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Everybody knows that money is important in life, therefore in Relationships.

A man and a woman go into Long Term Relationships and often get out of it.

Since Money is very important, often they are a decisive factor when two people form a Long Term Relationship.

Here comes the Question:

Do women marry men for money more often than men marry women for money? Why do you think so?

NOTE: This is a general question. Try to give a general answer.

This is a male/female question, not a Thai/Farang question.

Leave the Pros out of it. This is only about Long Term Relationships.

No need to go feral, viral, personal or abusive. Keep your personal life to yourself.

Good Hunting!... smile.png


Sometimes, but it's really difficult to provide an accurate answer as there's no statistics to confirm whether "more often" or less.

I think it comes with sincere acts. If both people are sincere in a relationship, so it can last as long as there's love.


Good luck with those rules here. Especially since the topic as you defined it isn't appropriate for TV.com.

But to answer, I'd say of course, and the reason is that it's been traditional in most societies since we invented money for men to earn most of it for the family. Therefore what you talk about has been much more socially acceptable for women than for men, there's a stigma, sometimes just a subtle one and not held by all, attached to a man marrying "up", especially if he then stops working as hard as he would have had to otherwise.

Personally I prefer my wives to be traditional like that, but now that I think about it it's because I prefer to be the dominant partner - if I married a wealthy woman who was happy to be submissive then I guess I'd be OK with that.


Did you know that if a man and woman are in love. the man is much more likely to make sacrifices for her than she is for him? Also, men fall in love faster. These are in general, of course, but they're true as far as I've read.

In the natural balance of things, men are suppose to be the providers, and in many cases this is what women expect.

These days everything is very commercial, it`s become a highly competitive, materialistic world, they all want more and more

Does this answers your questions?


Good luck with those rules here. Especially since the topic as you defined it isn't appropriate for TV.com. But to answer, I'd say of course, and the reason is that it's been traditional in most societies since we invented money for men to earn most of it for the family. Therefore what you talk about has been much more socially acceptable for women than for men, there's a stigma, sometimes just a subtle one and not held by all, attached to a man marrying "up"

Thanks, Cluey. Have faith with the rules - I want this discussion to be civil.

I agree with you that there are much more women marrying men for money than the other way around. As to the reasons for this imbalance I think they are less socio-economic as you suggest, but rather biological.

Willi, of course there is no statistics (maybe there is, but we do not know). Any research into this question on a large scale would cause cannibalistic violent response from Feminists. But we all use street wisdom, hear the news, hear of lawsuits from Presidents to pop Stars to average people etc. For example, did you hear of a woman having raped a man?.. There is no doubt that marriage for money happens on both side of the fence. But my gut feeling is that it is a very rare occasion with men and almost a 'norm' with women.


Simple answer : Women don't have half of the career opportunities men do and are paid less.

Maternity comes in the way, not many men are prepared to take time off to help out with the kids so women need providers


Did you know that if a man and woman are in love. the man is much more likely to make sacrifices for her than she is for him? Also, men fall in love faster. These are in general, of course, but they're true as far as I've read.

In the natural balance of things, men are suppose to be the providers, and in many cases this is what women expect.

These days everything is very commercial, it`s become a highly competitive, materialistic world, they all want more and more

Does this answers your questions?

Yes, Beetlejuice, this answers my question, thank you. Not quite sure it is reflecting the real situation. Let me see if I understand your position.

Are you saying that 'yes, much more women marry men for money than the other way around, for natural reasons - men are supposed to be providers'. If this is correct, it should work both ways equally.

This commercial, materialistic, competitive world is ours too. We, men also want and expect more and more. Why the imbalance?

Remember, we are talking statistics. Huge numbers! There should be no imbalance, but it exists...

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