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Maya Goes The Way Of The Mayans


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So there I was driving past the monstrosity of the MAYA shopping mall and was thinking? (had plenty of time to think, because the traffic was grid locked) What other word rhymes with MAYA, then it came to me, the extinct MAYAN's and their own monstrosities..... w00t.gif Yes they built them as well, but did the people come? Or did they go?

So here's the question: How will this place ever turn a profit?

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MAYA shopping mall ?, not another, never heard about this one,

where is it ?

regards Worgeordie

MAYA is on the corner of Huay Keaw Road and Nimmanhaemin also known as Rincome Corner, so it's very busy CMU, Doi Suthep etc.

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It'll do OK - a big new multiplex and high end shopping in CM's trendiest neighbourhood? The traffic's a bitch but a footbridge would steal a lot of pedestrians from Nimmenhamen and I hear a new condo is on the cards for the old Think Park site opposite (despite the fact that someone already built something new and as yet unused there). The real question is how long will KSK struggle along with competition for many of its tenants stronger than ever before although, come to think about it, it's uniquely down market as malls go - maybe that's its niche!

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I think that we are all forgetting the various malls that are springing up.

Promenada, Central Festival, Star Avenue (more of a 'lifestyle'), Gard Farang is apparently building another mall!!!

and all the various other fashion malls.

The traffic in Nimman area is notorious as is. Personally I don't think that I'll be there often. Central Fest is closer.

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It'll do OK - a big new multiplex and high end shopping in CM's trendiest neighbourhood? The traffic's a bitch but a footbridge would steal a lot of pedestrians from Nimmenhamen and I hear a new condo is on the cards for the old Think Park site opposite (despite the fact that someone already built something new and as yet unused there). The real question is how long will KSK struggle along with competition for many of its tenants stronger than ever before although, come to think about it, it's uniquely down market as malls go - maybe that's its niche!

Yup, KSK is pretty much a dump, I was washing my car there not long ago and took a look at the support pillars, they're showing some visible cracks, so more than likely all or most anyway of the customers from KSK would go to MAYA. I think?

That park, what is it? They moved some cranes in there not long ago??

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There's so many people who like this KSK, but come on when it was built there was not a lot of quality building materials used, maybe they should just knock it down, Cetral Pattana have enough money, they could donate the land and make a park 55555555!

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I'm psyched for the Maya to open.

Big new tops to shop at. Probably lots of other restaurants to eat in. Girls in skirts prancing around.

Anything that keeps me off the deadly/stinky roads is welcome and this is closer to where I live than KSK.

These new malls might even cut down on some area traffic as people will be driving less to get to the mall.

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Just a pedantic comment for all you hoping to hop a songthaew or tuk tuk to the new Maya shopping mall once it opens: according to the Thai spelling the name doesn't rhyme with the Central American culture. Think more like the month of "May"+"a".

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you dont even need to knock down KSK, just renovate the inside. The location is great and that dirt parking lot in the back near HK residence can become a future MRT stop (hey, If I can dream about a massive reno, why not push the dream a bit?).

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Just a pedantic comment for all you hoping to hop a songthaew or tuk tuk to the new Maya shopping mall once it opens: according to the Thai spelling the name doesn't rhyme with the Central American culture. Think more like the month of "May"+"a".

exactly. who was the genius who decided on the spelling of the place?

Should have spelled it "Meya"

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Traffic is already a mess there. No idea how they plan to manage the traffic once the mall opens. To say it will be a disaster is an understatement.

And if you come from the Superhighway direction, you'll have to U turn at the Rincome intersection to get to Maya. That will be fun.. That intersection isn't nearly busy enough now, good to get in some more usage...? :)

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Traffic is already a mess there. No idea how they plan to manage the traffic once the mall opens. To say it will be a disaster is an understatement.

And if you come from the Superhighway direction, you'll have to U turn at the Rincome intersection to get to Maya. That will be fun.. That intersection isn't nearly busy enough now, good to get in some more usage...? smile.png

or you could do the long/slow way, come up pass the KSK!!!

Or maybe into nimman and do a loop in a soi.

But which ever option you pick, it'll be a big inconvenience.

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Suppose I could turn right at Wat Ched Yod, then into the sois and end up on Huay Kaew near The Harbour, just up the road from Maya. ;)

Those sois could really use more traffic too; we aren't quite at Bangkok level soi-congestion yet... Come on Nimman-area! We know you can get there!!!

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I say knock them all down and rebuild KSK bigger and better. I have a soft spot for the first decent mall in Chiang Mai and I like the location.

KSK is way past its sell by date and causes too much congestion where it is--CM is at the stage where big stores have to on the peripheral. Would be better turning it into something useful like a cemetery for the smoky songthaew/tuk-tuk oversupply.

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  • 7 months later...

Just to enlighten you all about the name Maya, the mall is named after the birth mother of Guatama Buddha

Nothing to do with Mayans or the mesoamerican civilization, wow, so now you can all impress your friends and tell

them that the mall is named after buddhas mother and they will think you are soooooo clever

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Just to enlighten you all about the name Maya, the mall is named after the birth mother of Guatama Buddha

Nothing to do with Mayans or the mesoamerican civilization, wow, so now you can all impress your friends and tell

them that the mall is named after buddhas mother and they will think you are soooooo clever

All the post have been some time before today's one, has anyone actually been there will be staying not far from it as of tomorrow and might give it a try.
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Just to enlighten you all about the name Maya, the mall is named after the birth mother of Guatama Buddha

Nothing to do with Mayans or the mesoamerican civilization, wow, so now you can all impress your friends and tell

them that the mall is named after buddhas mother and they will think you are soooooo clever

No it isn't. The name of the new mall in Thai is pronounced "me-ya" (เมญ่า).

The Thai name for Buddha's mother is Maha Maya. (มหามายา)

It's a totally different vowel and a different letter "y".

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Just to enlighten you all about the name Maya, the mall is named after the birth mother of Guatama Buddha

Nothing to do with Mayans or the mesoamerican civilization, wow, so now you can all impress your friends and tell

them that the mall is named after buddhas mother and they will think you are soooooo clever

All the post have been some time before today's one, has anyone actually been there will be staying not far from it as of tomorrow and might give it a try.

I was in there today. The one thing that really caught my eye was they had a Birkenstock shoe store there. Don't know a lot about shoes but I do know they are a quality shoe.

Don't let any one tell you it is or it isn't good. There is more shops to be opened there and it will take a while to fully explore it. I was in there today with the wife who really is an anchor if you want to see some thing she wouldn't even bother to look at the map on each floor. I will be going back by my self. If I can figure out the movie schedule on my computer I will be trying the theater out. I tried out http://www.sfcinemacity.com/index.php/en/movies/nowshowing and it is kind of useless. No where as good as the other SF theater at the Promenada.

Any how the roof is not open yet and it is supposed to be quite the thing. The Rimping market seemed kind of small to me and the aisle's were defiantly narrow.

give it some time and take your time to look around it. If you are close by it may be just the ticket for you. We had to cross the super highway on foot. No problem they have a stop light. Just use the same caution you would crossing any other street in Chiang Mai. for my self it looks promising but as I say it is not done yet. Time will tell.

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