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Be Careful: Raids Of Companies Occupied With Music-rights!


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A bit more than one year ago my (Thai) GF took over a Karaoke based restaurant. As she wanted to do everything clean she paid a music-rights’ company who was assuring her that she does not has to pay anymore. She got a sticker which she glued onto the computer and everybody happy.

Until around half a year ago somebody entered the restaurant during night time and started taking pictures of the computer screen.

Outside some representatives of a company where waiting with cars readily parked, a police officer and some “heavy” boys to do the “heavy” job.

It seemed that for some of the songs (30.000 according to the law) no rights were paid. Luckily there were a lot of local guests present making a big fuzz otherwise the equipment had been demounted and confiscated.

Somebody helped here and paid around Baht 35.000 otherwise she was arrested and deported to the police station awaiting a court case.

As it is almost impossible with music rights to follow the rules of the law as there is not a centralized office handling this matter one depends of more than 7 companies who are even swapping the music in between them.

And as mentioned, the Thai law is speaking about 30.000 songs!

Anyway, as it seems that some of these companies are playing a game together, yes, 1 month ago the same story but now another company. As I new now what it is all about I threw the “paparazzi” out because he even started to take pictures of the clients which was in my opinion mot evident in this matter.

The police officer started threatening in English, after 5 minutes thinking of the text that I had should take me to the police station.

Again a hugh defense by the clients which avoided that the equipment should disappear. Nobody of the intruders expected such a loyal behavior and hesitated to act.

Anyway, as my GF disappeared before being arrested somebody-else of her family was taken to the police station and was only allowed to go after the funds of around Baht 40.000 had been paid. Luckily she has been helped by clients with knowledge of the law and others in higher positions than normal.

Now, finally the 2 companies were able to explain where it is all about and she paid again around Baht 40.000 to both of them for 2 legal stickers. But she is still not fully covered because there are several other companies.

One should say that the companies’ policy is to contact their “clients” using their music or even warn once on forehand. No, TIT.

So, when you are using music in your premises investigate that you have paid rights to everyone and if not, be aware that some day a spy is consuming something with his “team” waiting around the corner!

See also the topic: “software Police” Do they exist? in Internet, Computers etc.

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