ahh Transam, yet another one of your egotistical nothing comments. Do you really hate life that badly?


Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

In places like MBK, where you cannot get seats in places like Burger King and McDonalds because kids are studying ages after they have finished, it is a huge irritation.

An irritation or a sign that you should know better at your age than clogging your arteries with fast sugar and transfat ?

And what business is that of yours exactly? Just because YOU don't approve of the menu, everyone has the right to sit their butts down & occupy the space? Global village mentality. You undeniably have the right to avoid the food; but the owner has the right to run his business, including the right NOT to accommodate freeloaders. HIS business; HIS rules; YOUR right to hit the road. Honestly, the global village needs to update the syllabus (to account for reality). BTW - OTHERS have a right to THEIR opinions regarding the food...not a decision, despite your apparent sense of divinity, that you're going to be making for them.


Good ! About time, can't sit down due to people not buying anything.

Can we do the same with all the people who think petrol stations are just for free toilets and parking ?

On parking I agree, but come on man, all toilets should be free... This country has no public facilities whatsoever.


This reminds of an incident back home in the States. I took my mom to McDonalds and we ordered the senior special for her. Our bill was over 10 dollars for two cold hamburgers and bitter coffee. As we were finishing off the meal, my 90 year old, disabled mom proceeded to clean our table and empty the trays...as all the signs directed. I asked her to please leave her tray on the table, as the young staff there would offer assistance. As for me, I was already spoiled by 15 years in the Philippines and a few in Thailand, where the staff clean off the tables for you. (Sometimes I help them out, but most times they are already running over to clean off the table). The security guard gave both of us an intimidating look and the other customers were shocked into silence. It was a scene out of twilight zone. We were OUTLAWS !!! I even saw the guard's hand twitch for his gun (Yes, they do have one). My mom sheepishly begged me to comply with the law of the land, but I grabbed her arm and stared at the guard with my best Clint Eastwood squint, as we backed up slowly to the Handicapped exit...and drove off. The best part of it was, all the other customers were left immobilized and slacked-jawed by our inexcusable behavior. I however, felt good inside, and my mom later chuckled and told me it was all fun. Then she asked me if we good go again for dinner.

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